How to grill beef tenderloin

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Beef Tenderloin on the Grill - Whole Beef Tenderloin Recipe!
Video: Beef Tenderloin on the Grill - Whole Beef Tenderloin Recipe!


Whether it's using a gas stove or a charcoal stove, you can learn how to bake a steak without a lot of complexity. Barbecue usually doesn't require much marinade, as its natural flavor is inherently delicious. In particular, beef tenderloin will be the perfect steak that you just need to put on the fast grill to make a great main course.

  • Preparation time: 20-25 minutes
  • Processing time: 10-20 minutes
  • Total time: 30-45 minutes


Method 1 of 2: Prepare the grill

  1. Buy the right beef tenderloin. Beef tenderloin is the back part of the cow, especially the hip. Look for a piece of meat that has fat streaks, meaning that the white fat lines spread evenly over the meat. Choose meat that is bright red, bright red, and about 2.5 - 4 cm thick.
    • Ask the butcher to cut the fresh meat if the cuts for sale are blackened - they have been left in the air for too long.

  2. Know that the style of baking affects the flavor of the finished product. Many people claim that grilled beef with a little salt and pepper is one of the best dishes. Although not very soft, the sirloin beef is very rich even when not seasoned. Its true taste is due to the interaction between the meat and the heat source. Just bake slightly outside, the meat will be very delicious and soft. Depending on the type of kitchen, your steak may taste very different:
    • Propane gas stove: Gas stoves won't contribute much to the flavor of the steak, but they are the easiest to use and the fastest hot. You can adjust the temperature with just one simple knob and complete the baking as you like. Gas stoves also often have a thermometer attached.
    • Charcoal stove: Briquettes can set fire relatively quickly and quickly heat up. This type of stove offers a "classic" barbecue flavor with a hint of smoke, but is a bit difficult to adjust the temperature.
    • Wood stove: Pieces of firewood such as firewood or oak will give the most natural flavor to the steak. However, wood stoves are quite difficult to set and maintain, so many people combine firewood and charcoal to take advantage of both.

  3. Preheat oven to medium high heat. If you are using charcoal and / or firewood, this may take 30-40 minutes until a gray ash layer is on the fire, but a gas stove will only take a few minutes to get hot. You need to let the temperature inside the grill reach around 190 degrees Celsius by covering it while heating. The thinner the meat, the hotter the stove must be:
    • Meat thickness 2 - 2.5 cm: 180 - 205 degrees C. You won't be able to keep your hands on the grill for more than 4-5 seconds.
    • Meat thickness 2.5-4 cm: 162-180 degrees Celsius. You won't be able to keep your hands on the grill for more than 5-6 seconds.

  4. Rub salt and pepper over the meat while you wait for the stove to heat. Most steaks taste best with a little seasoning. Rub 1/2 tablespoon of salt and pepper on both sides of meat and let it soak for 15-20 minutes at room temperature while you wait for the stove to heat up. You should leave the marinade at room temperature so it won't get cold when placed on the grill - this can cause the meat to shrink and chew when baking.
    • Use a decent amount of salt - a thin layer of salt sprinkled over the meat should be fine, but remember that you still have to see the surface of the meat.
    • Larger salt (such as coarse sea salt or kosher salt) will give the meat a better texture, so you should avoid fine grain salt if possible.
  5. Place the beef on the hot grill. You need to bake the outside of the meat brown and crispy for the best texture and flavor. Place the meat on the heat and let it sit, cover while baking. Do not poke, stab or move the meat while baking.
  6. Bake each side of meat directly over heat for 4-7 minutes, depending on how well you want it to be. The surface of the meat should be dark brown when you turn it over. If the stove is too hot, the surface of the meat will burn black. If the meat is pink, then the stove is not hot enough, so try raising the heat or leaving the meat on the heat for another 2-3 minutes. You can also turn the steak 45 degrees when it cooks half the time to create beautiful diamond-shaped grill marks on the meat. Refer to the following degrees of ripeness:
    • Medium - rare: Bake for about 5 minutes per side.
    • Medium: Bake for about 7 minutes per side.
    • Well-done: Bake for 10 minutes on each side, then put on indirect heat to continue cooking.
    • Use tongs to flip the meat instead of using a fork to pierce the meat, causing water in the meat to drain.
  7. Remove meat from direct heat and place in an area of ​​indirect heat if you want to cook it thoroughly. Move the meat to the other side of the grill or in a position where there is no direct heat until the inside of the meat has reached the desired maturity level. With a charcoal grill, you can open or close the vents to control the smoke level. The smell of smoke will increase when you close the vent. You can use a thermometer to measure the temperature inside the meat, or just make an estimate with time.
    • Re: 55 - 57 ° C. Take the meat out right after turning each side.
    • Medium re: 60 ° C. Bake each side for 1 minute or 30 seconds more than undercooked meat.
    • Medium 68 ° C. Continue baking for another 1-2 minutes over direct heat. Turn the meat over half the time.
    • Thoroughly: 74 ° C. Bake the steak over indirect heat for 3-4 minutes, and turn the meat over half the time.
  8. Test the meat with your hands. If you don't have a meat thermometer, you can check the ripeness of the meat manually. Use one finger to press the center of the meat. Moderately cooked meat will sink a little, just like you press the center of your hand. The medium tender cut of the meat should be bouncy and soft like the bottom of the thumb.
  9. Leave the meat at room temperature for 10 minutes before serving. Put a foil on the meat and let it "rest" before serving. This will keep the taste of the meat and the steak will taste better. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Variations

