How To Live A Happy Life

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
12 Rules to Live a Happy Life
Video: 12 Rules to Live a Happy Life


Everyone wants to have a happy life. Although happiness can be determined or weighed differently by each person, some of the basic qualities of a happy life are quite common. Research has shown that no matter when you start life, the way you live your life in adulthood determines your overall happiness in life rather than your financial situation, or even your own. your happiness when you are young. Learning how to live better and feel more positive about the world will help you live a happy and meaningful life.


Method 1 of 4: Live a Healthier Life

  1. Minimize the negative things you say to yourself. Anyone can indulge in a time of talking to themselves at some point. Although some people think this action motivates them, many studies have shown that it can actually contribute to the development of stress, depression, and poor coping skills. Learning how to identify negativity during self-talk can help you realize a moment when you start to think badly about yourself, and this will make it easier for you to focus. into more positive thinking methods. Some forms of negative self-talk include:]
    • Screening - This behavioral issue involves ignoring or "filtering out" of all the positive aspects of your life or in a particular situation and focusing instead on the negative. An example of this might be to underestimate every accomplishment you have on the job and instead focus on a problem that you cannot successfully solve.
    • Personalization - this means blaming yourself for everything. It can also involve interpreting any criticism of a particular situation in such a way that you are to blame and deserve to be blamed. A good example of this might be knowing that your friends are unable to attend the party and assuming they cancel the plan just to avoid you.
    • Exacerbating - means automatically preparing or waiting for the worst to happen. Examples of this include the assumption that the rest of the day is going to get worse because you ran into a small setback at the start of your day.
    • One-way bias - this involves seeing things, people, and situations in either perfect or completely bad direction. Examples of this situation might include assuming that you were a bad employee because you took a day off.

  2. Positive thinking. Thinking positively doesn't mean that you should ignore the bad or unhappy things in your life. It simply means that you should approach every situation in life, both good and bad, with a positive outlook and effective thinking. You can develop positive thinking skills in small steps every day. To start thinking positively, you can:
    • Identify problems with which you tend to have negative thoughts, and identify the reasons
    • Evaluate your thoughts and feelings during the day
    • Find humor in every day-to-day situation and allow yourself to smile or laugh when you're feeling down
    • have a healthy lifestyle
    • spend time meeting positive people (and stay away from negative people as much as possible).
    • be polite to yourself - a good rule to follow is to avoid thinking about yourself in a way you would never want to talk to others about.
    • Try to look for the positive in negative situations
    • visualize a more positive future for yourself, and determine what you need to do to make it happen.

  3. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness involves developing awareness of where you are, what you are doing, and how you feel / feel in the present moment. Mindfulness practice can reduce stress, manage anxiety and depression, and improve your mood.
    • Focus on your breathing. Be aware of the physical sensation of each breath moving through your nostrils, the rising and falling of your abdomen, and the feeling of your legs and feet on a chair or floor.
    • Try to focus all your senses on what you do. When you eat, look at the food for a moment and smell it. You may want to touch food with your hands so that you can feel it with the touch. Try to guess what it will taste like, and chew slowly to enjoy spreading it.

  4. Follow a healthy diet. The food you eat has a huge impact on your emotions. Avoiding unhealthy foods is not enough, you also need to provide vitamins and nutrients to your body through the main food groups, and avoid overeating or too little.
    • Most adults need between 350 ml - 450 ml (1.5 - 2 cups) of 100% pure fruit juice per day.
    • Adults should eat 2.5 to 3 cups of fresh vegetables per day.
    • Choose whole grains over refined grains. Adults need to eat 170 - 220 grams of whole grains per day, depending on your age, gender, and activity level.
    • Eat a variety of protein foods every day. Adults typically need between 140 and 180 grams of lean protein, including seafood, poultry / eggs, tofu, beans, and nuts.
    • Choose low-fat or non-fat dairy products, including raw milk, yogurt, cheese, or soy milk. Adults typically need about 700 ml of dairy products per day.
    • Drink enough water. The general guideline for people living in temperate climates is that men need to drink 3 liters of water a day, and women should drink 2.2 liters. However, if you live in a hot climate, or if you have an active lifestyle (especially if you exercise regularly), you should increase your water intake to compensate for the loss of water. sweat.
  5. Managing stress in life. You can't avoid a stressful situation, but you can find ways to alleviate it. You can use relaxation techniques, such as meditation, visualization, tai chi, yoga, and deep breathing.
    • Practice deep breathing by breathing in and out from the diaphragm (below the ribs), instead of breathing shallowly in the chest area. Try to develop patterns of deep breathing, such as breathing in slowly for 5 counts, holding your breath for 5 seconds, and exhaling slowly for 5 seconds.
    • Practice meditating by sitting comfortably and away from any distractions. Use deep breathing techniques and try to focus solely on your breathing, letting go of any passing thoughts in your mind without judging or focusing on them.
    • Use visualization to calm your mind and create a better mood for yourself. Combine deep breathing and thinking about something soothing, such as a relaxing place or situation.
  6. Cultivate a healthy lifestyle. In addition to having a healthy diet, you also need to live a healthy and active lifestyle. How you take care of your body in the early and middle years of life can have a big impact on your health later in life.
    • Exercise regularly. Many experts recommend that you set aside at least 150 minutes per week for moderate aerobic activity, or at least 75 minutes per week for strenuous aerobic activity. Try to incorporate strength training exercises (such as lifting weights or using weights) at least twice a week to create a well-balanced fitness cycle.
    • Avoid smoking, and if you are a current smoker, quit. You can use tobacco cessation products such as nicotine gum or patches, and can be quite helpful if you join a support group or seek help from a friend / relative. .
    • Practice safe sex by always remembering to use condoms and should not have sex indiscriminately, just maintain a "monogamous" relationship.

