How to Quickly End a Cough

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop Coughing In 3 Minutes-No More Dry Cough
Video: How To Stop Coughing In 3 Minutes-No More Dry Cough


The persistent cough is very distressing for you, and you may want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Coughing is a common side effect of colds, but it can also be caused by allergies, asthma, acid reflux, dry air, cigarette smoke and even medications. Coughing can be extremely uncomfortable and painful, so try the tips below to get rid of it quickly.


Part 1 of 3: Natural Cough Treatments

  1. Use honey. Honey is an effective way to curb coughing attacks and soothe the throat. Many studies have found that honey is at least as effective as an over-the-counter cough suppressant, and sometimes even more effective. Honey coats and helps to soothe mucous membranes. Honey will be very helpful when taken right before bed if a cough makes it difficult to fall asleep.
    • Honey is good for adults and children, but don't give honey to babies under the age of 1 as it can increase the risk of botulism in infants.
    • You can drink honey directly. When you have a persistent cough, try drinking 1 tablespoon of honey every few hours. Another option is to add 1 tablespoon of honey (or more) to hot lemon tea and drink it.
    • Some studies have suggested that honey is as effective in treating coughs as dextromethorphan, an ingredient commonly used in many over-the-counter cough medicines.

  2. Drink licorice tea. Licorice tea soothes airways, helps reduce swelling and loosens phlegm. Add 2 tablespoons of dried licorice root to the shift, pour 8 ounces of boiling water and soak for 10-15 minutes. Drink twice a day.
    • Do not drink licorice tea if you are taking steroids or have kidney problems.
    • The active ingredient glycyrrhiza can cause side effects in some people. Look for DGL, or deglycyrrhizinated licorice at health food stores or pharmacies, as well.

  3. Try thyme tea. In some countries, for example in Germany, thyme is used to treat respiratory ailments. Thyme helps relax the muscles in the throat and reduce inflammation. Boil water, add 2 teaspoons of ground thyme in a cup, pour in boiling water and soak for 10 minutes. Strain the tea before drinking.
    • Add honey and lemon for extra calming agent. It also adds flavor to this drink.
    • Do not use thyme oil to drink. Use only fresh, dry thyme.

  4. Enjoy a hard candy. If you don't have cough lozenges available or you don't like herbal lozenges, you can soothe and stop the cough by sucking on a hard candy.
    • A dry cough without phlegm can be stopped with any hard candy. Hard candies make you more saliva and swallow more, which can curb coughing attacks.
    • If your cough has phlegm, sucking on a cough cough with lemon juice usually works fine.
    • Hard candies are effective in treating coughs for children 6 years of age and older. Do not give candies or cough lozenges to children under 3 years old, as they can choke.
  5. Try turmeric. Turmeric is an ancient cough remedy that many find effective. Try mixing a half teaspoon of turmeric powder in a cup of warm milk. You can also try mixing turmeric powder with a teaspoon of honey to treat a dry cough. To make turmeric tea, add 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder to 1 liter of boiling water. Let it soak, then filter again. Adding a little honey and lemon are ingredients to relieve cough.
  6. Dissolve peppermint and ginger in lemon juice. Ginger helps to loosen phlegm. Both ginger and peppermint can help control irritation in the back of the throat. Add honey to the mixture for added effect.
    • Add 3 tablespoons of minced ginger and 1 tablespoon of dried mint to 1 liter of water. Boil water and reduce heat. Simmer until it is less, then filter again. Let it cool for a few minutes and then add 240 ml of honey, stir until completely dissolved. Drink 1 tablespoon every few hours. This mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
    • You can add a mint candy to the lemon juice. Use a small saucepan to heat up until the candies dissolve. You can also try adding honey. Add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of honey to the mixture and stir well.
  7. Try essential oils. Combining steam with essential oils can help you inhale the essential oils and be effective. Try tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil, both of which are said to help soothe and clear your airways. Tea and eucalyptus essential oils also have anti-viral, bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Boil water and pour it into a bowl. Let it cool for 1 minute. Add 3 drops of tea tree oil, 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil and stir. Lean forward and put a towel around your head to catch the steam. Take a deep breath for about 5-10 minutes, inhale 2-3 times a day. Be careful not to bend too close lest your face burn from the hot steam.
    • Do not drink tea tree oil as it is toxic if swallowed.
  8. Make a cough syrup from bourbon. If you prefer to use an effective cough syrup that's just for adults, you can mix a little whiskey in a warm lemonade. Although alcohol does not seem to have the effect of treating coughs, it can help relax you.
    • Dissolve 60 ml of whiskey, 60 ml of lemon juice and 60 - 125 ml of water in a mug you can use in the microwave.
    • Heat for 45 seconds in the microwave.
    • Add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of honey to the mixture and heat in the microwave for another 45 seconds.
  9. Try Korean folk remedies. If you have a cough due to a cold or flu, you can make a batch of traditional Korean cold medicine. It is a mixture of dried jujube with spices, honey and many other beneficial ingredients.
    • Add 25 dried jujube (sliced), 1 large pear (sliced ​​and seeded), a ginger branch 8 cm long (sliced), 2-3 cinnamon branches and 3 liters of water in a large saucepan. Cover the pot and simmer over medium heat until it starts to boil.
    • Reduce heat and simmer for 1 hour.
    • Strain the water and remove all.
    • Add 1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 30 ml) of honey to sweeten the tea. Enjoy a cup to sooth your throat and stop coughing in just a few minutes. One of the easiest things you can do is relax and breathe deeply.
  10. Gargle salt water. Salt water is used to relieve sore throats, but can also relieve coughs because it helps reduce swelling and loosen phlegm. Dissolve ¼ to ½ teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water, stir completely and rinse for 15 seconds. Spit it out and repeat until the salt water is gone.
  11. Try apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is a good remedy for coughs that doesn't require medication. You can heat apple cider vinegar and serve it as a tea by adding a teaspoon of honey, or drinking it cold with apple juice. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Treating Coughs With Medicine

