How to mix hair dye

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Mix Two Colors in At-Home Hair Dyes : Hair Styling for Everyone
Video: How to Mix Two Colors in At-Home Hair Dyes : Hair Styling for Everyone


By combining the dye with the dye enhancer, you have come closer to creating a new hair color. In addition, preparing the right bowl, stirrer and gloves is the key to keeping the dyeing process clean and tidy. When stirring the dye and dye enhancer, use the right ratio and stir for a smooth mixture. You can also combine two different colors to create a hair dye with a whole new tone!


Method 1 of 2: Mixing dye and dyeing cream

  1. Buy two boxes of hair dye if you have long or thick hair. You will need to use more than one box of dye if you have shoulder length or extremely thick hair. So have two boxes of hair dye ready.
    • It is better to have excess dye than not having enough dye to handle the whole hair.
    • You can also purchase the dye and dye cream separately from hair product stores.

  2. Stir the dye and dye cream in a glass or plastic bowl. You will use this bowl to mix and store your hair dye. However, you should not use a metal bowl, as the dye will oxidize by the metal, preventing your hair from turning color.
    • The metal bowl also causes a toxic chemical reaction.
    • If you dye your hair regularly, it's best to prepare a separate bowl for this.

  3. Cover the old towel or newspaper where you put the dye. This keeps the surface free from dye. Remember to arrange everything so you have a flat surface. If you are using a towel, choose something that you don't mind staining it.
    • Dark colored towels are another option if you don't have old towels or newspaper. This way, the dye stains will not be visible on the towel.

  4. Wear latex or plastic gloves. If you buy a box of dye, gloves will usually come in handy. Put on gloves before you start stirring the dye and dye aid to protect your skin from chemicals.
    • This also prevents the skin from staining.
    • Now is also the time to put an old scarf over your shoulders to protect your clothes when you apply the dye to your hair. You can also wear an old t-shirt.
  5. Mix the dye and dye cream in a 1: 1 or 1: 2 ratio. The percentage of dyes and dye creams is usually specified in the instructions for use on the dye box. The correct proportion of hair dye is an important factor to help you get the perfect dyed hair.
    • If you buy a box of dye, the instructions on the box will usually tell you the exact percentage of dye and dyeing aid. However, in case you buy dye and dye aid separately, you will have to calculate the percentage yourself. The small measuring kit will help you.
  6. Stir the dye and dye cream with a plastic fork. Stir the two ingredients until you have a smooth mixture of uniform color and texture. You can also use a small silicone whisk to achieve the same results.
    • Do not use metal utensils to stir dyes and dyeing aids.
    • The dye and dye enhancer can easily clump when stirred with a brush, meaning the final texture won't be as smooth or even.

Method 2 of 2: Color Matching

  1. Choose a combination of 2 complementary dyes from the same brand. Complementary colors are often effective combinations, such as red and brown. Avoid color combinations that are contrasting or opposing, such as blond and black.
    • You only need to combine colors when you want to dye something that is not available or want to create your own. If you want an easier option, you can look for a combination of tones, such as sepia, sepia, or dark green.
    • Contrast tones are often too prominent to be combined, while similar tones can effectively complement each other.
    • The two colors you choose must be the same brand. This ensures you get the complete color combination, as the formula of the dye will be the same. In addition, the percentage of dyes and dyeing aids will not be different.
    • The colors that you combine together must have the same formation time to be effective. See the instructions on the back of the dye box to make sure each color's waiting time is the same.
  2. Note the brightness of both colors. When you choose colors to work together, note the numbers in the color formula. The larger the number, the more likely it is to lighten the hair color.
    • Choose two colors that are similar in 2-3 tones. For example, a slightly darker color and a slightly lighter color than your natural hair color will make the perfect combination.
  3. Combine two dyes in a 1: 1 ratio. Make sure you get two colors in equal amounts. This will give your hair a uniform color.
    • The use of two colors at a 1: 1 ratio also means that you can easily remade the color later if needed, such as when you want to dye the backline at a different time.
    • If you want to mix colors at different proportions, jot down the recipe you created to make it easy to mix that color again. This is very useful when you want to add color to the roots.
    • Use a small measuring kit to measure the dye if you are not using the entire product.
  4. Combine dye and dye cream in the right ratio. Stir the two dyes you want to combine and add dyeing aid. Combining the two colors increases the amount of dye. This means that you have to calculate the amount of dyeing aid to match the amount of dye.
    • For example, if the ratio of dye and dye enhancement cream is 1: 1, you need to double or triple the amount of dyeing aid.
    • In the dye box, dye cream is usually available, so you do not need to purchase this product. Even so, you should check the information on the dye box to see what's in it.
  5. Write down how you incorporate colors after dyeing your hair. Rewrite the branding, color name and number combination printed on the hair dye box. This way, you can easily create the same recipe in the future if you want to dye it again or if you need to refine the roots.
    • Even if you're not satisfied with the new hair color, rewriting the recipe will ensure you don't accidentally repeat the combination in the future.


  • Use an old sponge or wet washcloth to immediately wipe off the scattered hair dye so that furniture or surfaces won't stick.
  • Always wear protective gloves when handling dyes and dyeing aids.

What you need

Mixing dye and dyeing cream

  • Dye
  • Dyeing aids
  • Plastic or glass bowl
  • Old towels
  • Latex or plastic gloves
  • Measuring tools
  • Small plastic fork or silicone whisk

Color combinations

  • Dye
  • Dyeing aids
  • Measuring tools
  • Pen
  • Paper