How to stop masturbation

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop Masturbating (Today) 7 Practical Tips To Stop a Masturbation Habit | Dr. Doug Weiss
Video: How To Stop Masturbating (Today) 7 Practical Tips To Stop a Masturbation Habit | Dr. Doug Weiss


In this section wikiHow teaches you to stop masturbating by keeping busy, having purpose and the right way of thinking.


Part 1 of 3: Seeking help

  1. Know when to seek help. Masturbation is natural and healthy behavior. Even if you masturbate often, it is not certain that you will be addicted. If you are unable to think or want to masturbate on your own, or your masturbation is negatively affecting your school or work, maybe it's time to need help. Don't feel ashamed, and remember that many people have the same problem. Seeking help is a courageous act, and most people you meet will consider it that way.

  2. Make an appointment with a medical professional. Counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists are trained to help people with varying degrees of addiction. Get a head start by meeting with a therapist in your area who will evaluate your addiction and refer you to someone who can help you more deeply if needed.

  3. Talk to a therapist about how masturbation has affected your life. Some people may masturbate to distract themselves from feelings, emotions, and problems. Be open to a therapist when talking about the effects of masturbation on your life.
    • It may take a few sessions for you to feel comfortable with the professional. This is normal. Take it easy.
    • If you feel empty, sad, or angry before or after you masturbate, share the details with your therapist. They can help you pinpoint the source of those feelings.

  4. Discuss treatment options. Masturbation addiction is considered by some to be a form of sex addiction. Your therapist can recommend a combination of medications and cognitive behavioral therapy to help you get through.

Part 2 of 3: Keeping a life busy and having purpose

  1. Find the way out for your time and energy. Fill your schedule with many activities. Having a compelling feeling to do something can help you forget the urge to masturbate, and attractive destinations will distract you every time the impulsive thought arises. Consider the following options:
    • Exploit creativity. The process of transforming sexual desires into creative activity (called sublimation) is something that monks and sages have applied for centuries. Practice writing, learning to play an instrument, painting, drawing, or whatever makes you feel creative.
    • Play sports. To be good at a sport you need to be patient and disciplined. Develop a hobby such as jogging or swimming, participating in sports such as soccer, basketball or tennis. Any sport can help you release stress, feel happier, and focus on your fitness in a positive way. Yoga is also a form of exercise that can help relax you and reduce the likelihood of urge to masturbate.
    • Healthy eating. Fruits and vegetables have a positive effect on the body and provide essential nutrients to energize activities throughout the day. Avoid stimulant foods like oysters, salmon, peppers, coffee, avocados, bananas, and chocolates.
    • Find a new hobby or tap into a skill. Learning something takes practice to focus your brain on the lingering satisfaction of reaching your goal, rather than the instant gratification of masturbation. Learn skills like cooking, carpentry, archery, baking, public speaking, and gardening.
    • Spend time volunteering. Dedicate your efforts to helping youth less fortunate than you, such as working at a relief center, teaching poor students, cleaning disaster-hit areas, or raising money for a noble cause. somehow. You will feel forgiving when you help others and will not have much time to deviate from your goals.
    • Get enough sleep. The urge to masturbate can be very powerful, so you need to have enough energy to counter it. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. If you often forget to go to bed on time, set an alarm clock.
  2. Make a plan to avoid masturbation during "libido" times of the day. If you have trouble before bed or while taking a bath, find ways to avoid the urge to masturbate at that time. For example, if the problem occurs at night, jump off the bed and push until tired so you can't do anything other than go to bed. If you feel the urge to masturbate the most when you shower, take a shower in cold water so you won't be able to stay in the bathroom for long, and this will also save you time and water.
    • If you always masturbate every time you get home from school, have a plan in place to get rid of the boredom after school. If you don't have a lot of jobs that distract you from sex, find ways to fill your schedule. You will find it easier to avoid masturbation when you are too busy or tired to distract yourself.
    • If you often feel like masturbating in the morning, try to wear more pants to make it difficult to touch.
  3. Limit time alone. If you regularly masturbate because you feel lonely, find ways to participate in social activities a lot. This means joining multiple clubs or social activities, accepting and sending invitations to people, giving up old habits to make more friends. If you want to date someone, ask a friend to make it up for you or sign up for an online dating site.
    • There is another thing you can do to limit the time spent alone at home. If you tend to masturbate in the time before your parents get home from work, take a walk during that time or go to a cafe to do your homework.
    • Even if all your friends are busy, you can limit your urge to masturbate by going out in society. For example, instead of watching football at home, you can go to a coffee shop.So without your friends you will still not be lonely, in the end you will have no time to masturbate.
  4. Stop watching porn on your computer. One of the reasons you masturbate a lot is because you know you can watch porn within seconds if you want. However, if you are not determined enough to stop watching the movie, there are other ways to get it done:
    • Consider installing software to block pornography on your computer. Of course you will know the password to easily disable the locking function, but when the machine asks for a password you will remember your resolve. You can enter any password into the text file, copy and paste in the box asking for the password and confirm, then delete the text file. So you cannot know what the password of the blocking software is. This is the best way to stay strong and prevent you from struggling with yourself.
    • If you have a tendency to masturbate while watching sex movies on a computer, move it to a room where other people can see you.
    • If you have pornographic tapes or pictures on paper, destroy them immediately.
    • Help me. Porn addiction software like Brainbuddy are designed to tune your brain so that you pursue real relationships instead of virtual movies.
  5. Determination and patience. Getting rid of the habit of masturbation is not something that can be done successfully. It is a determined process, and there will be times when you make mistakes or fall. The real fight is very persistent, so you must make a commitment not to let mistakes get in the way.
    • Reward system regulation. Reward yourself every time you have behaviors that match your orientation. For example, if you can get through two weeks without masturbating once, indulge yourself a bit like playing a new game or eating an ice cream.
    • The reward system is helpful, but remember not to reward yourself with something that needs control, in this case masturbation. If you say you will reward yourself with masturbation after a week of successful cessation, then you've turned masturbation into something even more desirable.