  1. Use decongestants. Decongestants help relieve coughs by reducing nasal congestion, drying out phlegm in the lungs, and relaxing airways. You can take a decongestant in many forms, such as a pill, a liquid, or a nasal spray.
    • Look for pills and liquid pills that contain the active ingredients phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine.
    • Using decongestants too much can lead to dry nose and throat and a dry cough.
    • Only use a nasal spray for 2-3 days. Longer use may cause more nasal congestion due to "feedback effect". You can become dependent on decongestants if overused.
  2. Try herbal cough lozenges. Check with the menthol cough suppressant because it seems to work best. Cough lozenges numb the back of the throat, limit the cough response and help stop coughing attacks quickly.
    • If you have a cough with phlegm, a bitter mint-based lozenge usually works well. Bitter peppermint is an herb that is both bitter and sweet, and has ingredients that loosen phlegm, thus helping to expel phlegm faster, making coughs go away faster. Pregnant women avoid using bitter mint.
    • For a dry cough, you can use slippery elm lozenges. This lozenge is made from the bark of the slippery elm tree. Substances in lozenges coat the pharyngeal mucosa, thereby limiting the cough response and stopping dry coughs. Pregnant and lactating women should not use slippery elm.
  3. Use breast warming oil. Over-the-counter breast-warming oil contains menthol or camphor, which can block most dry and expectorant coughs.
    • This oil is for topical use only, not drinking.
    • Do not use infant breast warming oil.
  4. Try cough medicine. Cough medicine is most helpful when used to treat a productive cough that usually occurs at night.
    • Cough medicine blocks the flow of phlegm that causes coughing and sends signals to the brain to limit the cough response. This is a good solution if you need to temporarily stop your cough to fall asleep at night or for other reason. But you shouldn't rely on cough medicine for a while because cough medicine can cause phlegm to build up in the lungs, increasing the risk of bacterial infections.
    • Look for cough medicines that contain dextromethorphan, pholcodine, or an antihistamine.
    • Use caution when taking the medication if your main symptom is cough. The antihistamines and decongestants found in cough medicine can make the phlegm thick, dry, and difficult to leave the airways.
    • Do not use cough medicine for children under 4 years old.
  5. Use expectorants. An expectorant loosens phlegm, making it easier to expel when you cough. An expectorant is very effective if you are coughing up thick mucus.
    • Do not give cough medicine to a child younger than 4 years old because it can cause serious side effects.

Part 3 of 3: Terminating Coughs Using Other Methods

  1. Drink fluids. Adequate hydration is important in both dry and productive coughs. Fluids that help loosen phlegm that normally flows into the throat, causing a cough. Any drink is fine, except for alcohol and caffeinated drinks (which can dehydrate you) and acidic drinks or citrus juices (which can irritate the throat). .
    • Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water (8 x 250ml) per day while you are coughing.
    • To cure coughs for children 3 months - 1 year: give children 1-3 teaspoons (5 -15 ml) of warm, clear liquid, such as apple juice, at most 4 times a day to soothe the cough. That is in addition to the usual amount of fluids babies drink like breast milk or formula.
  2. Breathe in warm steam. Take a hot shower and inhale the steam. This can help loosen phlegm in your nose that can drain down your chest and cause a cough. It also moistens the air (dry air can also cause a cough). Turn on the humidifier at night and breathe in the warm steam.
    • This remedy is effective in treating coughs caused by colds, allergies and asthma.
    • Regularly clean the humidifier, otherwise it will be detrimental. Mold and bacteria can build up inside an aircraft and get into the air through the steam.
  3. Change the way you cough. You can instinctively start with a strong cough, followed by a lighter cough. But mild to strong gradual coughing can help you stop coughing faster. This is especially helpful in the case of a cough with sputum. When the cough comes, start with a light cough. This cough does not expel much phlegm. When it comes to the end of a cough, cough vigorously. A mild cough brings phlegm to the top of the trachea, and a strong cough will have enough force to expel the phlegm.
    • Coughing this way will help keep your throat from getting further irritated. An irritated throat often causes a constant cough, so making your throat less irritated can help you stop coughing faster.
  4. Remove airborne irritants. Chronic coughs are usually caused or made by irritants in the air. These irritants can irritate the sinuses, leading to a chronic cough due to too much mucus. The most obvious irritant is cigarette smoke.
    • Bath perfumes and lotions are also believed to induce a chronic cough and should be avoided at least during a cough, if you want to stop coughing quickly.


  • Note that antibiotics are rarely, if not never, used to treat coughs. Antibiotics only kill bacteria and do not help, making them ineffective in treating a cough caused by a virus and a cough that is not caused by an illness. Your doctor will only prescribe antibiotics if you suspect that your cough is a symptom of a bacterial infection.
  • If breathing is difficult, use an inhaler.
  • Fluids like coffee or black tea can impair immunity.
  • When you drink water, drink warm water as it can irritate your throat.
  • Get plenty of rest. Avoid hiking, jogging, or exercising until you feel better.


  • Know when to see a doctor. Coughs usually go away on their own within 10 days, and with the above treatments, they go away even faster. But if the cough persists for more than 2-4 weeks, you should call your doctor. You should also see your doctor if you cough up blood, or cough with chest pain, extreme fatigue, severe weight loss, chills or fever of 38.3 degrees C or higher.