Method 2 of 4: Finding Purpose in Life

  1. Determine what you value most. Everyone has important things in their lives, but what do you value more than anything else? Don't think about tangible matter. Instead, focus on what you want in life and can shape your meaning and purpose. A few common factors that have value in meaningful life include:
    • faith
    • family
    • friendship / relationship with others
    • sympathy
    • Forte
    • generosity / help to others
  2. Search for a career that can challenge you. Personal growth can give you a strong sense of your own meaning and aspiration. One of the best and most complete ways to achieve this is to find a career that challenges you to develop yourself.
    • Find out what your passions are. You can start this process by testing your own worth. Do you value sympathy and generosity? Perhaps a career that involves helping others will feel full of fulfillment.
    • Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Just because you're feeling good at your job doesn't mean you get the satisfaction or true fulfillment of it. You should find ways to pursue your passion through volunteering, and if you like it, you can find out if there is a way you can turn it into a full-time professional job. or not.
    • Having a good job creates a strong will and brings a sense of fulfillment more than what money can do. Of course, you also need to be financially stable, but living a life of purpose will be more important than achieving meaningless wealth.
  3. Consider pursuing your spiritual life. For many people, spiritual life can mean religious life, but spiritual life does not require you to join any religious organization. It is perfectly possible to live a spiritual life without having to join any religion, however, many people find that religion gives them a sense of fulfillment.
    • Reflect on yourself every day. Learn how to control and take responsibility for your thoughts, words, and actions.
    • Find ways to increase your empathy for others. Try to help others when needed, whatever their situation.
    • Try to maintain positive hope and attitude, even in stressful or dire situations.
    • Immersed in nature. The natural world is extremely calming, and many people find that being in it gives them a sense of happiness. You should try walking in the woods, admiring the scenery whenever you are outdoors. You can also bring nature to your environment by planting a garden or planting flowers in your home or garden.
  4. Reach out to the community. Being in a community is important for your mental health. It can also help shape purpose and meaning in your life. Even introverts often find that being part of a large community feels fulfilling and quite enjoyable.
    • Find groups with the same goal that you are passionate about.
    • Try to volunteer for a purpose with like-minded people.
    • Join the book club. Not only can you interact with people who share your interests, but you can also bond with them through certain artwork.

Method 3 of 4: Coping with Life's Challenges

  1. Facing difficulties. It will be easier if you run away instead of facing the challenge face-to-face. However, avoiding the problem will only leave you with more problems in the future and can make you feel out of control. The best way to cope with life's challenges and difficulties is to recognize them and face them.
    • Don't get away when dealing with problems. Mention problems as soon as they arise and acknowledge that you need to pay attention to a particular problem.
    • Think about times when you have faced problems in the past. You will be able to develop a stronger will and a greater sense of your confidence. You need to keep this in mind as you approach a big new problem, and use it as a way to calm yourself down.
  2. Accept what you have, not what you want. One of the best ways to feel satisfied with your living conditions (no matter how difficult it may be) is to learn to accept the nature of the situation. Although you may wish it could be easier (such as having more money, a job or better health), immersing yourself in things you don't own won't help. Your current life just got easier.
    • Remember that without tough times, you won't be able to cherish the good times.
    • Accepting your own life is the only way you can truly appreciate what you have. Show gratitude to the people in your life, no matter how difficult your current situation is.
    • Be aware that everyone has a similar problem in many ways. Life must be difficult, but it is because of your perseverance and care that life becomes fun and meaningful.
  3. Try to see the problem as an opportunity. It is not always easy to realize hope in challenging or unfortunate situations. But the difficult truth will often lead to a new understanding of yourself, a new perspective on life, and even a renewed will.
    • It can be difficult to see the problem as an opportunity to grow, but with mindfulness and practice you will quickly find that by living the challenge, you are actually growing yourself. .
    • Realize and remember that life is full of meaning. Just because you are struggling (such as unemployed or losing a loved one), or even suffering physical / medical pain (such as a chronic illness or disability), This doesn't mean your life is completely meaningless.
    • Try to take advantage of the problems in your life to motivate yourself. It is possible that living with an illness will give you the opportunity to engage with others in the awareness-raising process of others and the illness, or you can even try to find a way with others together. medicine.
    • Know that even if you can't deal with a problem smoothly, the process of facing the problem and trying to learn from them will help you develop yourself and become more confident. .

