Ways to improve concentration

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Your Brain to Focus | Chris Bailey | TEDxManchester
Video: How to Get Your Brain to Focus | Chris Bailey | TEDxManchester


Time and effort are two essential elements to improving concentration. Whether you exercise for a week or a month, the results won't be what you want if your brain isn't working properly. However, there are still quite effective ways to improve our ability to focus quickly. This article will be helpful if you are having problems with concentration.


Method 1 of 3: Long term solution

  1. Rested. The biggest factor affecting concentration is rest, and this has been scientifically proven. To concentrate, your mind must be still. But without rest, your mind is easily disturbed, so you should get enough sleep at the right time. Also, getting to sleep at the right time can be an important step towards improving your concentration.
    • Sleeping too much is not a good idea. Sleep spoils the natural rhythm of life and makes you lazy. Avoid this way of sleeping by setting an alarm clock to wake up on time.

  2. Plan. Always plan what you plan to do. When you sit at your desk without a plan, you can easily indulge in other activities like checking your inbox, chatting online or surfing the web. Working without purpose is wasting your time. You will be distracted by many wandering thoughts instead of focusing all your energy on an important task.
    • To avoid this, the first step is to have a clear plan that meets your needs. Take a 5-10 minute break between hours and use this time to check your email, then go on with your important tasks. When planning, make sure you allocate enough time for leisure, study and sleep.

  3. Meditate. Meditation will definitely improve your ability to focus. Actually when trying to meditate, the first thing we need to do is focus. Each meditation session gives us an opportunity to apply concentration techniques.
  4. Choose a place of your choice so you can focus. This choice is clearly up to each person, some people like to visit the library, others choose a classroom or a private room. On top of that, the place you choose should be free of distractions. Try to stay away from others if you want to focus on your work.

  5. If you want to master concentration techniques, you must develop a balanced and controlled diet. Eating too much will create a lot of work for the digestive system, you will feel uncomfortable and sleepy. Snack on healthy foods that help optimize concentration. As Thomas Jefferson once said, we rarely have to regret eating so little. You may need to eat less than you think you need to satisfy your hunger.
  6. Exercise regularly. Attention is highly dependent on physical health. If you are tired or suffer from a lot of minor illnesses, it can be difficult to concentrate. Of course, it's not impossible, but it will be harder to concentrate. However, we have to make life easier and make physical health a lot of priority:
    • Get enough sleep
    • Be active
    • Maintain a healthy weight
    • Exercise regularly
  7. Rest and renovate living environment. Continuously working in the same place can drive you crazy. Regular rest will solve this problem, and you will be more active and interested in your job.
  8. Practice to be perfect. Concentration is like any other activity, the more we practice, the better we will be. We cannot expect to be a good athlete without training. Concentration is similar to muscle, the more it is used, the more it develops. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: A quick fix

