How to talk to a girl

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024


Do you stutter and even forget your name every time you talk to a girl? And are you looking to end this? If so, start a conversation about a topic you think both you and your significant other are interested in. This way, you can have fun and feel a connection with the girl you're talking to. To chat with a girl, talk to her in a friendly and relaxed manner, make her feel special by taking care of her thoughts, giving her sincere compliments, and using language. open-minded body. This may sound difficult, but through practice, you will be free to chat with every girl without breaking a sweat.


Part 1 of 3: Start a conversation

  1. Attracting her eyes. You don't have to do anything big or dramatic - in fact, you shouldn't. Smile at her from afar, apologize when you touch her while moving or look her in the eye, then turn away, and continue looking into her eyes after a few seconds. You don't need to say hello as soon as you start paying attention to her; Instead, you will take a moment to get her curious about herself first. If you already know her, of course, there is no need to play an inaccessible game. Come and greet her. If you feel confident enough, what are you afraid of not introducing yourself?
    • Always show confident body language when you approach her. Keep your head up, look straight, and maintain a comfortable posture when you come to speak with her.
    • If you hesitate to come and say hello, she will feel like she is being ignored.

  2. Introduce yourself. All you have to say is "Hi, I'm Nam. Can you know my name?" or "I'm Nam. Nice to meet you". You can also start by asking about what the two of you have in common, such as what class you both are in. When she answers and gives you her name, feel free to shake her hand gently. Don't feel embarrassed about this. Sure this action may seem outdated, but this is how mature people introduce themselves. If you already know her, just say hello and call her name.
    • After your introductory name, be sure to call out her name a few times to show her true interest in the conversation and what she shares. You only need to do this once or twice.

  3. Always be yourself. Relax and let her know who you really are. You can make her laugh with your humor and humor. If you're the serious type, talk to her about interesting, but not too serious, matters instead of trying to come up with tons of jokes - unless that's your strength. Also, even though you are getting to know her, you need to talk a little about yourself so she gets to know you more. This is part of expressing yourself. However, whatever you do, don't spend all your time talking about yourself, ask questions for her to answer and show your interest in the information she shares. .
    • Note, although it is very important to properly portray your true self, you should not reveal your unusual things soon, the qualities that make others think "You must get to know him first. But ... "You don't want to make her run away! Talk about the things she might be interested in as well.
  4. Smile. This is very helpful. This is a way of showing that you are enjoying the conversation and feeling comfortable - what makes her want to keep talking with you. Try to make a natural expression with a gentle smile on your lips, and laugh freely at the right times. You don't have to smile all the time, but smiling at key moments in the beginning of a conversation makes women feel valued. When she says something funny, give it a good laugh.
    • Your smile will feel good and make her feel like you really like what she says.
    • However, don't laugh all the time if you don't want to look nervous or even out of the ordinary.
  5. Avoid mentioning personal matters. When you like a girl, your goal is to know more of her secrets, but that doesn't mean you should talk about the pain of losing your grandmother or describe the red streaks on your back. details immediately upon meeting. Instead, choose something that is light, innocuous, and easy to talk about, such as pets, favorite bands or hobbies so as not to upset her before you both start learning. together. Subtle expression of your concern can make her feel please in your heart.
    • Starting with light themes doesn't mean you will choose a theme boring. You don't have to talk about the weather to avoid talking about personal matters. If you live in a place where people are extremely interested in the weather, mention this topic.
    • Improves the flow of the conversation. Sometimes the two really get along and start sharing more about themselves earlier than expected. If she starts to open up and trust you, listen more about herself.

