How to develop passion

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Develop Your Passion, Don’t Find It | David Goh | TEDxYouth@SWA
Video: Develop Your Passion, Don’t Find It | David Goh | TEDxYouth@SWA


Maybe you're having trouble feeling your passion among other things, or letting yourself feel passionate about something. Building your passion is part of the proactive process of becoming more attractive and emotional, and requires an active lifestyle. You can develop a more enthusiastic attitude by doing lots of fun and funny things, focusing on creativity and imagination, and excitedly interacting with others.


Method 1 of 4: Find a passion for work or study

  1. Think about childhood hopes and dreams. If it is difficult to identify your passions, consider what you enjoyed as a child. Make a list of favorite activities as a child, like playing a Lego puzzle or dressing up a doll. Consider whether you still enjoy the activity in a different context now.
    • For example, if you've enjoyed playing with Lego, this game might define your passion for architecture or construction. If you are into dressing up your doll, perhaps this one shows that you are passionate about fashion or modeling. Capturing your childhood ambitions and turning it into a real job or a field of study can lead to a more successful career or a more fulfilling life.

  2. Determine your personal values. Personal worth is the belief or idea of ​​a major principle of life that is most important to you. Determining your personal values ​​can help you understand if you're interested in your job, study, or even a relationship. You can ask yourself a few guiding questions to find your personal worth:
    • Think of two people you respect or admire. Why do you admire them? Do they have a personality that you admire or appreciate?
    • If you could change or redirect something in your community, what would you like to change and why? If possible, what in the world would you like to change? What trouble or difficulty makes you most stressful when talking to others?
    • Consider a moment when you feel satisfied or satisfied. Identify that moment and think about why you are feeling so comfortable.
    • Examine your answers to the questions above and try to identify any common patterns of thinking or opinion. Principles, beliefs, and opinions are often personal.You can use your personal values ​​to identify your life priorities and the ways in which they shape your passion for work, school, and relationships.

  3. Train yourself as best you can. “Who is your best future” is a personalized representation of your goals and the future you envision for yourself. Best self-training will give you a deep understanding of your goals, priorities, and motivations. It can also help you stay in control of the road at school or at work, with thoughtful thinking and self-assessment.
    • To practice, use this suggestion: “Think about your life in the future. Imagine that everything in life is gone as well as it may be. You have the control to achieve all life goals. You have realized your dream in life. Now write down what you envision. ”
    • Write this down for 20 minutes a day for three days. On the fourth day, re-read your response. Highlight or circle any recurring topic, opinion, goal, or inspiration. They can be a great indicator of your passions and how you can pursue them.

  4. Set personal goals. Another way to follow your passion is to set personal goals. This can motivate you to strive, as an ambition can translate into a career or career option. Writing down your personal goals requires reflection and consideration of what matters to you. It also takes you to prioritize and limit opinions to create clear personal goals.
    • Once you have set personal goals, you should create a schedule that will determine when you will need to achieve these goals. You will have different timeframes for different personal goals, either simple or complex.
    • Creating personal goals will also allow you to identify what you have done in your daily routine to achieve certain goals and what skills you need to learn or develop to be successful. This is a very proactive and positive way because there is a clear motivation to define a passion in life.
  5. Rely on an experienced mentor or mentor in life. If you are working hard to define your passions and goals, you can turn to a mentor or mentor in your life. They will give you advice or guidance. They can be teachers, parents, community members, or even siblings or friends. Talk to your counselor about a career path you are interested in and how to approach it.
    • Sit down next to your mentor and talk about your personal values ​​and goals and how you can transform them into a real career or study. Often a close mentor can give you insight into your opinion and encourage you to pursue a goal or ambition that interests you and excel.

