Ways to Grow from a girl to a woman

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Tips To Grow From A GIRL To A CLASSIC WOMAN || Become the mature woman you were meant to be!
Video: 7 Tips To Grow From A GIRL To A CLASSIC WOMAN || Become the mature woman you were meant to be!


Each woman has a different story about her growing up. But many people have one thing in common: to become a true woman, they have to undergo enormous physical, mental, and intellectual changes. One of these changes is under your control, while another is a biological process that takes place at a specific time. Becoming a woman doesn't happen overnight - but it takes years for you to grow from a girl to a woman - however, these are the years that can give you valuable life experiences that help set the direction of your adulthood.


Part 1 of 3: Mental maturity

  1. Telling yourself that being a woman revolves around your thoughts. Becoming a woman is not just about the development of your body: it's also about how you think and feel about yourself. It may take time and effort before you become a woman, but there are a few steps you can take to prepare for this transformation.

  2. Read books on adult topics and about women. The world is constantly changing, and there are quite a few things you need to learn. Consider buying or visiting the library for books that can help guide you into the women's world. Pay attention to the memoirs and autobiography of the woman you respect. You will learn more about the challenges they face, and this will help you cope with your own challenges.

  3. Learn about appropriate social skills and behaviors. If you act like an adult, not only will others treat you likewise, you will also develop higher self-esteem. Some key steps you can take include:
    • Avoid procrastination. You should take responsibility for your commitments, and complete your tasks on time.
    • Possesses good manners. Being kind and polite will prepare you to become a responsible adult.
    • Stand up and protect yourself. Being polite is important, but it doesn't mean you have to allow others to trample you. You should learn to present your point with confidence, even if the people around you aren't acting as polite as you are.
  4. Act with confidence. While women tend to underestimate their abilities, men often overestimate their abilities. This problem is known as "confidence gap". Keep this in mind as you reach adulthood: even if you are worrying about a task, you may be the best in the field. Some techniques to help you overcome a gap in confidence include:
    • Look for a typical female role model. Finding a woman in leadership roles can help you learn leadership skills, like how to converse with confidence, supervise the group, and provide constructive criticism.
    • Don't allow your "nice" qualities to make you falter. Kindness and politeness are important skills for adulthood, but women are often expected to be polite and kind rather than show off their knowledge and expertise. Try to strike a balance between being kind and taking your stance.
    • Speak confidently. Practice conversing with others with confidence and strength.Stand up straight, pronounce clearly, make eye contact with the person listening to you, and speak in a clear tone. Don't make an affirmative statement in the same way that you are asking a question or asking for permission ("raise your voice at the end").
    • Passing on skills to others. Just as young girls often rely on other adult women for leadership skills, you can be a role model for the younger generation as well. You should pass on your unique knowledge and skills to a young person who could benefit from it, and continue to hone your skills.
  5. Learn about the world. Staying up to date with the latest events and current news is a great way to express understanding and responsibility. You will have a wealth of material for a mature conversation and at the same time begin to learn about your place in the world at the same time. This method will help you determine your own worth when entering adulthood. You should:
    • Regularly read books, watch movies, or listen to the news.
    • Find journalists you respect and follow their articles.
    • Read well-researched books about real people about the topics that interest you.
    • Make your own decisions. Although you will need to gather information from other sources first, you will be able to analyze the events yourself over time. If you are old enough to vote, you should vote for the candidate and the policy that best suits you. If not, you can find other ways to get involved, such as by writing, signing a petition, or volunteering to help an organization that interests you.
  6. Participate in the ritual of maturity. Almost every culture has important rituals that mark the moment when a boy becomes a man or when a girl becomes a woman. These rituals will help young people feel more mature and as if they were full members of the community. Whether it's Sweet 16's (Sweet 16), Quinceanera (Latin version of Sweet 16), or Ji Li (China's 15-year-old girl's celebration party), they're all rituals. Act as a milestone in the life of a young girl. Depending on your culture, you might want to plan a ceremony or an adult party to mark the beginning of your female transition and say goodbye to your girlhood.
  7. Set goals for yourself and live up to it. It is important that you set independent goals for the life path you want. Your goals will be different from your parents and they can be influenced by your friends and others. You can even set completely different goals with your family or group of friends. Perhaps the most difficult factor for an adult woman is that she will live up to her own decisions and values. Think carefully about your desire for life, and formulate a plan to live by that goal. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Skills development for the women's world

