How to tell if salmon isn't fresh

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Signs You’re Actually Normal..
Video: 10 Signs You’re Actually Normal..


When properly prepared and stored, salmon tastes delicious and is very healthy. Always check raw fish for signs of spoilage before taking the time to prepare a meal. Do not eat processed salmon that has not been properly refrigerated or has been left for 2 days after cooking. Make sure the fish is cooked thoroughly before enjoying a meal.


Method 1 of 3: Test Raw Salmon

  1. Make sure the fish doesn't have a strong smell like ammonia. Smell raw salmon for an unpleasant smell. If the fish smells bad or like ammonium, the fish is probably spoiled. Fresh salmon usually has a pleasant smell.

  2. Check the milky film to see if the fish is no longer fresh. A sign that the fish has spoiled is the appearance of a milky white film on the surface of the fish. Be sure to check the fish before preparing it to make sure there is no milky film on it. If you see cloudy film on your fish, remove the fish immediately.

  3. Check for flaky salmon. Before you cook it, check the texture of the salmon. If it feels like a fish is breaking when you touch it, remove it. Fresh salmon should always be firm and firm.
  4. Check for discoloration of the ankle. If you buy salmon with its head intact, be sure to check your ankle. Fresh salmon should have bright, clear eyes with the pupils in between. When the fish spoils, the fish's eyes will no longer be clear.
    • The salmon's eyes should be slightly bulging. If the eyes are sunken, the fish is spoiled.

  5. Check to see if the salmon is dark in color. Check the color of the salmon to see if the fish is fresh. Fresh salmon should be bright pink or orange. If the fish is dark, the fish is probably spoiled.
    • Fresh salmon also has white lines in the meat.
  6. Check "expiry" and "sale term". If you doubt the quality of the salmon, check the "expiration date" on the package. This date does not accurately predict when the fish will spoil but will help you to imagine when the fish could spoil. You should also check the "sale date" listed on the package.
    • As a general rule, fresh chilled salmon will keep for an extra day or two after the "sale date".

Method 2 of 3: Check freshness of processed salmon

  1. Check for odor, sour. If processed salmon smells bad, you need to give up the fish immediately. An unpleasant sour smell is a clear indication that your leftover meal is stale. If the salmon does not have a gentle aroma that stimulates the taste buds, you should not continue eating fish.
  2. Viscosity test. One obvious sign that leftover processed salmon is spoiled is viscosity. If the salmon loses its texture with its thick flesh, you shouldn't eat the fish anymore. Discard the fish if it is viscous.
  3. Cooked salmon should not be left at room temperature for more than two hours. Processed salmon must be discarded if left at room temperature more than two hours after cooking. Bacteria will begin to reproduce if the fish is not refrigerated before this time. Always keep in mind when to prepare salmon or when to order salmon at a restaurant and when you refrigerate it.
  4. Discard leftover fish meat after two or three days. Three days after preparing the fish, you should discard the leftover salmon regardless of any signs of spoilage. If you are unsure about the condition of the salmon after two days, skip the fish. The risk of bacteria and disease is not worth taking the risk. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Make sure the salmon is properly cooked

  1. Use a fork to check the loose grain of the fish. Use a fork to gently remove some meat from the tenderloin or salmon fillet. When the fish is properly cooked, the fibers come off when affected. If you find that the meat is hard or chewy, the fish has not been properly prepared.
  2. Check the salmon for turbidity. To make sure the salmon is fully cooked, cut the thickest part of the fish and check the color. All ripe fish will be cloudy. If the salmon is still clear, you will need to cook it for a longer time.
  3. Check the temperature of the fish. If you have a meat thermometer used in the kitchen, use it to check the temperature of the salmon. Place the thermometer on the thickest part of the salmon and let it sit for about a minute for the correct temperature. Evenly cooked salmon will be around 65 ° C.
    • Use an electronic meat thermometer for easy reading.


  • Although wild caught salmon is thought to be better than farmed salmon, in reality both types are good. All types of salmon are rich in vitamins and nutrients such as Omega-3 fats and vitamin A.
  • Store salmon in its packaging when you buy it from the store or in sealed containers to keep it fresh.
  • Storing raw salmon in the freezer can keep fish for an additional two or three months.
  • Salt and smoked salmon are also good ways to keep fish longer.