Ways to Live Healthy Through Eating Clean

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
BEGINNERS GUIDE TO HEALTHY EATING | 15 healthy eating tips
Video: BEGINNERS GUIDE TO HEALTHY EATING | 15 healthy eating tips


Because waist measurements tend to swell and disease rates are rising globally, many people have realized the benefits of healthy eating. A clean diet can help you maintain a healthy body weight, and also fight some serious illnesses, such as heart disease or cancer. If you don't know what a clean diet is - one that includes "real" or nature-friendly foods and limited processing - then it's not too late to change your eating habits. own. By rethinking your eating cycle, replacing some "unhealthy" habits, and maintaining a clean diet throughout your life, you can reap the many benefits of healthy eating. a healthy life.


Part 1 of 3: Rethinking Your Eating Habits

  1. Understand what is clean. The clean diet may sound like a completely simple concept, but it requires clear conditions in how food is prepared. Learning more about these conditions can help you change your diet and practice eating cleanly for a healthy lifestyle.
    • By definition, eating clean is consume food in its most natural state.
    • Therefore, a change in the natural nature of a food can also be listed in the processed food, even if it is a small change. For example, steaming broccoli or crushing apples to make apple sauce is considered a form of processed food.

  2. Evaluate your eating habits. Unless you have a basic understanding of the current dinner serving size, you can hardly eat it. Determining how you eat helps to identify good and bad habits, as well as certain foods or actions that can trigger unhealthy eating habits.
    • The best way is to keep a diary of your daily diet for 2 to 4 weeks. Write down everything you consume during this time, including a snack or random snack. You should also make a note of which foods are processed and which are pure. For example, you can take notes if you are enjoying oven-made bread or homemade bread.
    • It is a good idea to take note of how you feel each day. Writing down how you feel before and after each meal can make it easier for you to find the trigger of some unhealthy habits.
    • Make a note of everything you consider to be eaten clean in your journal. For example: "I eat a lot of fresh and clean mixed salads today", or "Today I have absorbed a large amount of processed industrial food."
    • Check out the whole foods and the actual foods you have consumed. This will help you maintain quality eating habits. Realizing your success will encourage and motivate you to eat healthier.

  3. Identify some unhealthy habits and find ways to change them. After two weeks, you can spot some unhealthy foods and find out if there is a specific cause for you to consume them. Find ways to change this habit by eliminating it entirely or replacing it with another healthy habit.
    • Check to see if there is another cause of unhealthy eating. Do you usually watch the promotional "Happy Hour" hours to eat at the restaurant, instead of eating at home properly? Or do you often eat more processed foods when you feel stressed or tired?
  4. Make a plan to change your diets to make them cleaner and healthier in everyday life. Once you recognize your eating habits, now is the right time to make a concrete plan to continue your healthy eating cycle and replace unhealthy ones. Consider planning a healthy lifestyle, including eating clean, exercising regularly, and taking time to rest and relax at the same time.
    • Along with developing your plan, you should also incorporate some healthy habits that you note down in your journal. It is better to create a meal plan that includes 3 quality meals, plus 2 nutritious snacks in a day.
    • This planner should include meals that cover all your nutritional needs so that you can stay healthy and stay fit. For example, make sure you get enough protein, vitamins, and fiber from foods like lean meats, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Should focus on foods that are less processed, often cooked, and change the texture slightly.
    • Make sure to divide your time equally for physical activity, such as walking or jogging, for at least 30 minutes a day. You should also take time to rest and relax, such as reading. They will help promote healthy eating habits and contribute to overall wellness.
    • Recognize certain places or circumstances that push you on a "sinful" path, like passing a delicious candy plate, bringing a box of donuts to work, or simply eating for a cold. feel depressed. Actively avoid eating and drinking in such circumstances or distract yourself if you can. Keeping healthy snacks on the table, like chopped apples or salads, can help avoid a sudden break from the habit of eating clean.
    • Consider allowing yourself about a day to relax from time to time and consume foods that are not part of your clean eating plan. By letting yourself consciously freely eat for one day, you will avoid repeating unhealthy eating behaviors for the next day.
  5. Talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian about your eating habits. If you are unsure how to eat clean and stay healthy, don't hesitate to talk to your doctor or a certified dietitian about how to replace processed foods with choice closer to nature. Your doctor can help you find problems and provide the best diet for your daily lifestyle.
    • Your local doctor or hospital can recommend a registered dietitian, or you can also find your own using the Nutrition Academy's online search engine. USA at the link: http://www.eatright.org/find-an-expert.
    • In case you don't want to consult a doctor or a dietitian, there are many reputable sources online that can help you develop the best eating plan for yourself.