  1. Telling yourself that being a woman doesn't revolve around physical changes. Becoming a real woman requires emotional, psychological, and behavioral maturity. Most importantly: you must learn to be independent. This includes learning new skills and habits to help you succeed as an adult.
  2. Research the skill you want to build. There are quite a few things you need to learn. You won't be able to learn everything right away, but these life skills will allow you to build your own path in the world without having to rely on anyone. Consider buying or consulting library books that can help guide you into the female world. Pay attention to read the types of guidebook to learn valuable skills. The Internet, your friends, and a trusted mentor will be a great resource for learning the skills needed for an independent woman.
  3. Financial management. Financial responsibility is important as you grow from little girl to woman. Maybe you're doing your first job, preparing money to pay for college, or thinking about moving out. In these cases, you need to learn important skills like:
    • Balance your checkbook.
    • Keep a close eye on your income and expenses.
    • Pay taxes on time.
    • Save money on big purchases and create a safety plan.
    • Find out when you can borrow, and when is not right.
  4. Determine the means of transport. One way to become a self-made woman is to figure out how to get from Point A to Point B without depending on your parents. Depending on your age and location, you can find information about applying for or taking the driver's license test. If not, you can search for public transportation so you can travel freely to schools, companies, and other locations.
  5. Learn skills at work. Staying committed, being on time, being accountable for your actions, and responding appropriately with criticism will be of great help in your life as a woman, especially if you are are pursuing a career. Finding and keeping a job will allow you to learn how to be independent and also give you the financial freedom to grow into a real woman.
  6. Take care of personal hygiene and appearance. As your body grows, it will require different elements to look healthy and attractive. For example, you will have to shower more often than you were a kid, and you need to use a variety of products to clean your face because it is very prone to breakouts. Other factors that you need to keep in mind are:
    • Keep hair clean. Whether your hair is short or long, straight or curly, you need to try to keep it looking neat. You can bun your hair, keep it short that you can easily take care of, or regularly trim split ends.
    • Pay attention to your clothes. You should make sure that you choose the right clothes and that they are clean, free of wrinkles, and always in the best condition.
    • Wear accessories. Many women love to wear jewelry and makeup; others do not like this. If you want to wear accessories, you should make sure they are appropriate for your age, follow the dress code at work or school, and that you are not allergic to them. For example, a bright pink unicorn necklace won't matter when you are a school-aged girl, but for a new position at a local bank, someone else won't endorsed this type of jewelry. Instead, you should consider using a simple gold necklace.
  7. Take care of your living space. Whether you live with your parents, siblings, roommates, or live alone, you need to be more responsible for your living space. As a child, you can ignore everything, but growing up comes with many responsibilities. This means regular cleaning of the clutter you have created, vacuuming and cleaning the house, and always remembering to clean living areas (like the bathroom or kitchen).
  8. Learn how to support yourself. Learning how to prepare your own snacks and healthy meals will help you become a healthier, happier woman. You won't be able to rely on anyone to shop for you, so you need to learn how to plan your cooking, set up grocery lists, buy healthy and nutritious ingredients, and prepare them appropriately.
    • Be prepared to fill up a lot of mistakes when learning to cook, but keep in mind that every mistake you make is educational.