Part 2 of 3: Make her feel special

  1. Find common ground. Try to focus your conversation on topics that you both are interested in, from a passion for volunteering to a hobby of cycling. You don't need to take turns asking her about your favorite band, favorite food, hobby or sports practice; Listen to what the conversation is doing and find common ground or direct her attention to something you enjoy. For example, when you accidentally mentioned watching a soccer match for a national team, she might reveal herself to be a fan of the home team.
    • During the conversation, you should use open-ended questions instead of "yes" or "no" questions to keep the conversation going.
    • Avoid awkward silence! Remember: things only get weird when you make them weird, be confident and keep the storyline as best you can.
    • Don't despair if you haven't found anything in common yet. Then you will also find something if you keep the conversation going for the right amount of time.
    • Maybe the two of you do not have much in common, but are compatible in personality or taste. That is also quite interesting.
    • When you mention your favorite band, ask if she likes it; Here's how to show her that you care about her interests even when you're talking about yourself.
  2. Make eye contact during conversation. Here's another way to make her feel special. You don't have to stare as if you were looking for your reflection and scare her, but you should give her all of your attention instead of looking at her phone or rolling your eyes around to see if anyone is interesting. just passed by or not. You may look away from time to time to keep interesting, not because you are bored.
    • Eye contact is an expression of confidence. When you boldly look her in the eye, she will see that you are confident in getting to know you.
  3. Show interest in her thoughts and opinions. Listen attentively as she speaks. Girls like guys who listen and love what they say. Don't keep interrupting her to show your point of view; Let her talk and share with you. However, you also need to show your attention by nodding, saying "yes" or "no" at the appropriate times in conjunction with answering her question.
    • Ask her for her views on whatever interests you - your favorite music, the season's new fashion trends or the importance of friendship.
    • While it's important to get to know her views, you should also avoid asking about religion or politics if you don't want to create an atmosphere of unintended stress.
    • When she does, you remember to respond and show that you are listening by repeating what she says from time to time. You can say, "I totally agree with you about how difficult it is to stay in touch after your friends transfer schools ..." to show that you heard nothing.
  4. Give her a delicate compliment. You should compliment a certain part of her personality or appearance without making her be as shy as a way of showing concern. If you like her favorite genre of music or books too, praise her for her entertainment. It is okay to compliment her on her outfit, hairstyle or jewelry, but you will be more than satisfied with her inner qualities rather than her appearance. Also, if you are particularly confident then why not try flirting compliments?
    • If you choose to compliment your looks, you should stop at the outfit, hairstyle, or eyes when you get closer. This is not the time to make the other party shy by talking about how hot she is without knowing her name.
    • If she has a cute smile, don't be afraid to compliment it.
  5. Ask about learning. Don't get her bored asking her what theory she loves in algebra; however, you might be interested by asking about her favorite subject and teacher or even letting the topic lead you to share what she wants to pursue in the future. Don't just nod and say, "Isn't that cool ..." ask why she likes a certain subject either why She wants to be a nurse or a lawyer.
    • Some girls don't like to talk about school very much. If you notice her indifference to one topic, move on to another topic.
    • Don't turn the conversation into questioning. You can also talk about topics you like.
  6. Only make fun of it if you are sure she understands your pattern. It is best not to make jokes about sensitive women's issues such as weight, appearance or understanding. It's especially important not to make misleading comments if you just know each other. If she doesn't like you right from the start, it will be difficult to change your position.
    • Always be careful with your words. Don't tease her unless you are really confident that she understands that.
    • Let her lead. If she teases you first, then you can play back. Make sure your jokes are as subtle as they say they are.