Part 2 of 3: Switching to a Clean Diet

  1. Be aware of essential nutrients. Reminding yourself of the basics of nutrition can help you gain insight into what your body needs to promote a healthy life. This also helps you figure out which foods are best for your eating plan.
    • You will provide your body with proper nutrition if you incorporate clean foods from the following five food groups into your daily meals.These five food groups include: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and dairy products.
    • The body needs about 1 - 1.5 cups of fruit per day. You can get them through eating fruit, like raspberries, blueberries, oranges, bananas or strawberries, or from drinking 100% whole fruit juice. Make sure you always have a wide variety of fruits so that your body can replenish the large amounts of the nutrients it needs and don't process them at all costs. For example, eating a cup of pure water berries is much better than eating berries garnished on a cake.
    • The body needs about 2.5 - 3 cups of green vegetables per day. You can get them from eating whole vegetables, like broccoli, carrots, or bell peppers, or through drinking 100% green vegetable juice. Make sure to keep a wide variety of different types of vegetables in your body so that your body can replenish the large amounts of necessary nutrients.
    • It's not difficult to incorporate fruits and vegetables into a variety of dishes, like soups or stews, stir-fries, or even something as simple as a cup of Greek yogurt with fresh fruit for a dessert. mouth.
    • The body needs about 140 - 230 grams of whole grains a day, of which half of them should be raw grains. You can get whole grains and cereals from rice, pasta or whole wheat bread, oatmeal, or fortified cereals. Remember to minimize the processing of these foods. For example, brown rice and whole grain bread should be limited to processing over white rice or white bread because the embryo will not be separated from the grain.
    • The body needs about 140 - 185 grams of protein a day. You can get protein from lean meats, like beef, pork, or poultry; cooked beans; egg; peanut butter; or nuts.
    • The body needs about 2-3 cups of milk (355 ml) per day. You can consume dairy products from cheese, yogurt, milk, soy milk, or even ice cream.
    • Avoid foods that contain large amounts of sodium (salt). This type of food is commonly found in processed foods.
  2. Clean the kitchen. Look around the kitchen one at a time and get rid of all unhealthy and non-naturally sourced foods. This action will help strengthen your clean eating habits. The first and most important part is to give up the temptation of junk food out of the habitat. The home should be a safe place with plenty of healthy food choices.
    • Of course, you don't have to leave all the food in the kitchen. Just exclude junk food and industrial food, such as chips, cookies, candies, and pastries, or frozen / processed foods.
    • Consider donating all unused food to your local relief food store.
  3. Stockpiles / replenishment for your kitchen. After removing junk food from your kitchen, replenish it with clean, healthy food. Eating clean and nutritious food will help reinforce healthy eating habits, and also stay away from some other unhealthy habits.
    • You may find that hoarding clean food requires you to go shopping more often. If this doesn't work, consider frozen fruits and vegetables, as they are just as healthy as fresh and less processed vegetables. You can also easily incorporate them into any dish, such as stir-fries or Greek yogurt.
    • Don't forget to stock up on quality grains, such as whole-grain pasta, oatmeal, and brown rice, so you can make meals simple and quick in a hurry.
    • Buy dairy products, such as yogurt, milk, or cheese to make sure your body is getting enough protein and calcium.
    • Buy protein-rich foods, such as beans, nuts, and fresh meats.
    • Choose healthy oils, like olive oil, walnut oil, and sesame oil, over butter or margarine.
    • Stock up on more herbs and spices to improve and add flavor to your dish, depending on what you crave.
  4. Slowly change your diet. While you may seem eager to get the whole thing going for you, it's important to slowly make a comprehensive ration change. This will help you to be more persistent in eating clean for a healthy life.
    • Focus on eating clean with every meal; however, you can slowly find ways to replace processed foods. For example, if you usually use white rice to cook rice in one meal, switch to brown rice and slowly eat more vegetables and less rice at the same time.
    • Remember to allow yourself to eat and drink from time to time so you can stay on the right track.

Part 3 of 3: Staying Healthy and Eating a Healthy Diet

  1. Plan meals on a regular and regular basis. Planning your meals in advance will help you avoid falling back into unhealthy eating habits. This can help ensure that you get the bulk of the nutrients you need and can even save you a lot of money.
    • For example, planning your breakfast will help you kick off your day in a great way. If you don't have any lunch parties, carrying a clean and unprocessed lunchbox will help keep you away from buying unhealthy snacks. In case you go to lunch with friends or partners, limit the order of processed foods and choose foods rich in natural sources on the menu. Mixed salads are considered a right and clean choice.
  2. Allow yourself a few days to relax. Nobody is perfect, and sometimes you won't be able to resist the junk food. Allow yourself a few free days to absorb unhealthy foods and foods you don't regularly eat on a clean meal plan.
    • One evidence suggests that allowing yourself to consciously let go for a few days will help you maintain your diet in the long run, because you don't let yourself restrain anything.
    • You may also find that you don't even consume industrial food as often as you do when consuming clean food.
    • Never berate yourself or allow any mistake or indulgent day to stop your healthy eating habits. To encounter obstacles is completely normal.
  3. Eat clean at the restaurant. Eating out can be a major hurdle for many people who are accustomed to a clean diet, because they will face a lot of processed, high-fat, and calorie dishes. Consciously limiting certain foods and having the choice of breakfast when eating at a restaurant will help you reinforce healthy eating habits.
    • Stay away from some unhealthy pitfalls, like bagels, fried foods, or creamy sauces like fettuccine alfredo (long-stemmed pasta stuffed into a creamy Parmesan cheese sauce and black pepper).
    • Mixed salads or steamed veggies and steaks are perfect as they are clean and have limited processing.
    • Say no to buffet, as this is a place with a lot of processed and unhealthy foods that can induce you to eat uncontrollably.
    • For desserts, choose whole fruits as they are clean and healthy.


  • Consult with a registered dietitian before starting a new nutrition and exercise plan.