How to Stop Thinking Too Much

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Stop Overthinking Everything | The QUICKEST Way!
Video: How to Stop Overthinking Everything | The QUICKEST Way!


Thinking something carefully before saying it is a golden rule. But it's not good if you think so much that you don't know what to do or make yourself stressed. Are you looking for a way to stop worrying too much?


Part 1 of 3: Getting Rid of Thoughts

  1. Accept the fact that you are thinking too much. Just like eating, thinking is a necessary act to help people survive, so it can sometimes be difficult to judge whether you are overthinking. However, some of the following points should tell you the answer:
    • Do you keep thinking about one thing? Are you thinking of getting stuck? If so, perhaps this is a sign: stop thinking.
    • Do you see this problem from many different directions? If you find too many ways to approach a problem before you figure it out, you're thinking too much.
    • Would you go to 20 different people to solve a problem? If so, stop asking too many ideas about one thing before driving yourself crazy.
    • Do people keep telling you, should you stop thinking too much? Do people tease that you are a thinker, a philosopher, or just sit around and gaze? If so, maybe they are right.

  2. Meditation. If you feel like you don't know how to stop thinking too much, you need to learn to get rid of troubled thoughts and see things more calmly. Imagine thinking as well as breathing - something that you always do naturally. But when needed, you can also hold your breath. Meditating will help you learn how to release your thoughts.
    • Set aside 15 to 20 minutes a day to meditate in the morning. This can be very helpful for you to focus on the present and get rid of your thoughts.
    • You can also meditate at night to calm yourself down.

  3. Motor. Running or brisk walking will help you forget any annoying thoughts and focus on your body. Participate in exciting sports like volleyball, martial arts or beach volleyball. That will help you focus on being active and you won't have time to think. Here are some subjects you should try:
    • Do circuit gym (a series of exercises in a row, without rest and with tools). The fact that you have to change equipment while practicing continuously when listening to the alarm will help you forget your thoughts.
    • Long walk. Being in the middle of nature, enjoying its beauty and tranquility will also help you focus on the present.
    • Swim. Swimming is a physical activity that you cannot think while swimming.

  4. Speak your mind out loud. When you have said everything you think, even just to yourself, you have already started to get rid of those thoughts. Walk around and hurry up if necessary. When all the thoughts are out of the way, they will no longer stick around in your mind.
    • You can talk to yourself or to a trusted friend.
  5. Get advice. You may not have the strength to think, but someone else may be able to offer a different perspective that makes the problem easier to understand. This will help you get rid of troubled thoughts. Your friend can make you feel better, solve your problems and make you realize how much time you spend thinking.
    • Also, when you spend time with friends, you won't give it much thought. It helps.

Part 2 of 3: Thought Control

  1. Make a list of the things that are really troubling you. You can either write it down or type. First, you should identify the correct problem, write down solutions, list the pros and cons of each solution. When you see your thoughts, you will stop wondering. When you can't write anything more, you're done and you can stop thinking.
    • If making a list like the one above didn't help you, just follow your hunch. If there are more than two options that you think are equally good, continuing thinking won't help you either. This is when you should consider it carefully.
  2. Keep a diary of the things that worry you. Instead of going over and over and over with certain thoughts, jot down everything on your mind every day. At the end of the week, review what you write and take notes on the things that worry you most. You will have to deal with them first.
    • Journal at least a few times a week. This will help you get used to “thinking time”. You will get used to sitting down and thinking for a while instead of letting them worry you all day.
  3. Make a to-do list. Make a list of the things you need to do for a day. Unless “contemplation” is something you prioritize, it will help you see more important things than sit back all day. The quickest way to organize your thoughts is to make them come to a concrete plan. If you think you've recently been deprived of sleep, plan to get more sleep instead of worrying about it.
    • That list will be very helpful and help you to solve even bigger problems. For example "spending more time with family".
  4. Set a time to think every day. It sounds crazy, but taking time every day to worry, fret, daydream and lose yourself in your thoughts can help you control your thoughts effectively. If needed, you can give yourself an hour, say 5 to 6 hours a day, to sit and think. Then, reduce the time to half an hour. If there are unexpectedly unpleasant thoughts during the day, remind yourself: "I will think about it at 5 pm this afternoon."
    • This may sound a bit funny, but you should give it a try before you evaluate.