Method 4 of 4: Becoming a Better Person

  1. Expressed gratitude. Everyone has a ton of things to be grateful for in life, but in the chaos of everyday life, it's easy to forget that you need to express your gratitude. Increasing your gratitude in all situations and situations in your life can help you feel better, and can help you build a stronger will.
    • Write a letter to someone you appreciate (parent, friend, partner, etc.) and tell that person why you value them. Thank that person for all that they have done for you and let them know that you appreciate their friendship.
    • Journal about something you are grateful for. Of course, you can write about the big things in life, but you should also bring your journal with you and write down the little things. Perhaps a perfectly prepared hot latte at your favorite coffee shop will be what you need to feel better on a rainy, gray day. Often the little things can have a big impact on your daily life.
    • Take the time to focus on the fun places and everything you meet. Stop doing all of your activities to watch the sunset, or walk slowly in the park to enjoy the colors of the leaves around you.
    • Share good news and happy events with everyone in your life. Research has shown that sharing good news with someone you care about can increase joy and allow your friends and friends to participate in happy moments.
  2. Identify and use constructive feedback. It can be difficult to listen to what others think about your performance, but learning how to identify and use the constructive feedback you receive can help you develop your skills and make an effort to have a happier life.
    • Remember that criticism can be constructive or vice versa. For example, if after you've finished your presentation and someone tells you you've made a lot of mistakes and your presentation is boring then this is not a constructive criticism. . This is a bad statement and does not provide an opportunity for you to improve on your next presentation.
    • However, if a classmate says she enjoyed your presentation, but sometimes she finds it difficult to follow it because you speak too fast, this is a constructive response. You get compliments and can use this information to improve yourself in your next presentation.
    • If you get a frustrating response, take some time for yourself before you act or say anything. Go for a walk, call a friend, or do something distracting. Wait until you feel less upset to start thinking about how you can use feedback to improve yourself.
  3. Forgive yourself and others. Forgiveness is one of the most difficult things you can give to the person who hurt you. Forgiving yourself for doing something bad will be even more difficult. However, harboring anger, resentment, or even guilt can damage your self-awareness, your mental health, and your relationships in your life.
    • Any of us make mistakes, and we will often learn from them. This is the factor that helps someone become stronger and more attentive.
    • Forgiving others doesn't mean you need to let go of their wrongdoing. It also doesn't mean that you should turn yourself into a doormat that people can trample on. It simply means realizing that the person (including yourself) made a mistake, hoping that the person will learn, and letting go of anger and resentment. angry.
    • It is easier to forgive other people's mistakes than it is to forgive yourself. You shouldn't think of yourself to unfair standards. Accept that you are giving your best and try to learn from your mistakes.
  4. Cultivate empathy. Living with compassion will help you become a better friend, a more attentive person, and a happier person. In fact, many studies have shown that showing genuine sympathy and love for others can also give you a deeper understanding of how and why others live and think.
    • Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Your experience is not that different from everyone else, and everyone craves happiness, health, and affection.
    • Expresses warmth, sense of humor, and friendliness with everyone around.
    • Try to smile at the other person.A smile can be the little motivation others need to get through difficult moments.
    • Everyone has obstacles that they must overcome. We learn from everyday life, so it is completely natural to make mistakes.
    • Express an attitude of sincere gratitude to others. It's not just about being grateful when someone does something good for you. Learn how to appreciate the patience, love, and effort of everyone in your life, including those who work with you or for you.


  • Living a happy life may not be easy for you. You will probably need effort and awareness of many things. Ultimately, however, the process will be completely worth your effort.
  • Strive to improve each day for a happier life. Gradually, it will become a habit and it will become easier.
  • Sincerely and grateful to everyone in life. Take a look at all the good things and the kind people in life and always remember that life is great if you have the right attitude and support.