Part 3 of 3: Having the right way of thinking

  1. Stop torturing yourself. Consider it like this: if you constantly think about how some people object to masturbation, then you will always think about masturbation. You shouldn't trade masturbation habits with another habit - they are so closely related that you won't be able to deal with anything. Admit this is your problem instead but will patiently give up the urge.
    • Remember, you are also human to be human to masturbate. Some studies show that up to 95% of men and 89% of women admit to masturbation. You will be less embarrassed knowing that you are not alone.
    • Resist the thought that triggers disappointment when you remember feeling sorry for yourself, when you should be taking the time to let go of bad habits.
  2. Don't believe in rumors about the harmful effects of masturbation. If you want to stop the habit of masturbation, do so for personal and ethical reasons, not for health reasons. The only health problem is the sharp pain from too much masturbation, but that goes away if you stop touching. Here are the things that masturbate can not cause your body to:
    • Masturbate are not causing infertility, premature ejaculation or impotence.
    • Masturbate are not insane.
    • Masturbate are not causing blindness or black spot phenomenon.
    • Masturbate are not causing more urination.
    • Masturbate does not affect to beard, growth, facial features, kidneys, testicles, skin problems or any major physical problem! All are just rumors.
  3. Understand that the problem will improve. If you believe you can find a way to stop masturbating, then you will. Maybe your goal is not to stop masturbation altogether, but limit yourself to a healthy level, say once or twice a day. That is still completely fine. If you believe that you can win in this war, then you are more likely to succeed instead of constantly speculating.
    • That said, one day you will fall into the old habits. If one day you masturbate even though you are not planning to do so, don't think "Oh no matter what, today has failed", then you continue to masturbate throughout the day and start again tomorrow. This is just as plausible as thinking you should eat a whole big cake because you ate one cookie anyway and ruined your diet for the day.
  4. Know when to seek help. If you've tried everything and you still can't control your masturbation habits, then maybe it's time to tell someone your problem and ask for help. Don't feel ashamed, and remember that many people have similar problems with you. Asking for help is courageous and the people you ask for help feel the same.
    • Thanks to your father to guide you. If you go to church a lot, ask the parish priest for help. Keep in mind three things: First, they become clergy because they have vowed to help everyone in the congregation. Second, they may have also helped others with problems like you. In the end, they are obligated to keep absolute secrecy. Ask to see a priest, a priest or a missionary in person and see if their advice is of any help to you.
    • Make an appointment with a medical professional. Counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists all have expertise in helping patients with varying degrees of addiction. See a therapist in your area who will assess your condition and refer you to a more experienced specialist if needed. There are many different treatment options, from cognitive behavioral therapy to medication.


  • Encourage yourself by reminding yourself that quitting masturbation is conducive to sexual activity, because if you don't masturbate a lot there will be more energy and more arousal during sex. In addition, pleasure is also stronger because that emotion is not overused by you. For optimal hormone levels, you should limit masturbation to no more than once a week. Research shows that men who do not masturbate for a week have a slight increase in testosterone levels, after which time the testosterone falls again.
  • Avoid thinking about masturbation by listening to music.
  • Set a small goal, starting with a 3-day withdrawal period, and overcoming that limit is a show of your commitment. Then extend it to a week, 10 days then two weeks, keep increasing it to 17 days and so on.
  • Exercise every day at night to make you tired at night. Since masturbation usually happens at night, if you feel exhausted you will prioritize going to bed instead of masturbation.
  • Avoid sitting in bed. Use tables / chairs and always sit with others.
  • When lust intensifies, take a cold shower! Bathing not only relaxes the mind, but also has many other benefits for general well-being.
  • When you feel the urge to masturbate, go for a brisk walk or jog. Always look for a lot of work when a craving arises.
  • Try fasting. Fasting or drinking for a few hours a day can distract your thoughts from your sexual desire. Fasting is similar to a diet that avoids desire-stimulating foods or drinks for a while. If done regularly, you will have better control over your desires.
  • If an urge or lustful thought comes to mind, immediately think of another topic like soccer, basketball, etc.
  • If you have problems with masturbating while showering, set a short alarm time and try to get out of the bathroom before the timer goes off.
  • If you are in a relationship, it is easier to give up masturbation, so she can help. For example, spending time going to the movies, shopping or even playing sports together. This way the lust ceases to exist and you will eventually forget it.


  • Remember that members of the clergy and even medical professionals are human, so there can be mistakes.If you ask someone for help and they suggest a method you are uncomfortable with, then seek a different opinion.
  • Some video games, movies, or books contain sexual content, for example in which characters are very attractive or sexually active (passionate kissing or even sex). So if you are playing video games to distract you, you should be careful with this! You must first find out about movies and books, not watch / read if they contain sexual content.