Part 3 of 3: Living with Reality

  1. Solve as many problems as possible. If the problem is that you think too much about something out of control or out of control, then you can't solve the problem. Think about things that you can solve instead of "thinking, thinking, thinking" and not working. Here are a few things you can do:
    • Instead of thinking about whether the person in your dreams likes you or not, take action. Ask that person to hang out. What is the worst that could ever happen?
    • If you are worried that you are inferior to others in your studies or work, make a list of what you need to do to be successful. Then do them.
    • If you constantly think of things like "Missed ..." or "If ...", try doing what you can.
  2. Communicate with people. Being around loved ones makes you talk more than you think. Get out of the house a few times a week. Try to build strong relationships with two to three people close to your home that match you. If you are alone, you tend to think more.
    • Being alone is a good thing, but it's important to mix with hanging out with friends, relaxing and having fun as much as you can.
  3. Find a new hobby. Take time to learn new things to you. A new hobby, whatever it is, will help you focus on it for good results. Do not think that you already know what you like and do not need to learn anything more. A new hobby will help you live in the real world and focus on your creativity or activity. Here are some things to try:
    • Write poetry or short stories
    • Take a history research class
    • Take a ceramic making class
    • Learn Karate
    • Surf
    • Try cycling instead of driving a car or motorbike
  4. Let's go dance. There are many ways to dance - you can dance alone in your room, at a dance floor with friends, or take a dance class that teaches comedy, jazz, foxtrot or swing. Whatever the dance, you will be in control of your body, listen to the lyrics and enjoy life. It's okay if you dance badly. In fact, you'll focus on the moves rather than rambling on.
    • Taking a dance class is a great way to start a new hobby and also help you dance formally.
  5. Explore nature. Step outside and gaze at the trees, enjoy the scent of the rose and wash your face with fresh water. You will enjoy that time, immerse yourself in nature and temporarily forget your sorrow. You will also open your mind when you explore nature like that. Put on sunscreen, put on sports shoes and stop lulling in the room.
    • If you don't like walking, jogging, or surfing, make a goal of going around the park at least once or twice a week. Or plan a picnic with friends for the upcoming vacation. Or go to a place with a large lake or ocean to watch.
    • If that's too much for you, just going outside is enough. Going outside to get fresh air will also make you happier, healthier and less thoughtful.
  6. Let's read more. Understanding the thoughts of others not only helps you to take a different perspective, but also helps you stop thinking about yourself too much. In fact, reading biographies of successful people will inspire you. You will see: every great idea comes with an assertive action. Reading makes you feel like you are in another world, and that's fine too.
  7. Make a list of things that make you grateful. Every day, make a list of at least 5 things that make you appreciate. This will help you focus on other people and other things. If daily writing is too much, you can write weekly. You can write anything. Even a waiter poured you some extra coffee.
  8. Listen to good music. Listening to a great song will keep you connected to the outside world. You can go to a show, play an old music CD, or get an old fashioned disc player and listen to some old music. Close your eyes, let the music surround you and enjoy the moment.
    • You don't have to listen to Mozart, or some kind of learned or classy music. Listening to Katy Perry's music might help too.
  9. Laugh more. Be around people who make you laugh. Go see a comedy or a funny TV show that you like. You can also watch funny videos on YouTube. Do whatever makes you laugh and forget any unpleasant things. Don't underestimate the importance of laughter. advertisement


  • Don't delve into the past, especially the unhappy things. You should know that: digging through the past will leave you immersed in it for a long time and become confused.
  • Thinking is a process that can be both beneficial and harmful. You should just think about the good things. That will make you a better person.
  • Always keep in mind that you are not alone. And why do we need to sleep? That's because we need rest to get strength.
  • Play with your pet. It's a great way to distract yourself. They will make you laugh and realize: every little thing in the world has meaning.
  • While thinking, don't torment yourself. That just makes you more nervous and confused. Please accept all situations as well as all solutions even though they are not satisfactory. Deal with the frustration by getting rid of it. Think in your mind: “It didn't end as I expected. But I will pass ”. Using the word "pass" sounds like it's vital. You will have to laugh when you realize how trivial the things you are worrying about, and how you put pressure on yourself.
  • Don't read this anymore and invite your friends over to play. Have fun and relax with them.
  • When you find yourself thinking too much, take some time to rest and analyze it carefully.
  • Take pride in being a thinking person. You are not trying to act like that, you are trying to manage the way you think more effectively.
  • You can try a hot bath, light scented candles and relax. It works very well.
  • Always keep a neutral attitude and have a “cool head” for connecting information. Your mind will make better conclusions if there are hormonal changes and the amount of adrenaline (a hormone in the adrenal gland that regulates the functioning of the nervous system) is reduced.
  • Always take time to remember the good things in your life instead of the unhappy ones.
  • Take a breath. Take 5 to 10 deep breaths. This will help you stay focused on the present and what you are doing then.