How to grow facial hair

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 7 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Grow Facial Hair & Beards - Grooming, Styling, & Shaving Tips for Men
Video: How to Grow Facial Hair & Beards - Grooming, Styling, & Shaving Tips for Men


Many people dream of growing a luxurious bushy beard or stylish mustache. Unfortunately, growing facial hair is not easy. Much depends on genetics. For some men who want a chic, thick beard, it turns out to grow only a few rare areas. We can't change genetics, but there are a number of ways we can stimulate the growth of denser facial hair. You can also make lifestyle changes for better hair growth. However, remember that hair will not grow back overnight. To achieve this goal, you will need a lot of patience.


Method 1 of 3: Boosting Hair Growth

  1. 1 Get your hair back. It may upset you that you are not able to grow as thick a beard as you would like. However, the real reason for failure may not be poor hair growth, but rather that you don’t spend enough time on it. It can take four weeks (and sometimes longer) to grow a full beard. Many people give up their attempts much earlier, deciding that they will not be able to grow a full-fledged beard, although they only lack patience.
    • Growing a beard takes a lot of time and effort. Don't give up with just a few days! Additional measures should only be taken if you do not achieve the desired result after four or five weeks.
    • Don't shave at the first sign of itching.New hair is normal and itchy at first; over time, the hair grows back and becomes softer, after which the itching goes away.
    • Use an over-the-counter hydrocortisone steroid cream. It can help you deal with itching.
    • Waiting for the hair to grow back on your face can be challenging, especially when your beard and mustache are sloppy enough to make ironic remarks. As it grows, the hairline will appear to grow erratically and unevenly. However, as the vegetation grows longer, the slowly growing follicles will also have time to release hairs. Gradually, the gaps between vegetation will overlap with both longer and slower growing short hairs.
  2. 2 Let your hair grow freely. Let nature do its job. You should not try to shape your beard and mustache early in growth. Trimming facial hair often removes more hair than you would like, so it's best to leave it to yourself in the first step. Do not worry: in the future, when the beard and mustache grow back properly, you will have enough time to put them in order.
    • As your hair grows, comb it in a predetermined direction. Thus, you will give them the look you want.
    • After about four weeks, you can visit a hairdresser or stylist to get your hair looking good. At the same time, explain to the master that you are trying to grow hair on your face, and therefore you just want to shape your hair, and not shorten it.
  3. 3 Experiment with beard oil if desired. This oil moisturizes both the hair itself and the skin of the face. At the same time, it gives the hair the desired shape. This is a great tool for making facial hair look beautiful, even if it is not very thick.
    • Experts recommend applying beard oil immediately after washing your face in the morning. In this case, the cleaned skin pores will absorb the oil better. Simply scoop up a small amount of oil with your hand and rub it over your face, beard and mustache.
    • Beard oil gives hair a beautiful look, a pleasant smell, and also cleanses it. There are many different brands; try several varieties and choose the one that suits you best. Visit the men's cosmetic section for free samples.
  4. 4 Take nutritional supplements. There are certain dietary supplements that, when taken daily, will speed up hair growth. Include such supplements in your morning diet after consulting your doctor.
    • Make your hair thicker with folic acid. This acid is essential for normal hair growth and health. Folic acid supplements are available at pharmacies and health food stores.
    • You can also increase your dietary folate content. This acid is found in whole grain breads and cereals, green leafy vegetables, peas, and nuts.
    • Increase the amount of biotin you eat. It is an important water-soluble vitamin B7 for the body; it is necessary for the formation of fatty acids and glucose, as well as for the absorption of amino acids and carbohydrates. Make sure you are not deficient in biotin as this can lead to hair loss.
    • Biotin is found in liver, oysters, cauliflower, beans, fish, carrots, bananas, soy flour, egg yolks, cereals, yeast, and other foods. While you can take biotin supplements, try to consume natural foods that are rich in biotin.