Method 2 of 4: Do something interesting and funny

  1. Try a new hobby or activity. Perhaps you've always wanted to try or pursue a hobby, but never had enough time because of the busy and boring schedule. Nurture true ambitions by pursuing new experiences and learning new skills. Taking classes will allow you to enjoy more hobbies, like taking lessons in the guitar, drawing, or creative writing. Focus on a hobby that will motivate you to move outside of your comfort zone.
    • Get motivated to pursue a hobby by asking for the support of a friend or lover. Join classes together or have the person remind you about classes each week. Support from someone else can help confirm your pursuit of your passion for the new skill and ensure you attend classes every week.
  2. Join a club or entertainment group. Maybe there's a sport or recreational activity you've always wanted to try like running, karate, yoga, or volleyball. Or a sport that you've always played well or enjoyed but couldn't focus on before. Join a club or entertainment group in your area and make sure you are there for practice every week. Set aside time on your schedule to make training a priority in your life.
    • Participating in a sport or group will help you get to know new people and become part of the team. It's different from the usual circle of friends. This will allow you to develop a greater passion for others by having new people around and new conversation topics.
  3. Include humor in everyday activities. Make familiar activities less boring and dull by adding humor. This will make the routine more interesting and engaging.
    • If you plan to sit in the same place indoors, work on a laptop, or read notes, incorporate routines by sitting somewhere else or going to your local library or coffee shop. Numerous studies have shown that changing your landscape every few hours during a stressful learning period can actually improve your ability to absorb information.
    • Likewise, if you plan to walk the same section every day, choose a different route. If you go to the same yoga class every week, change your routine by taking another class with a higher difficulty level or teaching you new skills.
  4. Create a "bucket list" and try to achieve each. The "Bucket list" usually contains the activities you want to perform. The list could include dreams like "climbing all the mountains in the world" or something as realistic as "learning to knit" or "graduating from college". The diverse list with the same number of dreams as the actual number can inspire and motivate you to make your life more enjoyable.
    • Once you make a life to do list, encourage yourself to work on achieving a certain goal in a set amount of time. This way, you can feel a sense of success each week you cross out one thing on your list. You can start with the more realistic things first and focus on them to feel successful as quickly as possible.
    • Don't be afraid to make big dreams, as they can help you passionately pursue your passion. While your dreams may seem unattainable, they can help you live a more enthusiastic and motivated life. Encouraging yourself to try something that seems impossible to at least get you out of your comfort zone and do something funny and interesting more often.

Method 3 of 4: Focus on creativity and imagination

  1. Take some time in your schedule to be creative. It can be difficult to actively pursue an enthusiastic attitude, especially if you have a tight schedule and a list of commitments. Set aside time, be it an hour a day or 15 minutes a day, to be creative. During this scheduled time, close the door, turn off the phone, and focus on your creativity. This will ensure you are truly focused on being more creative and ambitious, alone or with others.
    • It helps to create “creative time” with your day planner or iCalendar so that you get a daily notification that reminds you of the time to be creative, even just minutes a day.
  2. Create inspiration boards. In the fashion world, the inspiration board is called the "mood board". Create your own inspiration or mood board to get motivated to be creative. An inspiration board can be especially helpful if you're stuck on a problem or problem and are trying to find interesting solutions or ideas, like "what's my passion?" or "How can I better cultivate my passion in life?"
    • To create an inspiration board, write down the question you're trying to solve in the middle of a large poster board. Then, gather images, words, articles, poems, and visual inspiration, like graphs or maps, around the question. This will allow you to enumerate inspirations related to the question to become interested and motivated to answer the question.
    • You can keep adding inspiration as you add ideas or visual elements. Over time, you will gain a more complete vision of how to answer a question or find a solution to a problem.
  3. Freely write. Free writing is a method used in writing courses to help individuals think and develop their voice. Free writing can also be a great exercise for identifying emotions, opinions, impressions, and thoughts on a particular topic or suggestion. You don't have to show your freelance writings to anyone or share them with anyone, because freelance writing can also be a small journal or personal reflection. Freelance writing is usually limited, around 4 to 5 minutes per suggestion, and writers should write all the time to write freely, write continuously and focus only on the topic.
    • If you are focusing on developing a passion in life, for example, would you suggest: "I can develop my passion in life by ..." Or "Some ways to develop a more enthusiastic attitude include: have…"
    • Freelance writing is also a useful creative practice. Writing on a topic gives you the opportunity to enjoy expressing your voice and access your creativity, in just 5 minutes at a time. A list of suggestions for creative English writing can be found at:
    • You can also incorporate free writing into your everyday life by using a problem or problem as a suggestion to write. Writing about problems or problems can allow you to develop positive and proactive opinions and thoughts.
  4. Have a "brainstorm" session with someone or a certain group. If you find yourself stuck in a path of boring ideas and solutions, it might be time to have a group or someone "brain stimulus" session. This can be effective when thinking with coworkers or working groups, or it can be discussed with a partner or family at home.
    • Do you "brainstorm" ideas using aggregation, where you write down the main idea or key problem in the middle and draw lines from the main idea to possible solutions, creating out the set of solutions.
    • You can also ask other people a question and ask for their opinions, and rewrite them in the list form. Once you have listed a few ideas, you can ask people to think carefully and choose one or three of the most useful and practical ones.

