How to bake potatoes using a charcoal stove

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Charcoal Baked Potatoes on the Ground
Video: Charcoal Baked Potatoes on the Ground


The delicious flavor and texture of baked potatoes make a great addition to a summer barbecue, home dinner or evening snack. It may be difficult to bake the inner part of the potato before the outer skin burns, but the potato is really easy to cook. You can always bake potatoes in many ways, such as: roasting whole, cut in half, sliced ​​or wedged; baking with the skin on or off; wrapping or not wrapping foil when baking. Try the options in this article and become a pro potato baker in no time.


Method 1 of 4: Bake whole potatoes wrapped in foil

  1. Wash potatoes. Place each potato under running water and scrub off any dirt from the peel with your hands or a soft sponge.

  2. Prepare the potatoes. Use a knife or a vegetable shredder to cut out unattractive or green areas on the tuber.
  3. Pat the potato dry. Potatoes with dry skin will absorb oil, butter, spices more easily and more delicious when processed.

  4. Poke holes in potatoes. Before wrapping the potatoes in foil, use a fork to poke holes in the potato. This will allow heat to circulate so the potatoes can cook evenly.
  5. Wrap the potatoes in foil. Get enough foil for all the potatoes you want to bake and wrap each bulb tightly. Be sure to wrap all the potatoes tightly.
    • You can place potatoes on foil and roll up and squeeze the edges or fold the foil over the potato and fold the edges.

  6. Place the potatoes on the grill. Prepare a grill and set it so that it is on high heat. Place the coated potatoes on the grill. You will place the potatoes close together on the hottest part of the grill.
    • If you roast a lot of potatoes, you can still stack the bulbs on top of the hottest part of the grill. That way, when the row below starts to scorch, you will bring the top row down to grill.
  7. Cover the grill and continue baking. You cover the grill and bake the potatoes for 40 minutes. If you bake multiple rows of potatoes, change the position of the potato after half the time. When trying this method for the first time, you can shorten the baking time a little and test the potatoes (remove the foil with a folding forceps because escaping steam can cause burns). If the potatoes are not yet cooked, wrap them and continue baking for a few minutes.
    • If the skin of the potatoes has burned black but the inside is not yet cooked, continue to place the potatoes on the grill but avoid the hottest spot and cover the grill.
    • The amount of heat and the size of the potato are the deciding factors for the baking time. In general, when the oven is covered, whole potatoes in aluminum foil take 30 to 45 minutes to cook evenly.
    • In the last 5 to 10 minutes of baking, you can remove the foil and continue baking the potatoes. This way, the shell will be brown.

Method 2 of 4: Bake whole potatoes without foil packages

  1. Wash potatoes. Wash potatoes with room temperature water or cold water to remove dirt. Use a soft sponge to gently rub the potato to wash it off.
  2. Prepare the potatoes. Cut out any green or brown spots on the potatoes. Use a knife or a vegetable shredder to carefully cut off any unsightly areas.
  3. Pat the potato dry. If you want to spice up the skin, a water-dried potato usually absorbs the season better.
    • Don't poke holes in potatoes if you don't wrap them with foil. Puncture of the hole causes moisture to escape, causing the potato to dry.
  4. Spread the potatoes with oil. This prevents the peel from sticking to the grill, but also becomes more crispy.
    • You take a small bowl to stir the cooking oil with a little butter, salt, pepper and garlic for a delicious seasoning.
  5. Skewer the potatoes onto metal skewers. The use of skewers helps to make the baking process easier. You skew 3-4 potatoes on each stick depending on the size of the potato.
    • You can also place the potatoes directly on the grill if you prefer.
  6. Place the potatoes on the grill. You do not use direct heat by placing the potato sticks on the edges away from the heat source.
  7. Bake potatoes. You cook potatoes over direct heat for about 30 to 40 minutes with the lid tightly closed. During baking, the potatoes need to be slowly moved to a heat source. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Bake potatoes cut into areca slices or slices

  1. Wash potatoes. Wash the potatoes with room temperature water and scrub the skin with a soft sponge.
  2. Remove unattractive places. Most potatoes have green or brown spots. Use a knife or a vegetable grater to cut out these areas.
  3. Peel and steep potatoes (optional). You peel potatoes using a knife or a vegetable peeler. The skin of the potato should be peeled off and any remaining green or unattractive spots should also be removed. After peeling the potatoes, immediately soak in cold water until baking or until you want to cut to your desired size.
    • Cold water prevents the surface of the potato from discoloring.
    • Always be careful when peeling potatoes so they don't get cut into your hands.
  4. Cut potatoes. Cut the potatoes lengthwise with a thickness of about 1 cm to 1.3 cm. Leave the slices of potatoes in place to create a wedge or continue cutting into cubes.
  5. Spice up the potato slices. Once cut, quickly spread the oil and spices onto the potatoes.
    • Applying the oil immediately prevents the potatoes from turning brown and sticking to the grill.
    • You take a small bowl to stir the cooking oil with a little butter, salt, pepper and garlic for a delicious seasoning.
  6. Place the potatoes directly on the grill. You place the potatoes in the center of the grill with one section facing down. If you cut potatoes into cubes, you can place them on foil or skewers on sticks before placing them on the grill so they don't fall on the stove.
  7. Bake potatoes. Adjust the stove to medium heat and bake potatoes for 5-6 minutes then turn the potatoes over to the second cut. Bake the second side for about 5-6 minutes, then switch to the other side. You will bake until soft. Potato wedges should have a nice brown color. Serve potatoes while still hot. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Seasoning baked potatoes

  1. Mix the potatoes with the seasoning mixture before baking. Try olive oil with granulated salt, ground pepper, or a little dried chili and chopped herbs like rosemary, thyme or sage.
    • You can also use garlic, butter, salt or any other seasoning you like.
  2. Prepare the sauce to spread on the potatoes before baking. Try mustard sauce, mayonnaise and herbs. Leave a little sauce as a dipping sauce to serve with baked potatoes.
  3. Soak the potatoes with dry spices. You spread olive oil on the potatoes before you add your favorite dry spices. Cover the outside and edges of the potato with dry seasoning evenly.
    • Try salt, cumin, cilantro powder, bell pepper powder, chili powder, mixed seasoning powder, ground black pepper and dried thyme with about 1/2 or 1 teaspoon of salt and a pinch of sugar, if you are prefer.
  4. Combine potatoes with other vegetables. If baking potatoes on a tray, try adding other chopped vegetables for a unique combination. Sliced ​​onions, carrots or pumpkin all work perfectly with baked potatoes. advertisement


  • Sweet potatoes are also suitable for baking and can be wrapped or uncoated when baked.
  • Make a medium sized aluminum foil to bake potatoes into slices or cubes. Thus, guests can easily take each small baking tray to eat.
  • To get a crispy potato skin when baking whole potatoes, remove the potatoes from the foil after 20-30 minutes and place the potatoes directly on the stove to bake for the remaining 10 minutes.
  • To shorten the time to bake potatoes, boil whole potatoes for 10 minutes and bake for 5-10 minutes.
  • You can also shorten the time to cook potatoes by microwave each potato and heat each side for about 2-4 minutes (without foil of course) before baking for another 5-10 minutes.


  • If half of the potatoes turn green, throw them out. This is because potatoes will be a bit bitter and toxic (due to the solanine in the green part).

What you need

  • A vegetable knife or tool
  • Silver paper
  • Brushes for use in the kitchen
  • Bowl
  • Skewers