Method 2 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle

  1. 1 Take care of your skin. The skin is the largest organ in your body and has many important functions. One of these functions is to promote hair growth. Skin care is one of the most effective ways to keep your facial hair looking thick.
    • Exfoliate your face. Dirt blocks hair follicles, inhibiting hair growth.Apply an eucalyptus mask to exfoliate your skin once a week. It works great on the skin and promotes better hair growth.
    • Apply products to improve your hair. Use vitamin B complex shampoos and lotions.
    • Massage your hair follicles. Light massage stimulates hair follicles. Massage your face with your fingertips in circular motions for two to three minutes. You can also apply a moisturizing face cream during the massage.
  2. 2 Monitor your diet. Your well-being largely depends on how you eat. The health of your skin and hair also depends on nutrition. There are many vitamins that promote hair growth, including on the face. Make sure your diet includes enough essential nutrients.
    • Include vitamins that promote hair growth in your diet. Although external agents can always be used, internal preparations are much more effective.
    • Take vitamin A. This vitamin stimulates the production of sebum, which moisturizes the skin and hair follicles. Vitamin A is found in eggs, meat, cheese, liver, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, and dark green leafy vegetables.
    • Get enough vitamin E, which is so important for skin health; this vitamin also improves blood circulation, promoting hair growth. Vitamin E is found in foods such as butter, leafy vegetables, nuts, beans; As a rule, a regular diet contains a sufficient amount of vitamin E.
    • Take vitamin B3 to improve circulation. Proper blood circulation promotes hair growth. Studies have shown that vitamin B3 is more effective when taken with biotin.
    • Take vitamin B5. It is also known as pantothenic acid... This vitamin not only helps the body absorb the fats and proteins needed for healthy hair, but also helps reduce stress, which has a negative effect on hair growth. Vitamin B5 is found in brewer's yeast, broccoli, avocado, egg yolks, liver, duck, milk, lobster, whole grain bread, and other foods.
  3. 3 Lead an active lifestyle. Physical activity improves blood circulation, promoting hair growth. It doesn't matter what kind of physical exercise you do, the main thing is to do it regularly, devoting about an hour a day to them. By doing this, you stimulate healthy hair growth.
    • Choose what you like. If you are into sports, organize a weekly basketball or soccer challenge with your friends. It will be much more interesting for you to play sports not by yourself, but in the company.
    • Change your habits. There are many ways to increase your physical activity. Try, for example, going up the stairs instead of using the elevator.
  4. 4 Get some rest. Get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for your body to recover and grow. Teens need about eight hours of sleep, and adults seven to eight hours of sleep daily. Plan your day in such a way that you have enough time for rest, which promotes hair growth.
    • Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time. It can be tough on weekends when you want to get some sleep. Remember, however, that a good daily routine is important to your health.
  5. 5 Relax. Deal with stress. Stress often leads to hair loss. Therefore, avoid stressful situations and take time throughout the day to relax. There are various methods to reduce stress. Communication with a good friend or close relative can often help in a stressful situation.
    • Concentrate on your breathing. When stressed, take a few deep breaths in and out to help lower your heart rate and clear your mind.
    • Be patient. Remember that facial hair grows at different rates for different people.Worrying about this will not help, and may even make things worse. Try not to just think about it.

Method 3 of 3: Solving the problem medically

  1. 1 Try Rogaine. This product contains an ingredient called minoxidil to stimulate new hair growth. It is one of the most popular hair growth remedies for men. Regaine is available without a prescription and is sold in almost every pharmacy. However, keep in mind that it is intended to stimulate hair growth on the scalp, not on the face. Although Regaine is increasingly being used to accelerate facial hair growth, its effectiveness has not been proven.
    • Minoxidil is dangerous if swallowed, so apply Regaine carefully around your mouth. Please consult your doctor before using this remedy for facial hair growth.
    • Side effects include eye or skin irritation, dandruff, and itching.
  2. 2 Talk to your doctor about testosterone therapy. This male sex hormone can be injected, topically, or taken orally, although the latter is not recommended due to its harmful effects on the liver. Low testosterone levels can cause poor facial hair growth. For optimal results, testosterone therapy should be carried out under close medical supervision. Too much big the amount of testosterone can have the opposite effect, inhibiting hair growth.
    • Typically, low testosterone levels can be identified by a number of signs, such as erectile dysfunction and decreased muscle mass. Your doctor will order certain tests to check your testosterone levels. Testosterone levels cannot be judged solely by the density of facial hair.
    • It can take about a year from the start of therapy to the first results.
  3. 3 Consult a plastic surgeon. Some people are simply deprived of nature, therefore, despite all the efforts, the mustache and beard are simply not able to "take root" on their face. If all other methods did not work, then plastic surgery can help by transplanting hair follicles from the scalp to the skin of the face. This is a very effective but also expensive method: it takes time and money.
    • This usually involves outpatient treatment and causes minor skin irritation. Getting the desired result can take a long time - from one to two years.
    • Ask your doctor to recommend a good cosmetic clinic for you. Be sure to consult before starting the transplant, trying to find out as much as possible about the upcoming procedure.


  • If you don’t know what you’ll look like with a goatee, mustache, or full beard, but don’t want to wait for your facial hair to grow back, just go to a theater props store. For centuries, actors have glued fake hair to their faces, and this way you can easily find out how you will look with a beard and mustache.
  • Most funds do not bring the desired results immediately, sometimes it can take a whole year.
  • Humans have not yet learned how to overcome genetics, and while the right diet and hair growth products can be effective, there is no guarantee that they will help you.


  • Prolonged use of a hydrocortisone cream can have dangerous effects, including blistering, skin damage, hair growth on the forehead, back, arms and legs, and skin lightening.