Part 3 of 3: Physical maturity

  1. Learn about the effects of puberty. Puberty is the stage of biological development when a child's body transforms into an adult.Puberty leads to many physical and mental changes in a girl's body. For women, puberty usually starts from 8-13 years old and can last up to 6 years. You need to understand the changes that are going on so that you don't feel the shock or panic when your body changes. Common changes during puberty include:
    • The height increases quickly and goes through the stage of superior height.
    • Hips and chest well developed. Pain in the hip and chest is common during this period.
    • Growing underarm and genital area.
    • Sweating more.
    • Acne and other skin changes.
    • Menstruation begins.
    • Experience mood swings and fluctuations.
    • Remember that if you do not have your period by the time you reach 14 years of age, you should see your doctor to make sure that everything is going well.
  2. Consult your supervisor about body changes caused by puberty. Everyone experiences puberty differently, and many women have different preferences about how to deal with them. However, there are a few steps you can take to help smooth growing up with less stress. One important step is to talk to another adult woman you trust - be it a family member or an outsider - about how to respond to changes in your body and emotions. That person will act as an important mentor throughout this phase of life. Not only will you benefit from listening to the person's growth stories, they will also guide you to get ready for growth.
  3. Learn how to appreciate your changed body. The years to be a woman are exciting, but at the same time quite difficult. Many girls feel the stress of weight gain, skin changes, new curves, and an unexpectedly tallness. About 50-80% of women report that they have negative feelings about their body during this sensitive period. Try to engage in positive activities so that you don't dwell on negative thoughts. For example:
    • Tell yourself that the media images are inaccurate. It's easy to compare yourself negatively with the model or actor you see on the radio. Remember, they are not your standard. You need to know that in order to change the superstar's appearance, people must use special effects, makeup team, professional lighting techniques, and airbrush make-up (use a special substance. to conceal skin). If necessary, stay away from unrealistic media images, stop watching fashion magazines, and instead spend time with friends.
    • Praise yourself. Even if puberty is bringing you undesirable changes (like acne), you will probably love certain features of your new body. Do you like taller? Feeling more mature? Own curves? Look in the mirror and praise yourself. You should feel proud of how you’ve grown.
    • Praise your friends. Remember that your friends may be experiencing the same negative and unstable thoughts about their bodies as you. Tell them everything you value about them, and boost their self-esteem.
    • Maintain healthy eating and exercise habits. Many women really want to starve themselves or exercise too much in response to a change in their body. However, gaining weight, increasing body fat, and becoming more plump than are normal, healthy changes to the growing body. Resist the temptation to follow the extremes and stick to the principles of proper diet and exercise instead. Always use nutritious food when you are hungry, and never fast.
    • Talk to your doctor about bodily concerns. If you feel like something is going wrong with your body, you should consult your doctor. Your doctor will help you decide if your changes are normal and healthy.
    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been shown to be an effective treatment for people who develop negative body image. If you've always had negative thoughts about your self-image, talk to your doctor or counselor. You don't have to live with them, and you will feel happier and more confident with the right treatment.
  4. Go shopping with a friend or instructor. Some of the physical changes caused by puberty will require you to buy new clothes and items in order to maintain comfort with your body. You will probably have to go shopping many times when going through different stages of puberty. And it takes some time to figure out what kind of product you love best. Traveling with a friend or mentor will make the shopping process easier. Everyone has different preferences, but in general, you'll have to look for the following:
    • When you notice that your body is sweating more, buy deodorants (hide body odors) and antiperspirants (reduce the amount of sweat released from under your arms).
    • As your breasts grow and become sore, you can look for a sports bras or bras. They will help support and shield your breasts.
    • As body hair begins to grow or become darker, buy a razor or hair removal kit. However, not everyone wants to get rid of body hair: decide for yourself what you want!
    • During your period, you will need to buy a regular tube or tampon to protect your clothes from getting dirty.
    • If you have acne, you should buy over-the-counter acne medicine and cleanser. You can also consult your doctor about stronger prescription medications.
    • As you grow taller and have more curves, you can shop for new clothes, regardless of whether it's at Teenagers or Women. Because you will grow so fast, your clothes will get tight faster than usual. You can consider buying clothes at a cheap clothing store to save money while getting used to your new body and finding your own unique style.
  5. Take care of sexual health by seeing a gynecologist. During and after puberty, a woman is more likely to become pregnant. This will be a huge and difficult responsibility. You need to take care of your sexual health. Female adolescents need to see a gynecologist who can provide oral contraceptive advice, knowledge about STD prevention, cancer screening, and many more Another method for maintaining a healthy woman's body.
  6. Realize that things are not going to happen at the same time. On average, women will reach emotional maturity by the age of 32. (For men, this age is 43). You have plenty of time to grow and change: you can't become a woman overnight. This is a long and slow process. Only when you reach the age of 25 will your brain fully develop. You should try to enjoy this journey to become a woman, even if it takes a long time. advertisement


  • Surround yourself with mature girls and women you admire. Together learn and develop. Share with them your goals, dreams, and even mistakes: they can help you understand what growth and growth mean.
  • Be aware that change doesn't happen overnight, so allow yourself time to feel, learn, and develop.
  • Remember, not every girl wants to be a woman, and not every woman is a girl when she is born. It's important to be prepared to grow into the person you want to be.