How to recognize bad breath

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tell If You Have Bad Breath
Video: How To Tell If You Have Bad Breath


Bad breath can make you ashamed. You can unintentionally wander around with a mouth full of smelly breath until a brave friend - or, worse, someone you secretly likes or your lover - tells you that breath your smell is bad. Fortunately, there are several "breath test" methods you can do with yourself to identify the scent of your breath. These remedies may not help you know exactly what smell other people smell from you, but they will give you quite a good indication.


Method 1 of 4: Smell the Saliva

  1. Lick the inside of the wrist. Wait for 5-10 seconds for the saliva to dry. You should do this discreetly - when you are alone - not in public, or the people around you will look at you with strange eyes. Avoid doing this as soon as you brush your teeth, use mouthwash, or eat something mint-flavored, as a freshly cleaned mouth can hardly give you. accurate results.

  2. Smell the scent where the saliva is dry. This way, more or less, will help you perceive the smell of your breath. If it smells bad, you will likely need to improve your oral hygiene. If it doesn't smell your breath isn't that bad - but do another test to be more sure.
    • Keep in mind that this only uses the amount of saliva that is on the tip of your tongue (the front of your tongue), and often this position is self-cleaning. So, smelling saliva on your wrist will only tell you the scent at the best part of your tongue - and most bad breath stems from the base of the tongue close to your throat.
    • You can wash the saliva off your wrists, but don't worry if you can't find a water source or disinfectant as the smell of the saliva will dissipate quickly as your skin dries.
    • If you don't have a serious problem, you won't be able to smell much from your saliva. If you're still worried, you can try another self-test to give yourself a "second opinion".

  3. Try to collect the amount of saliva at the base of the tongue. Use your finger or a cotton swab and take it deep into your mouth - but not too deeply as it will trigger the vomiting reflex - and wipe it on the surface of the base of the tongue. Any bad breath bacteria that lurk in the site will get on your tool. Smell the scent of the tool you use to clean your tongue (fingers or cotton ball) to get the scent of the base of your tongue.
    • This method can help you recognize bad breath more accurately than just licking your wrist. Chronic bad breath is caused by bacteria that multiply on your tongue and between your teeth - and most of them are usually found near the base of your tongue. The tip of the tongue usually cleans itself, and you clean the front of the mouth more often than the back.
    • Rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash - in the front and back of the mouth - so that the bacteria can't hide in the base of your tongue. If possible, rinse your mouth close to your throat to prevent bacteria from building up. When you brush your teeth, be sure to go deep into the innermost tooth, and don't forget to brush your tongue and gums.

Method 2 of 4: Direct Smelling of Breathing

  1. Cover your mouth and nose with both hands. Place your hands in your nose and mouth so that the breath coming out of your mouth cannot travel anywhere but into your nose. Slowly exhale from your mouth and quickly inhale the breath into your nose. If your breath smells unpleasant, you will be able to easily tell - but the air can quickly escape between your fingers, and it will be difficult for you to make an accurate diagnosis with this measure. However, this is one of the most discreet ways to test the smell of your breath in public.
  2. Breathe into a plastic cup or container. Take a deep breath, and then place the cup over your nose and mouth so that it is as airtight as possible for you to get the most accurate results. Slowly exhale through your mouth, filling the cup with your hot breath. Quickly inhale through your nose - you will be able to easily smell your breath.
    • This might be more accurate than placing your hands in the nose and mouth, but its accuracy depends on the air tightness of the trophy.
    • You can also use this method with any kind of container that holds the breath coming from both the nose and mouth: a small paper or plastic bag, a surgical mask that holds the face close to the face, or anything else. any kind of respirator.
    • You should wash the cup before inhaling it again. Wash the cup with soap and water before storing it or using it for any other purpose.
  3. Get to know exactly. Avoid using these methods right after you've brushed your teeth, rinsed your mouth with mouthwash, or ate something mint-flavored. They can make your breath smell better, but the smell of your breath after you brush your teeth will not be the same smell you have most of the time. Try to test the smell of your breath at different times of the day - right after brushing your teeth, and in the middle of the day, when you normally meet other people - to get a better sense of the difference. Remember that your breath may also smell bad after you eat spicy foods. l Advertising

Method 3 of 4: Have Someone Check It Out

  1. You can consult with a trusted friend or family member to see if you have bad breath. You can test it for yourself, but you will only be able to get close to the exact smell that someone else smells from your breath. The best way to know for sure is to let go of your pride and ask, "Answer honestly. Is my breath bad?".
    • Only choose someone you trust - someone who will keep you a secret, and someone who will be completely honest with you about the matter. You can consult a friend who does not judge you. Avoid asking your crush or your partner, as severe bad breath can be a pretty big downside. Don't ask strangers questions unless you have the courage.
    • It might be embarrassing at first, but you will be relieved to receive a credible opinion on the matter. Getting a response from a close friend is better than the one you want to kiss.
  2. Be a little considerate. Don't breathe someone in the face and ask, "Is my breath bad?". Be subtle when discussing this topic, and always remember to ask before you act. If you spend a lot of time with someone, they may have noticed that you have bad breath; but maybe because they are too polite to talk about it.
    • You might say, "I'm worried that I have bad breath, but can't be sure. I know this would be a bit embarrassing, but can you smell anything?".
    • Or "This sounds pretty weird but I want to know if my breathing is really bad? Tonight, I'm going to take Chau to the movies and I'd rather face this issue now than wait. until she found out.

