How to text a girlfriend out

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to ask a girl out over text - Example breakdown
Video: How to ask a girl out over text - Example breakdown


Most girls would rather be invited to go out. However, if you lack the courage or think that you are more successful on your phone, you can use the most ingenious texting technique to get her to agree. Whether you want to ask her out for a drink, go to a school dance, or ask her to be a girlfriend, it's important to show respect and get to the heart of the matter.


Method 1 of 3: Get your girlfriend to agree on a date

  1. Find ideas for a date. If you know your girlfriend well, consider her hobbies. The more engaging the date sounds, the easier it is for her to agree. Also, having a plan with a specific time and place will help you talk more assertively rather than just saying, "Can we go out sometime?" or "I don't know, what do you want to do?". Here are a few ideas to consider before you ask:
    • If you have the same taste in music, invite your girlfriend to see the upcoming concerts.
    • Consider inviting her to lunch or ice cream. If you enjoy cooking, invite her over to your house for a dinner you cook. Remember that dating doesn't have to be about eating, hiking or bowling is also a good idea.
    • Try to think of an activity that gives you a chance to talk and get to know each other. Avoid inviting your girlfriend to the movies as you will just sit in silence and won't have a chance to talk. However, if you are planning on going to the movies, you should take her to dinner first or to have ice cream afterwards, giving the two of you a chance to get to know each other.

  2. Send a starter message. Say hello first to start the conversation. If you've just met her and don't know if she has saved her phone number, you should first remind her who you are. Say it like, "You are ..., the day before we met". If you're sure she has her number, text her like "Is everything good today?" or "Are there any plans today?".
    • If you've just met her recently, make an excuse to start the conversation based on your last contact. For example, if you two just got home from a party, text something like, "Are you tired from having dinner?" If you two are sitting in class, say "Did you study for Monday's exam?"
    • Wait until she responds to the first message, then invite her out. Maybe she's busy with work or doesn't bring her phone, so be patient.

  3. Invite her out on a date. Once you start your conversation, now is the time to invite her out. Start by asking her what her plans are for a particular day. If she says free, you can invite her. Send a message like "Do you want to join me in the activity?"
    • Don't hesitate for too long. You should not drag the conversation on and off and make the invitation weird or confusing. There is no need to say too much when the two of you just started texting each other.
    • Keep it short and simple. Just say something like, "Do you like movies?" or "Do you want to go bowling Friday night?".
    • Determine the specific time and place you want to meet. If you just say "When can I go to the movies?" The sentence sounds very indecisive. It's important to give her time so that she knows you're serious and has thought it through.
    • Give her a choice. Maybe she wants to go out with you but doesn't know how to bowling, or wants to go out for dinner but has just arrived at the restaurant you recommend. Make it clear that you have a plan but can change it if you want.

  4. Respond with answers from your girlfriend. If she agrees, you have to make a more detailed plan; determine the meeting location / time and arrange transportation if needed. Once you've set the date you can end the conversation simply like "Great, see you Saturday!". Do not continue texting too long after that to avoid acting too excited. However, if she keeps texting, you can reply.
    • Make sure she knows you're waiting for the date if she says yes. This will make your girlfriend feel special and look forward to her date as well.
    • If she refuses, let her know that you are not upset, and close the conversation. You should hold your head up high and end things with happy words.

