How to forget someone

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Forget Someone you Love?
Video: How to Forget Someone you Love?


We all experience this feeling: even though you and someone have gone their separate ways, it seems that their silhouette is still around like an unending obsession. When you break up with your ex or end a friendship with someone, it may take months or even years to get them out of your mind. Old memories and "what if" questions will still stick in your mind if you don't take action to replace those thoughts with positive ones. By letting go of the past, changing your mindset and creating new memories, you will forget someone who made you feel empty, angry or depressed. Let's start with step 1 below.


Part 1 of 3: Let go of the past

  1. Closing the past. Do you find yourself having imaginary conversations with someone you will never forget? Do you always torment that if only you could say one more word to them, things would have been different? If there are still unsolved things about the person you're trying to forget, it's much more difficult to get rid of their image in your mind. It's hard to shake off the tingling feeling of an unfinished issue, so it's a good idea to find a way to close everything that was over. Once there is nothing wrong with that person, the wound in your heart will be less bloody, and the sadness will gradually fade.
    • If you've ever hidden something from the other person that you can't forget, you may feel a bit more relieved to say it. Maybe you owe them an apology or have something to explain. Consider expressing it in an email or handwritten letter and sending it to them; That way you won't have to face the person.

    • Be honest with yourself about the practicality of reconnecting with your ex. If you broke up with your boyfriend two years ago and now he has a new girlfriend, then it wouldn't be easier to go to your ex with questions about why he cheated.After all, you will only feel sadness and anger, plus the humiliation that makes things worse.

    • Try writing a letter and cancel it. Even if you don't have the desire to talk to the ex or the contact is impossible, you can partially close the past by writing down your thoughts as if you were dealing with the person. Write it all down, but then throw or burn the letter instead of sending it. This experience is a relief without causing additional trouble.

  2. Don't try to understand everything. Before everything seemed perfect, but something happened and ruined everything. If you know what's causing the problem, can you go back in time and start over? Actually, no. Our natural reaction is to try to log things down, but in reality, emotions rarely change for just one particular reason. If you dwell on the past forever to find answers, you will run out of energy and mental breakdown. The old things belong to the past, and contemplating the past will not help you forget the person who made your heart ache.
    • Try not to recall past events. You are training your mind to refresh those memories frequently. The more you reflect on past things, the more you will be continue Think about it.
  3. Get rid of mementos. Getting rid of mementos that remind us of someone we once loved may not be easy. Maybe you also keep pictures, letters, mementos and gifts from people you can't forget. Anyway, it will be a positive step and in the right direction if you force yourself to throw everything away, no matter how difficult it is. How can you forget if you look at things that remind you of the old person?
    • It is best not to leave anything behind. Donate, recycle or burn it if possible. If you can't do that, you can put everything in a normal box and store it deep in the wall cabinet. But if the box is still there, sometimes you will be tempted to sneak it open, and all attempts to forget the person will turn out to be in vain.

    • Eliminate memories on electronic devices. Delete all messages. Delete images posted on the network. Please delete email as well. Anything that makes your heart sob for an old person must be eliminated. You may also have to unfriend the person on Facebook and delete all of their contact information from your phone.

  4. Take down the monument. Many of us have a tendency to allow time to fill someone's flaws. You may have forgotten all the quarrels with your ex, you can only remember how gorgeous her hair was when the two of them walked side by side in the sun, and it felt so wonderful to be with her. when night falls. You may think that you will never get back those lost feelings with your ex. If you want to forget someone, you need to tear down the stone pedestal on which you placed them and remember what really belonged to them.
    • Try writing down all of the factors that lead to the breakdown, whether it's a relationship, a relationship, or something completely different. Be completely honest.
    • It doesn't have to be a long list of the other person's negative points. There are many good reasons why a relationship ends. "I and that person have different goals", "She did not understand who I really am", "Back then we were different." Believe that a relationship ends with a good reason, no matter who is actively saying the breakup.
  5. Believe that you will definitely forget. If the memories of the person you are trying to forget always follow you, you will think you will never be able to get over it. People often say "Time will heal all wounds", so why is your wound not healed yet? It will definitely heal. By reading this article and taking the steps to change your mindset, you are on the right track. You won't get what you want overnight, but you will get through. You can't erase all of the person's image from your memory, but you can completely get rid of their influence over your feelings, and you're ready to move on. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Adjusting the way of thinking

  1. Learn to live in the present moment. When your thoughts are always directed toward what could have happened, it will be difficult to pay attention to what's happening right now. But when you pay attention to what's going on and connect with the present, your mind leaves no room for memories and worries. Mindfulness is a really helpful exercise to help you focus on the present moment. Here are a few things you can do as your thoughts spin endlessly in the whirlwind of memories of your ex:
    • Pay attention to where you are standing or sitting. Listen to your body's sensations and immerse yourself in your surroundings. Direct your thoughts on what's going on - your feet walking on the sidewalk, the breeze on your cheeks, someone's laughter in the wind. Try to gather together every time a memory comes up that threatens to swallow you.