  5. Write or generate an idea in a month. It can be difficult to turn an interesting idea into reality and visualize them rather than an idea on the list. Be proactive with your ideas by drawing them, especially if they're abstract. You can also use a Lego jigsaw puzzle, clay builder, or even cardboard as an example of your idea. This will allow you to truly find your passions and easily express them in front of others.
    • For example, you might be puzzled by the question, "How can I foster an enthusiastic attitude?" After “brain stimulating” or freelance writing, you may come up with an idea: “Follow a hobby, like playing the guitar”. Then start playing the guitar or learn to play with a band. Or you can model your playing with clay or cardboard.

  6. See inspirational speeches and discussions. Sometimes, you find passion through the words of others, especially thinkers and speakers, when they focus on a particular topic or idea with passion and enthusiasm. You can find inspirational speeches on an issue or problem you are having or an informative discussion by a passionate speaker on the topic you are looking for. understand more.
    • You can find inspirational speeches on a variety of topics online through TEDtalks. The TEDtalks speech is no longer than 20-30 minutes and produces a quick effect that develops passion and excitement about an idea or concept.

Method 4 of 4: Enthusiastically interacting with others

  1. Bring others sympathy and kindness. Develop your passion in life by focusing on the people around you. Treat everyone you meet and know with kindness and compassion, instead of being angry or careless.
    • You can practice by expressing gratitude to people you often don't acknowledge or trust, such as teachers at school, parents, or friends. Show sympathy and kindness to those who can help you to feel inspired and encouraged by their example.
  2. Listen actively. One of the best ways to get enthusiastic about people is to focus on active listening. Then you listen and respond to someone to improve understanding. When you practice active listening, you see all the conversation as an opportunity to get to know someone better and to learn. The goal is to make the speaker feel that you care about what they are saying and that you are willing to respond with passion and enthusiasm.
    • You can improve active listening by talking with friends. Listen to them talk about their most recent events or hobbies and make sure you're completely focused. Let them talk without interrupting, nod, and communicate by showing that you are interested in the conversation. Once they have finished speaking, you should repeat the main idea they mentioned in your own words. You can start saying, "Then I get it ..." or "Based on what you say, I believe you mean ..."
    • If you are properly active listening, the speaker should agree that you understand what they are saying to you. If you don't get it right, that's okay; ask for clarification. Asking questions is part of active listening. Once they feel you understand, you will be given a chance to respond to their thoughts and provide comment or advice. The other person can actively listen to what you want to say, creating a more exciting and vibrant conversation.
  3. Kiss your lover often. You can also express your passion for your partner or partner by not hesitate to show love for them. Hugs and kisses your partner signal to them that you care about them and are willing to show you how enthusiastic you are. You should also be comfortable when your partner hugs you, especially if you are trying to cultivate a more intimate relationship with them.
    • You can also focus on expressing love for your partner through sex, like kissing them, caressing their face and body, and saying they are beautiful. While you may feel awkward or uncomfortable at first with these acts of love, practicing them regularly will make it more comfortable to show your passion for your partner.

  4. Accept new experiences with your partner. Another way to strengthen the passions between you and your partner is to focus on building new and exciting memories together. This means setting up a surprise date when you both do something on your life to-do list, or offer to try something new at a restaurant at night.
    • Research demonstrates that sharing new activities with your partner / partner can increase your passion for a relationship and lead to greater emotional connections in general.