Method 2 of 3: Ask her to be a girlfriend

  1. Determine if she has feelings for you. Usually you should only ask one person to be your girlfriend after going through many dates and knowing her feelings for you more than your average friends; If you are young and have a habit of asking others to be your girlfriend before you date, look for signs that she likes you, such as a blushing face while talking, or waiting for you to return after hours. learn. Knowing if your girlfriend likes you or not will increase your chances of success when you ask.
    • If you've never talked or didn't know her well, or know she's in a relationship with someone else, don't ask her out on a date. In the sea there are many fish!
    • You don't have to be 100% sure if she likes you, but try to read her body language and words when you meet. Does she turn toward you, seem nervous in your presence, or look excited to see you? If so, then this is a very good sign that she likes you.
  2. Send a starter message. Start off by saying something like, "How have you been?" or "Is everything good today?" This is her guide to the story and allows her to ask questions. Let the talk run naturally. There is no need to be too clever at first and do not need to turn your thoughts into funny sentences. Ideally, she'll be impressed with your confidence if you don't hesitate.
    • Although you don't know what she does at different times of the day, try to text her at a time when she's most likely free. For example, if you know she has a habit of playing soccer after school, send her text a few hours later.
  3. First, show how you feel about her. Show your girlfriend how much you like it when she's around, and compliment her on the traits that make her stand out, explain why You really enjoy spending time with her. Try saying something like, "I enjoyed seeing you these past few weeks" or "You made me feel great" or "I've never felt that way about anyone before". No matter how you say it, you have to be honest and just say what you mean. That said, but you don't have to be too flattering.
    • Wait for her to respond before you offer to be a girlfriend. The way she responds to such statements will help you determine if she likes to date you, without you having to ask directly.
    • See how the girlfriend responded. If she says she feels the same way about you, go ahead and offer her a girlfriend. If she doesn't respond or just say "thank you" without saying how she feels, she probably doesn't like you.
    • Do not attack her with compliments because you will be dishonest and suffocate her.
  4. Ask her to be a girlfriend. There are many ways to express this question. You can ask directly by saying "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" or "Can you see me as my lover?" or "Can we become a couple?". Don't hesitate to ask questions for too long. The earlier you ask, the more time you'll have to go further.
    • Instead, ask an open-ended question like, "How much do you see our relationship developing?" or "Do you have an idea to find a boyfriend?" Open-ended questions like that show that you genuinely care about her needs and wants, and are willing to make compromises to make her happy. This way of asking her will relieve her of some of the pressure, even though it's not the question you really want to ask.
  5. Respond accordingly. If she wants to be your girlfriend that's great! The first thing you can do is offer to join in on a fun activity, like going to a concert, bowling and remember to choose the time and place of the meeting. This shows her that you are serious about the relationship and have been thinking hard.
    • If she doesn't agree, be polite and thank you for talking to her. It's best to end things happily so you can be proud of your grown-up behavior.

Method 3 of 3: Invite her to the ball

  1. If possible, find out if she is dating. If she already has a boyfriend then you can assume she will dance with him. If you are not sure if she has a boyfriend, don't worry, just invite her! You can ask your friends if they know, or even ask her friends, but remember this could reach her ears; in general you should improvise.
    • Don't ask her to cancel a boyfriend if she already has a boyfriend. This is unfair for the other guy and is a negative reflection of you.
    • You should invite her early for a better chance of success. If it is a formal dance you should invite at least a month or two in advance. If it was just a school dance, just a few weeks would be enough.
  2. First send her a friendly message. The conversation began with a text message like "Are you okay?" or "How are you doing?". Wait for her to respond before you ask, and let the conversation go natural. If she doesn't have your phone number, please introduce yourself first, explaining why she has her number. Don't make her upset or ignore her messages because you don't know who sent them.
  3. Invite her to dance. You can invite by sending a text that says "Would you like to dance with me?" Or probe first by asking if she intends to dance. If she says no then you can say something like "I like you to go with me" or "I think it would be nice if we go together"
    • If you want, you can reveal a little about her dancing skills or talk about how she can show you dancing techniques. There's no need to take it too seriously here!
  4. Plan necessary. If she accepts, congratulations! Now you must determine when and where to meet, coordinate outfits if needed, and decide on which means of transport. Don't worry as the hardest part is over, now you can relax and enjoy the ride.
    • Let her know you're excited about going with her and that you think it will be a great time. This will make your girlfriend feel special and look forward to going with you.
    • If she refuses or says she has a plan, let her know you're not upset, then end the conversation. Try to be happy and say "It's okay, I hope you're happy too!"