How to bake a kebab

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Surprising Solution for Making Döner Kebab Meat at Home
Video: The Surprising Solution for Making Döner Kebab Meat at Home


Baking a delicious kebab in the summer is nothing better. You will probably crave the aroma of fresh ingredients sizzling on the fiery grill. Best of all, whether you choose beef, chicken, pork, lamb or not meat, you can prepare and create the perfect kebab.

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes
  • Processing time: 10-15 minutes
  • Total time: 45 minutes


Part 1 of 2: Prepare skewers for baking

  1. Choose a kebab recipe or choose your own. Usually, the kebab contains meat and / or vegetables, but occasionally seafood, fruit and other ingredients can be used. Choose the ingredients that are right for you - there's no "right - wrong" at this step. Popular choices when making kebab are chicken, beef, pork, sausage, veal, shrimp, and fish; the vegetables will be onions, mushrooms, green or red bell peppers, zucchini and tomatoes; For fruits you can choose pineapple, peach or apple.
    • While the ingredients mentioned above can all be combined effectively, you should also try making kebab with a fixed recipe. Many traditional kebab recipes use veal as the main ingredient. Here are a few of the more traditional kebab recipes and the important ingredients:
      • Kofta kebab - veal pieces marinated with spices
      • Chelow kebab - boneless veal served with rice cooked with saffron pistil
      • Sheekh kebab - ground veal marinated with cilantro and mint, grilled in tandoor (a traditional Indian oven)

  2. If the recipe contains meat, consider marinating it. If you skew the meat to roast, you may want to prepare a marinade, although this step is not really true necessary, needs. Marinating the meat before roasting will give the meat the flavor of the ingredients used for the marinade, creating a new flavor combination that you would not have felt without marinating. Usually, to marinate meat, you would put the meat in a sealed container (such as a plastic bag with a zipper) with two base ingredients, oil and an acidic one (e.g. vegetable oil combined with lemon juice). Alternatively, you can add spices and herbs to these liquid ingredients for a unique combined flavor.
    • For example, the following are all-purpose teriyaki broth ingredients suitable for marinating beef, chicken and other meats:
      • Vegetable oil
      • Soy
      • Lemonade
      • Garlic
      • Pepper
      • Worcestershire sauce

  3. Soak the skewer in a bowl of water. When baking a kebab, you usually have two options for a skewer - a metal stick or a wooden skewer. Metal skewers were harder and stronger, but more expensive, and wooden skewers were cheaper and more convenient. If you choose to use wooden skewers or bamboo skewers, you will soak them in water for at least 30 minutes before baking. This helps keep the ingredients moist during baking and prevents the skewer from catching fire or burning.

  4. Cut the ingredients into small pieces. Put the ingredients on the cutting board and use a knife to cut into cubes about 2.5 cm thick. Of course, this size is not feasible for some ingredients - for example, bell peppers need to be cut into small squares instead of squares. It is important to remember that you must cut the ingredients into small pieces of approximately the same size so that they cook evenly.
    • If you're using meat but not seasoning, you can try the dry seasoning method at this step - combining powdered seasonings to flavor the outer layer of the meat. To make a dry seasoning, simply mix the spices and rub over the surface of the meat. Here are a few ingredients of a bell pepper powder spice blend that is suitable for marinating beef:
      • Bell pepper powder
      • Salt
      • Onion powder
      • Garlic powder
      • Black pepper
      • Thyme grass
      • Marjoram
  5. Skew the ingredients into the stick. Once the ingredients have been prepared to your liking, the next step is to skew them onto the stick! Use sharp skewers to skew each piece of meat or vegetable and slide it downwards, creating a "stack" of ingredients adjacent to each other. When skewering the kebab, people often skew one piece of meat and then a piece of fruit or vegetable to create the perfect flavor contrast. Of course, the same applies to vegetarian kebabs. Once you're done skewering all the ingredients, you will move on to baking!
    • Leave a small space between the ingredients so that they cook evenly on both sides.