  1. Rub seasoning over meat instead of salt and pepper. Dried condiments add flavor to the meat without losing softness, often referred to as "seasoning salt" or "barbecue seasoning." You can also mix the spices yourself. Mix the following spices with salt and pepper, then squeeze or rub both sides of the meat. Use the same amount of seasoning per side, about 1-1.5 tablespoons, and don't be afraid to combine spices.
    • Onion powder, paprika chili powder, chili powder and garlic powder.
    • Rosemary, thyme and dried oregano leaves, garlic powder.
    • Cayenne pepper, paprika, paprika, Mexican oregano, garlic powder.
    • Brown sugar, chili, paprika chili powder, garlic powder and ground coffee.
  2. Soak the meat in marinade to increase moisture and flavor. The brine will only work when it is seasoned overnight, so don't last the last minute and expect the taste to be rich. The acid in the marinade (vinegar, lemon juice, etc.) will break down some of the tissue in the meat, making it softer. However, too much acid can damage the texture and make the surface of the steak not crispy. Put the meat in a plastic bag with marinade and refrigerate overnight for best results.
    • 1/3 cup soy sauce, olive oil, lime juice, Worcestershire sauce, add 1-2 tablespoons of garlic powder, basil, parsley, dried rosemary and ground black pepper.
    • 1/3 cup red wine vinegar, 1/2 cup soy sauce, 1 cup vegetable oil, 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce, 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard, 2-3 chopped garlic cloves, 1 tablespoon ground black pepper.
  3. Spread a little butter on the surface of the meat for a greasy, barbecue-style taste. Barbecue restaurants have reasons to spread butter on steaks. The butter will creep into the slices of the meat and upgrade this dish to a perfect main course. You can try mixing butter with spices and herbs in a food processor to add flavor to your steak. To make the butter mixture, mix 6 tablespoons of butter with herbs in a food processor, then freeze until you need to sprinkle it on the barbecue. You can also heat it over low heat and spread the melted butter and herbs mixture over the steak once the meat is done.
    • 1 teaspoon chopped thyme, sage and rosemary
    • 2-3 minced garlic cloves
    • 1 teaspoon paprika, coriander and cayenne

  4. Add seasoning on top of the barbecue. The roast meat is also delicious, but it will be even more delicious with seasoning. You can try spices like:
    • Pan-fried onion, chili or mushroom
    • Fried onion
    • Crumbled green cheese
    • Sour cream


  • Start cooking when the meat is at room temperature and dry to make sure it's cooked evenly.


  • Very thin meat will dry out on high heat.

What you need

  • Beef tenderloin
  • Seasoning or marinade
  • Gas or charcoal grill
  • Tongs
  • Lump coal or briquettes
  • Propane gas
  • Non-stick oil or spray