    • Say something out loud. The sound you emit will quickly redirect your thoughts. Say something like "I am here", or "This is the present moment". It may sound strange, but voices will help you take control of your thoughts.

  2. Stick to reality. No matter what you want, you simply cannot go back and change what happened. It can be painful to admit, but reminding yourself of this can help you forget the person. Plan to return to the real world when memories of your ex are just waiting to torment you all day. Living in the present will help your body and mind remember that this moment that is important. Here are a few things you can do:
    • Chat with a friend. Call someone to talk about topics that have nothing to do with them that guy.

    • Be physically active. Go for a walk, run or swim. Take your dog outside or to a yoga class. The movement of the body has a miraculous effect in clearing the mind.

    • Do something to satisfy your senses. Cook a delicious meal or leisurely enjoy a hot tub with a glass of wine. Go to a concert or watch a soccer match. Do something that excites all of your senses.

  3. Find hobbies. When things seem unbearable, it's okay to indulge in pleasure sometimes. Recreation can help rest your mind and remind you that you can also think about things other than the sadness that is invading your mind.
    • Reading books, watching movies and TV shows, playing games and other hobbies can help you heal your wound. Try to choose something that isn't reminiscent of the person you're trying to forget.

    • Indulging in pastime is sometimes different from a lifestyle that escapes reality. It is important that you do not start watching TV or playing games all day.

    • Likewise, do not turn to alcohol or stimulants for relief. People are more prone to addiction when they engage in substance abuse as a means of salvation from negative emotions.

  4. Please believe that it will be bright tomorrow. The thought that your best life has passed never again can be just a distorted notion. If you think that the person haunting you is the image that represents your brilliant years, then don't be surprised at how difficult it is to let go. It's time to go back to the present, look to the future, and realize that you have much more to look forward to.
    • If you miss someone you used to love now, there will come a time when you will be able to enjoy the memory and relationship as it is and the role it plays in the story of your life. friend.

Part 3 of 3: Welcoming new things

  1. Find new experiences. To forget someone, there is nothing better than creating new memories.People who have recently divorced, broken up or experienced losses often spend time traveling and experiencing. Really new experiences can help you clear those old spider webs and regain focus.
    • Visit places you've never been, even if it's just a few cities nearby.
    • Try finding a new hobby.
    • Sign up for a class.
    • Get out of the house more.
    • Listen to new music.
    • Go to a new restaurant.
    • Play as a traveler in the city you live in and visit places you've never been to.
    • Explore the local parks and nature reserves.
    • Visit a museum.
    • Attend festivals and fairs.
  2. Take care of the world around you. Mindfulness of everything around us is always parallel with mindfulness. Instead of always getting in the way of your thoughts, look outside and pay attention to what's going on. The habit of thinking about other things instead of your own troubles requires practice. Even if it's not easy at first, just pretend you can do it - and you will eventually realize how much more interesting the present moment is than the past.
    • Find out what's going on in the community. Participate in local politics and give opinions on issues that affect you and those around you.

    • Really listen when you talk to people. Think about their story instead of always worrying about themselves.

    • Find ways to help others. Volunteering is a great way to get out of your circle.

  3. Change your surroundings. If you are still living in the same place as the person you are trying to forget, it may be difficult to get rid of those memories. Changing your environment is extremely helpful. Even if you can't afford to move, you can still do lots of things to refresh your surroundings.
    • Restoring furniture.

    • Paint the wall.

    • Shop for a few new items, such as pillows or a new table lamp.

    • Choose a new route to work instead of the old one you normally take.

  4. Change appearance. A few changes in appearance also help you to have more joy in life. The purpose here is not to turn into a whole new person, but to make a few changes to make you feel like you are stepping into a new page of your life - happy, healthy and caring. Here are a few ideas:
    • Change hair. Dye, cut, or style differently.

    • Shop a few more clothes to add to your wardrobe. Try a new look or a color you wouldn't normally choose.

    • Buy new personal products. Fifteen years ago you used only one brand of deodorant? Do you wear only one perfume? Make a change!

    • Try new exercises.

    • Choose new foods for breakfast.

  5. Meet new people. Connecting with new people is a great way to erase pictures of the person you're trying to forget. Surround yourself with optimistic and inspirational people. Whether your goal is to make friends or find a partner, meeting new people is a very exciting way to reconnect with the world. Your mind will be filled with plans and prospects, and the image of the person you want to forget will eventually recede before you even realize it. advertisement


  • Be strong.
  • Make friends with new ones.
  • Continue to have fun living and meet a new person.
  • Try to look at the situation gently.


  • If you have severe depression or are suicidal, see a psychotherapist right away.