Part 2 of 2: Baking

  1. Heat your grill over medium heat. For a delicious "scorched" taste on the outside of your kebab, it's important to heat your grill to the right temperature before you place the kebab on the grill. Using a gas grill is simpler, you just turn the stove to medium heat, cover the grill and wait for the temperature to rise. With a charcoal grill, it's a little more difficult - you need to light it and let the charcoal burn until the heat is low, the surface of the charcoal has a layer of ash and the charcoal turns red. This takes about 30 minutes or more.
    • Typically, with about 450 grams of meat, you will need about 30 pieces of charcoal.
  2. Place the kebabs on the grill surface. If the grill is already hot, you should hear a sizzling sound as soon as the skewers are placed on the grill. When you arrange kebabs, make sure to leave some space so that all ingredients are cooked evenly.
    • To keep the skewers from sticking to the grill, it's better to apply a little bit of vegetable or olive oil to the grill before starting to cook. It's safer to use a brush - don't try it on a hot stove with a paper towel or similar improviser.
  3. Rotate skewers during baking so that the sides cook evenly. Make sure the sides of the kebab are even touching the grill - this not only cooks the ingredients, but also makes the meat (if you use it) crispy on the outside. The general rule of thumb is that most kebab skewers need to be baked for 10-15 minutes, which means it takes about 2.5-3.75 minutes to cook on each side.
    • With a vegetarian kebab, there's no need to worry about the meat; so, just rotate the skewers to your liking to make the vegetables and fruits a nice brown or black on the outside and softer.
  4. Check for cooked meat. Remove a skewer of kebab from the grill. If using meat, cut a small piece of meat to check it is done. Watch for familiar signs of cooked meat - the broth is clear, the inside is no longer pink, and the meat is soft and easy to cut. If the meat is still pink on the inside, watery red, or if the inside is still chewy while cutting, you may need to cook the meat for longer.
  5. Remove the kebabs from the grill when done. Once the ingredients are done, remove the kebabs from the grill and place them on a clean plate or tray. Don't reuse a plate that contains undercooked kebabs, especially if you cook meat - bacteria from undercooked meat can latch onto cooked food, leading to serious illnesses.
  6. Enjoy the kebab or serve it with the right dish. Congratulations on completing your kebab! You can either keep the kebab to eat or remove everything to a plate. Kebab alone is fine, but for a full meal try to prepare additional side dishes that match the ingredients of the kebab.
    • Traditional kebab is usually served with seasoned rice and / or a flat piece of bread (such as pita, naan, chapati). Basic side dishes also vary by region. For example, Chelo kebab is often served with rice mixed with raw egg yolks.
    • Grilled kebabs are also used in other dishes. For example, Doner kebab of Turkey is often added to pita bread with a little vegetables to eat like Vietnamese bread.


  • If you roast multiple ingredients with different cooking times, skew the meat on the same stick and skew the vegetables on a different stick. For example, baking time is 10 minutes, and baking time only takes 2 or 3 minutes, you should not grill these two ingredients on the same skewer. Thus, each group of ingredients is baked in the right time, avoiding unevenly cooked ingredients.
  • If you are using wooden skewers, especially round ones, you should use two skewers on the kebab. This helps to hold onto the kebab's ingredients - which are very heavy and make it easier to rotate the skewers during baking.
  • For added flavor, try marinating the ingredients with marinade for about 30 minutes before baking. Familiar marinades include teriyaki, sweet and sour, yellow mustard with honey, or garlic lemon. You can buy pre-made marinades at the supermarket or research recipes online or in cookbooks to make your own. Spread the remaining marinade on skewers for a richer flavor.


  • Discard any remaining brine after marinating raw ingredients. If you want to prepare a dipping sauce, you should mix other marinades that do not mix with raw meat to avoid pathogenic bacteria.

What you need

  • Ingredients rich in protein or meat
  • Vegetables
  • fruit
  • Liquid raw materials
  • Chopping board
  • Knife
  • Skewers
  • Grill
  • Marinated water (optional)