Part 3 of 3: Makes her amused

  1. Make her laugh. Girls often like guys who make them laugh. Don't be afraid to show off your wits and your sense of humor - as long as it fits and doesn't too rude at a time when the two of them only knew each other. You don't have to start with telling a bunch of jokes to get her attention; Just make sharp comments, respond in a humorous way when she teases you and make unique comments about the world around her that make her ponder. You don't have to say fancy words. If you're the honest and innocent funny, let her see it.
    • If you are joking and she doesn't smile, show her that you are not taking it seriously. You can say, "I'll be luckier next time ..." and that will make her laugh.
    • If she says something funny, don't just say, "You're funny." Respond with something similar, or share it with her with a laugh.
  2. Don't try too hard. She will notice you're trying too hard even when you're not close. To attract the attention of your partner, don't go after her blindly if she doesn't want to be pursued, or praise her a million times even when she seems uncomfortable, or boast about. your weightlifting ability or athletic track record you want to achieve. Relax and stop being too concerned with impressing her; This way you will leave a deeper impression on her eyes.
    • If she finds that you are comfortable with yourself without trying to win her sympathy, she may want to talk to you more.
    • If you keep building muscles, talking about your great body, or bragging about how eye-catching your body is when you're not wearing a shirt, it will make her bored.
  3. Keep your confidence. Always have confidence in yourself and don't be afraid that you will say something stupid. When you are not afraid, you will no longer feel that way. You just keep talking with her and don't need to be nervous if you say something weird, don't know what to say, or have trouble expressing it. Always keep a positive, upbeat, cheerful attitude and she will find it interesting to talk to you. Don't put yourself down even if you think it will make her laugh; otherwise, this will make her think you are incompetent.
    • There is no need to brag to become confident. You can talk about your love of baseball without mentioning that you're a professional athlete.
    • Confidence is when you can laugh at yourself. It shows that you are comfortable with yourself.
  4. Keep it comfortable. If you're worried, sweaty, or scared, she'll notice it. When you feel nervous, just slow down, focus on the main points of the conversation instead of every word you say, don't flutter or look around the room. If you are uncomfortable, she will notice it and tense too. Take a deep breath, speak, behave slowly, and think about positive things instead of possible bad situations.
    • If you really worry and can't hide it, tell a joke about the situation to ease your feelings.
    • If you're the shy type, you can bring a bottle of water or carbonated water to sip as a way to stay calm and relax.
  5. Do not lie to impress her. Communicate honestly and don't bend the truth. The natural human desire is to paint things more shimmering, but this usually only brings a lot of trouble. If you really get to know her and like her, but then she finds out about your lies, that will humiliate you and lose her trust (and relationship). You should not "act deeply" in front of her in any situation.
    • Even if she doesn't realize it, other people (or other girls) will find out that you're trying to impress her.
    • If you want to see her again, lies will tire you out. If you want her to like you, let her like who you really are from the very first moment.
  6. Always be positive. Everyone likes to be around people who make them laugh, feel good, and have a positive outlook on life.If you feel angry or think the whole world is against you, this is not the right time to approach a girl. Talk about the things or people that make you happy and focus on the positive experiences you have experienced; As you get closer to her, you can also share negative stories, but if you want to get her interested in, speak in a positive tone.
    • You can adjust your speech when faced with a negative situation. If she asks you what the traffic is like when you arrive at your meeting place and you say "Very horrible", convert the negativity by adding "But I have had time to listen to my favorite audiobook" or "But I have seen interesting scenes on the street".
    • If she asks about which band you are really dislike, you can say "I haven't heard much of their songs" or "They're not my favorite band, but they're really talented". Don't rush to read the whole speech about something you hate when you first chat with a girl.
  7. Ask for her contact information. If you really like her, ask her email, phone number or full name so you can make friends on Facebook. If you want to make an appointment to see her, you can ask her directly, but if you just like her and want to talk more, try saying: “Now I have to go, but I want to continue talking with you another time. . So can you call me? ”. She would agree without hesitation.
    • If you're feeling embarrassed, ask her Facebook or her email address and send her some funny stuff - links to her favorite comic site or funny forum posts. This way will be less odd than making a phone call. This can also help her pay more attention to you and the two of you will have a better chance of seeing each other again.
    • Ask for contact information when the conversation is going well and you are interested in finding interesting topics to talk about. Don't wait until the conversation fades before asking for contact information or she might lose interest in seeing you again.


  • If the girl is completely disinterested or unwilling to respond, stop. Some girls often get unexpected attention and don't know how to react. Understand that many people find it difficult to cope with unwanted pursuits. Don't feel offended, end the conversation and move on with what you're doing.
  • Always make eye contact. However, you shouldn't hold your gaze for longer than 30 seconds as that appears obvious.
  • If you have a crush on your crush, don't let her know yet until you've talked to her for at least two weeks in a row. Only confess when you feel your feelings come from both sides.
  • Talk to her like you would a girl friend. If you are too nervous, you will lose the naturalness.
  • Some girls prefer to listen and watch rather than talk. If she doesn't talk much, she may prefer to hear what you have to say.
  • Every girl has different needs for attention. Some girls will be happy to see you once a week. Others won't leave you alone and some girls may not see you for a long time, but that doesn't mean they're bored.
  • If you don't want her to be scared and you don't mind, approach her from the front or the sides. Get information from a body language expert.
  • If you're not the type to be straightforward, start by saying hello every time you meet her. Gradually, you will attract her attention. This is easier than making an active conversation, asking for a name, etc.


  • Don't talk about other girls in front of her and don't compare her to other girls, especially her friends.
  • Don't talk about your ex, lest she might think you still have feelings for your ex.
  • When she is ready to continue talking, treat her with respect and understanding to get over the story.
  • Never talk to her in a rude or gruff tone of voice. No girls like this and you will lose points in their eyes.
  • Don't try to be reluctant when she doesn't want to talk. The conversation has to be contributed by both sides - if you always have to work hard, it won't work. Don't get angry when she behaves like this; maybe she's just scared. Give her some space and leave.
  • If she gets angry at you or "doesn't want to talk about something," leave her alone. No one knows how long this will last; she will be ready to return when calmed.