How to tell if she doesn't like you anymore

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tell Your Girl Doesn’t Want You Anymore
Video: How To Tell Your Girl Doesn’t Want You Anymore


If you find your relationship is in danger of breaking down, look for a few warning signs to see how she feels about you. The way women talk, behave, and meet each other clearly show the inner feelings of women. Note the small details and pause to see the big picture of the relationship until it's time to stop or move on.


Part 1 of 4: Read her body language

  1. Observe your body position when she is with you. The closed position is when the body is facing away, folded its arms across the chest, or bent down to close the distance.
    • The closed position indicates that she is uncomfortable or worried about something. If she does this repeatedly while in a relationship, this could be a sign that she is no longer interested in you.
    • If your partner used to stand near you with her arms under or on her hips, but now she turns away and crosses her arms while talking. You can then be sure that the other person is no longer interested in communicating with you.
    • If she has always used a self-contained position when meeting you, it may be time to reconsider her relationship because she may want to end the relationship.

  2. Observe the eyes. Eye contact is an important part of body language and can express a person's emotions.
    • If a girlfriend is keeping eye contact during conversation then it's fine, but if she acts to avoid her gaze, this is not normal.
    • If she rolls her eyes around, looking at objects while you are talking, this is also a sign that the other person is not interested in talking or meeting you.

  3. Note the frequency of contact. Body contact is a woman's way of flirting and showing interest in a guy.Actions like bringing her hands to her chest, holding hands, or stroking her hair are all signs that she likes you.
    • If she used to be physically with you in the past, but is not now, you may need to talk to her about the relationship.
    • The change in the frequency of action in public, such as holding hands, can also be a red flag.
    • When a woman is no longer interested in a man, she can stop being in contact completely and try to avoid any chance of physical contact.

Part 2 of 4: Observing the action of a date

  1. Note how often she canceled appointments or is too busy with no time to go out. Cancellation is a warning sign of something unusual. Cancellation can happen with good reason, but if it happens with a high frequency that accounts for more than 50% of appointments, then you are in danger.
    • When a girl starts to cancel out of appointments constantly or gets busy, she is sending out a very clear message right now.
    • Your crush will always schedule a time to meet you, so if she doesn't, that's a very clear sign.
    • If you notice immediate cancellation or other plans, talk to her clearly.
  2. Note the type of dating she wants to happen. If your girlfriend always brings her friends to a date or wants to go in a group or date, this could be a sign that she doesn't like being alone with you anymore.
  3. Observe how your girlfriend behaves when you are at a social event such as a party. If she constantly leaves the room to talk to other groups of people, this may be a sign that she is no longer interested in being with you. Also, attending parties and social events, but not asking you out, can also be a sign of a bad relationship. advertisement

Part 3 of 4: Notice how you communicate

  1. Note how often she calls or texts her. Females always love to chat, so if your girlfriend is no longer calling or texting as much as before, you need to be very careful. If you are always the one taking the initiative to call or send text messages, this means she is no longer interested in you.
  2. Notice how your girlfriend talks to other guys. If she is flirting or flirting in front of you, she may be trying to get out of the relationship.
  3. Listen to what she says about the other guy. If she refers to men more than women, or always compares you to others, this may be a sign that she is ready to end the relationship. She may be friendly to people all the time, but if something unexpected happens, there are a few alarming words to keep in mind:
    • “My math class friend is very smart! I think he can tutor me! ” or
    • “I met someone at the gym yesterday and he was lifting 75 kg! This person must be strong enough to lift me up! ”
    • "The new guy is quite cute. I don't know where he came from. "
  4. Notice if your girlfriend is jealous or not. Females are instinctively jealous if you flirt or flirt with others in front of her. She may become angry and lead to unnecessary confrontation, or push herself away.
    • If your girlfriend no longer cares that you are flirting while dating, you need to reconsider your relationship.
    • Try teasing or being intimate with another girl during a date to see how she reacts.
  5. Note the type of disagreement between the two sides. All relationships are contradictory, but if it happens with dense frequency then this is not normal.
    • If the little things are always exaggerated over and over again, take the time to reevaluate the relationship. She may no longer find you attractive.

Part 4 of 4: Expressing emotions

  1. Ask about how she feels about this relationship. The best way to build a good relationship is to be honest. Ask her how she feels, and be willing to solve any problems if you both want to stay together.
  2. Actively listen while she talks. Concentrate heavily and engage in conversation.
    • Repeat what she said to show that you understand the meaning of the words "To confirm, I'm saying ..."
    • Let her speak without disturbing or arguing.
    • Ask questions to clarify and supplement her words.
  3. Make changes based on dialogue. After being honest, you can find the cause of the problem, if any. After she shares her feelings, you can determine the relationship's next pathway.
    • Maybe nothing is too big and you are complicating matters.
    • If she is willing to end, you may be able to deal with this more easily.
    • If she feels sad and you want to settle things, know what to change to make her happy again.


  • Don't rush to conclude that she doesn't like you anymore.
  • Pay attention to how she responds to your intimate actions. If she shows dissatisfaction with your gesture, this is something to watch out for.
  • Some people don't show affection in this way and don't react to a particular person. You can read books about the 5 love languages ​​to find out how others accept love to save a relationship.


  • If you keep trying to see if she likes you or not, she may assume you are unstable and will lose interest in you.