  1. Use earplugs. Earplugs are very useful. Unless it's night time or you are living in a quiet place with no one around, there is always a distracting noise coming from people, nature, machines, and so on. Wear slightly uncomfortable earplugs. so you should not use it continuously for a long time (eg, remove the earplugs every hour).
  2. Write down on a small card the number of times the mind is distracted. Divide the card into three parts: morning, afternoon and evening. Every time you find yourself distracted, put a small check in the corresponding box. Only after a while you will notice that the number of distractions is not as much as before. Increase concentration simply by counting the number of times!
    • Recognizing the problem is the first step, and this can help you discern every moment of distraction. Being aware of what you are doing will improve your focus without extra effort.
    • This method helps you clearly define when you are most likely to be distracted. Suppose you lose focus several times in the morning, when you are tired and your mind drifts easily. It is a sign that you should improve your concentration by sleeping more, or eating a nutritious breakfast.
  3. Set aside certain times of the day to let your mind wander. If you have a certain amount of time during the day - assuming a 5:30 "adventure" time each day when you come home from school or work - your likelihood of allowing your mind to adventure at 11 a.m. 3 pm will decrease. If you find yourself getting distracted at those times that aren't allowed, remind yourself that you've got the time set for it and try to focus on the task at hand.
  4. Increases oxygen to the brain. Blood is the main vehicle transporting oxygen in the body. But the blood is concentrated in the lower half of the body due to the action of gravity, so the brain may not receive enough oxygen to increase concentration. If you want your brain to receive more oxygen, you should get up and walk regularly to pump blood to your brain.
    • If you are too busy and can't have time to exercise, try to exercise at work. You can incorporate any method of exercise, such as isometric exercises or aerobic exercises.
  5. Remember to give your brain a little rest, at least every hour, preferably after 30 minutes. If the brain has to focus continuously for hours, it loses the ability to process data and the concentration level drops. It is better to stretch and rest or take a nap between hours to restart focus and maintain brain workability of approximately 100%.
  6. Practice solving each task one at a time, and get the finish done before doing the next. If you jump in doing all kinds of things and start a new project before you finish the previous one, you're making your brain understand that it's okay to move from one job to another. If you really want to increase your focus, you should start to train your brain to believe it has to complete a task before move on to the new one.
    • Apply this philosophy to many different jobs in life. You might think that reading one book before reading another has nothing to do with getting one car fixed and the other being fixed, but it's strange that both things are the same. Even the smallest jobs affect other areas of life.
  7. Know about spider technique. What happens when you keep the treble vibrating next to the spider web in the center? The spider will go over to check where the noise is coming from because curiosity is essential. But what if you kept keeping the treble vibrating beside that spider nest? After a while the spider will no longer learn about that tuning fork. It already knows what it is and will no longer care.
    • Similar to how a spider responds to vibrations, you anticipate distractions coming and try to stay focused. The sound of the door slam, the sound of birds singing, or the random action of anyone. Whatever it is, focus on the task at hand. Acting like a spider, ignoring any distractions you know can distract you.
  8. Work on a desk instead of in bed. The bed is the place to sleep and the desk is the place to work and concentrate. This association is already in your mind subconsciously, meaning that you are sending the "sleep" signal to your brain if you are working in bed.This doesn't work because you're actually asking your brain to do two things at once (focus and sleep). Instead, ask your brain to focus only by choosing the right work position.
  9. Apply the rule of 5 more. This principle is quite simple. Whenever you feel like giving up or distracting, tell yourself 5 more of what you're doing. If you are working with problems, solve 5 more problems. If you are reading, read 5 more pages. If you are concentrating, try to concentrate for 5 minutes. Use up energy deep inside to try to make 5 more. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Keyword engineering

  1. Apply Keyword Engineering. With this simple technique the only thing you have to do is find the right keywords of what you're learning or doing, and whenever you lose focus or feel distracted, start repeating keywords over and over again. until you re-focus on what you are doing. The keyword in this technique is not a single fixed word but constantly changes depending on your study or job. There are no guidelines for how to choose keywords, and any word you feel you can focus on can be used as a keyword.
    • Example: When you are reading an article about a guitar the keyword could be guitar. Start reading each sentence slowly, and whenever you feel distracted while reading, cannot understand or focus, start saying the keywords guitar, guitar, guitar, guitar until your mind turns. return to the article and then you can continue reading. Make a habit of meditating for at least 10 minutes to improve your focus. However, it is clear that you must focus on learning the meditation technique first in order to concentrate better.


  • Whenever you lose confidence, think about your past achievements.
  • Create a calm and engaging environment to help increase concentration.
  • You must schedule your own study schedule.
  • Don't be too stressful for this. Sometimes we can get distracted because we are human, after all.
  • Try to focus as much as possible on each subject and take the last 5 minutes to rest.
  • If you don't have enough determination, you're probably wasting your time.
  • Divide the time it takes to complete each topic you're researching.
  • Set aside time for what you want to focus on, and don't let yourself be distracted by other problems or worries. Make a rewarding program for yourself. Promise to reward yourself for staying focused.
  • When you find that your thoughts are going astray from the task to do, adjust your focus. Don't let your mind wander.
  • If you are too sleepy to concentrate, then the ability to finish reading a passage in the book will not be possible.
  • Always be optimistic about your goals!


  • Remember, even the very best can't get anything done if they lack focus.
  • Do not work in a crowded place as you will lose focus.