Method 4 of 4: Dealing with Bad breath

  1. Determine if you only experience morning bad breath when you wake up or if you experience chronic bad breath. Check your breathing in the morning, noon, and evening, before and after brushing, and track the persistence of the problem. If you know the reasons why you have bad breath, you can take steps to treat it.
    • It is normal to get bad breath in the morning when you wake up. You can get rid of this problem by brushing, flossing, and rinsing your mouth with a mouthwash after waking up.
    • Chronic bad breath is a more serious bacterial infection, but it is still a common problem and can be completely treated. To deal with bad breath, you need to maintain good oral hygiene and control the bacteria that make your breath smell bad.
    • The most common causes of bad breath are cavities, gum disease, poor oral hygiene, and a dull tongue (a white or yellowish layer on the tongue, usually from inflammation). If you can't identify your own oral self-exam, your dentist will be able to help you figure out the cause of bad breath.
    • If someone tells you that your breath smells bad, don't be ashamed. Think of it as a constructive criticism.
  2. Good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth well, rinse your mouth with antibacterial mouth water, and floss between your teeth to remove plaque and bacteria. Drink plenty of water, and rinse your mouth with cold water to cool your breath.
    • Brushing your teeth before bed is very important. You can do one more toothbrush with baking soda to minimize the acid in your mouth and make it harder for bad breath bacteria to multiply.
    • Use a tongue razor (available at many drugstores and supermarkets) to remove any residue that builds up between the taste buds and the folds of the tongue. If you do not have a tongue razor, you can use a toothbrush to brush your tongue.
    • Change your toothbrush every two or three months. Over time, the bristles become less effective, and your brush will likely accumulate bacteria. Replace your toothbrush after you get sick because this will give the bacteria no place to hide.
  3. Eat foods that are good for your breath and avoid foods that create bad smells. Apples, ginger, fennel seeds, berries, green vegetables, watermelon, cinnamon and green tea are all breath-healthy foods. You should incorporate these foods into your diet. Also, avoid foods that cause bad breath like onions, garlic, coffee, beer, sugar, and cheese.
    • Processed foods that contain a lot of sugar like cookies, candies, and pastries also contribute to bad breath.
  4. Talk to your doctor about digestive health. Poor gastrointestinal health can be the culprit in bad breath. You could have stomach ulcers, an H. pylori infection, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. Your doctor will help treat these diseases and teach you how to maintain a healthy digestive tract.
  5. Keep the nasal cavity clean. Allergies, sinus infections, and posterior nasal discharge can cause bad breath, so try to prevent and treat them. Keep the nasal cavity clean and clear, and manage allergies so that the disease doesn't progress.
    • Specialized nasal wash can help remove mucus that has accumulated in the nose.
    • Drinking hot lemon juice, using salt water drops, and taking vitamin C can help treat a stuffy nose.
    • When taking vitamin C, follow the dosage instructions on the package. Adults should take no more than 2000 mg of vitamin C per day.
  6. Eat a healthy diet. In addition to eating foods that benefit your breath, a healthy diet in general can help reduce bad breath. Cut back on processed foods, red meat, and cheese. Focus on eating fiber-rich foods like oats, flaxseeds, and kale.
    • You should also incorporate foods that are good for the gut microflora into your diet, like unsweetened kefir, kimchi, yogurt, or take probiotic supplements.
  7. Treat bad breath temporarily. Chew gum, eat mint or use a Listerine strip before engaging in socially sensitive situations. While you will definitely want to take care of the problem radically and get rid of the bad breath in the end, for now, you can improve your breath better. Please bring gum.
    • Chew a handful of cloves, cumin seeds, or anise seeds. Their antiseptic properties will help you fight the bacteria that cause bad breath.
    • Chew a piece of lemon or orange peel in your mouth - they give you a burst of freshness. (You should rinse the peel off before chewing.) Citric acid will stimulate salivary glands - and fight bad breath.
    • Chew on a regular branch of parsley, basil, mint or cilantro. The chlorophyll in these green plants will help neutralize the smell.
  8. Avoid tobacco use. If you need more reasons to stop smoking, here's one that's pretty easy for you: smoking contributes to bad breath. Cigarettes tend to dry out your mouth, and can leave an unpleasant odor even after you've brushed your teeth.
  9. Talk to your dentist about your problem. See your dentist regularly to maintain good oral hygiene. If you have chronic bad breath, your dentist can identify any dental problems you have such as cavities, gum disease, and a clammy tongue.
    • If your dentist believes that the problem is coming from a source in your body's (internal) system such as an infection, your dentist will ask you to see your family doctor or a specialist.


  • Bring mints, gum, or Listerine mouthwash pads for use in case of an emergency. They will help conceal your bad breath, but they can't really fight the bacteria that cause bad breath - so use them only as a temporary remedy, not a remedy. root treatment.
  • Brush your teeth well, floss, and mouthwash to keep your breath fresh. After brushing your teeth, use the toothbrush to gently rub the top of the tongue and palate. Remember to brush your tongue.
  • One tablespoon of honey and cinnamon per day can help you get rid of bad breath. Eating parsley will also help keep your stomach from emitting an unpleasant smell.
  • If you want to prevent morning bad breath when you wake up, drink a glass of water before bed and brush your teeth, you should make sure your body is always well hydrated because of breathing. waking up smelly is due to dry mouth.
  • Brush your teeth thoroughly after each meal so that small pieces of food don't get stuck in between your teeth.


  • Try not to induce vomiting yourself. Don't feel so deep in your throat that you feel uncomfortable.
  • Be careful not to get outside bacteria into your mouth. You need to make sure that your fingers, gauze pads, cups, and any other objects are completely clean if you allow them to come into contact with your mouth. Bad bacteria will make your problem worse.