How to know you are transgender

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Know if You’re Transgender | How I Knew
Video: How to Know if You’re Transgender | How I Knew


Is your mind struggling over your real gender? Do you feel that your innate sex doesn't make you comfortable? The sooner you accept this fact, the more you can move on. Being transgender doesn't necessarily require physical change, it's important that you accept and love who you really are. Prepare yourself to get to know yourself deeply and know that you will become stronger.


  1. Patience. Determining my true gender can take a long time. It's never too "late" and "too old" to change gender. There are people who don't know they are transgender (or avoid the truth) until 30, 40, or even 50 years old. Bear in mind that sex determination is not a race but a process of self-awareness. Understanding yourself is the first stage in determining your true gender.

  2. Understand the concept of transgender. Transgender doesn't mean you will be limited in many aspects of your life. You can watch TV shows about transgender people; there transgender people say that they are aware of the very early on and care about the standards of heterosexuals. Note that not all transgender people are aware of this when they are young or are concerned about traditional gender norms. You don't have to worry that when you were a boy you liked dressing up, or playing action games if you were a girl. Remember that clothing or the choice of toys is just an expression, not an indicator of gender. Ponder the following scenario: why can heterosexual people display an androgynous character? For example, why can an ordinary girl be passionate about sports and straightforward, while a transgendered girl cannot, even though still following the traditional gender role? Gender expression is not the same as gender identity.
    • Transgender doesn't mean you are gay or heterosexual. Sex and sexual instinct are two separate concepts that belong to a person's identity. Your sexual orientation is the people you are attracted to, and gender identity is your inner sense of gender. Gay or transgender is not uncommon or unreasonable. There are many transgender people who are identified as homosexual, bisexual, whole or asexual. If heterosexual people have the right to show multiple sexual orientations, why not transgender people? Gay men and women are still heterosexuals because they have the same sense of gender as their biological sex. When transsexuals and heterosexuals are referred to as "homosexual", they appear to be accused of transgender as a way to maintain "idealistic personality and normalize heterosexuality", or "fake" or " trick "to stay in the" average "group. The concept does not refer to having an attractive or "normal" appearance in the eyes of others, but to the joy and freedom of the individual.

  3. Visualize your future scenes, dreams, and imagine the things you want in life. Where will you find yourself in the next 10 or 20 years? Do you find yourself a happy middle-aged person? Do you find yourself enjoying a good time, like being with good friends, building a family, doing fun things, or just relaxing? Take time to visualize your feelings. If you like to imagine yourself being of a different gender than your natural one and feel happy about it, you could be transgender. When you recognize your feelings, think about whether you really want to. Bear in mind that the physical changes made by the hormonal and surgical methods will be permanent. So make sure you really want to change.

  4. Learn about the transgender process. Study the effects of hormones and determine whether surgery is effective. You can choose to be injected with hormones instead of upper or lower surgery or vice versa. For example, you won't convert too much with just surgery and no hormones, or vice versa. Many people are still satisfied with just one or more of these methods. It is important that you are comfortable with which method.
    • You can learn from other people's experiences. Practical experiences often differ from medical terminology about transgender. Join the transgender community and listen to their stories.
  5. Accept yourself. Learn to accept yourself and love yourself. You have the right to show or doubt anything about yourself. It is important that you listen to your feelings rather than what others impose. If you don't question your gender identity out of fear that others will criticize it, your life will get worse because you don't listen to yourself and let people influence it. Remember that you only live once and cannot let your life end in regret.
  6. See a sex specialist. While it is not possible to determine your true gender, they can guide you. A good doctor can improve a person's life. Expressing your feelings through chat can help you find your identity. It's important to ask questions and analyze the causes of such feelings. Note carefully and carefully in choosing a specialist. Consult transgender people so they can refer to a reputable doctor. Making the wrong choice can cost you time and money. advertisement


  • No one can determine whether you are transgender or not.Just like homosexuality: no one has the right to define what kind of person you are. Only you can know your gender identity.
  • After all, your gender identity is still legal. Even if you change your gender, it does not mean that the gender was not previously valid.
  • There are basically more than two genders, so you should be able to identify your genders in the following group. Genderqueer (a person who is confused about her gender does not know what gender she is and how she is related in both love and sex) is a general term for people with gender identities other than gender. natural. Some people feel that they do not belong to one of the two basic precepts. These people are often identified as multiple sexes, bisexuals, flexible genders, or clones, etc. They are not of the primary gender.
  • Keep a journal or journal about your feelings and why you doubted your feelings. You need this in the future as you dig deeper.
  • Many transgender people find that their sexual partner choices change after they start learning about their real gender. It should not be concluded that sexual orientation never changes. You should be open to anything unforeseen.
  • Make friends with transgender people and become a close ally. You can build a rapport by asking them how they want to address and call out their name and what they want. In addition, you can watch clips on youtube talking about transgender people or express their views on gender identity to collect information.
  • Even if you don't want to have children now, your outlook may change over the years. You can seek out the sperm or egg bank prior to permanent sterilization during hormonal treatment.
  • If you find yourself heterosexual (not transgendered), you can still feel secure even after suspecting for a while. It is important that you learn and become better aware of this.
  • If you like to draw, you can draw yourself in a different gender. You can draw yourself doing something, your transgendered appearance or a beautiful role model. You just need to express yourself!


  • Use caution when talking to your parents about your gender identity or suspicion if you still depend on them. You should experiment first, referring to transgender people to see their reactions. If your parents don't accept transgender people, you should be careful. If they are at risk of violence or eviction because of gender identity, you should wait or plan to do so if things get worse.
  • Don't be hasty. Although there are rare cases of transgender people and realizing that they are not transgender, you will regret concluding that you are transgender without thinking carefully.
  • Beware of people with whom you express doubts about your gender identity. Some people do not understand and believe things that are not true (such as transgender rumors). Others may even hate or speak and act aggressively against you.

What you need

  • Logbook or diary to record the process
  • Friends who can trust or who can be helpful