Ways to Stop Hesitant

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
*SECRET FORMULA* To Reduce Hesitation While Speaking English | Go Natural English
Video: *SECRET FORMULA* To Reduce Hesitation While Speaking English | Go Natural English


If you are stuck in your life, you will find that you need to let go of your hesitation and take action. You will also agree that moving forward and acting is much easier than you might think.However, you can start changing your life by letting go of perfectionism and setting an action goal for yourself.


Part 1 of 4: Set Feasible Goals

  1. Let's start small. Commit to doing what you can do right now. If you know it is difficult for you to conquer distances longer than a mile, start with the shortest distance you can afford. Instead of saying, "I'll start running four miles tomorrow," say, "I'm going to run a mile tomorrow. Every day I'll try to run a little further than the day before."

  2. Clear out your goals. If your goals are ambiguous, it will be difficult for you to achieve them. However, if you are specific when choosing the things with which you can estimate performance, then you will be able to complete them more easily. SMART criteria will be very useful, and it represents Specific - Specific, Measurable - Estimable, Attainable - Achievable, Realistic - Feasible, Time bound - Defined. This step has the implications of "being specific".
    • For example, if your goal is "Start running 20 minutes a day to improve your health and then work towards a goal of 5,000 meters in 1 year".
    • Always remember to break down your goal in terms of taking different small steps. If you commit to conquering half of the marathon tomorrow and you haven't run a day in your life, then you'll have to fail. You need a small and energetic start to do them like you say you will start to conquer your goals by running continuously for 5 minutes.

  3. It is important to ensure that the implementation of the goal is predictable and achievable. "M" and "A" in "SMART" stands for Measurable - Measurable and Achievable - Achievable. Being able to estimate means that you choose goals that you can see for yourself to achieve. In the example above, you have defined a goal of running a distance of 5000 meters for a specific duration meaning that it can be calculated and observed. This goal is also within the limits you can accomplish, otherwise you won't be able to proceed. For example, if you say you want to run a marathon next week, this would be an impossible task.

  4. Make sure you stick to your goals. The bottom line here is the outcome, not the process. In this case, your goal is to conquer 5,000 meters rather than running every day.
  5. Limit the time to do the goal, the criterion corresponds to the letter "T" in SMART. If you don't set your time limits, it will be hard for you to achieve your goals until the end because they will become very vague. Set a time limit so you can measure your workflow.
    • Following the example here, you set a goal to conquer 5,000 meters within a year period.
  6. Let's start working on a goal. Once you've set your goals, start working on them right away. Start working on small goals that you have set out to do. Try to do them every day if possible.
  7. Praise yourself every time you reach a goal that you set. You have achieved certain achievements so be proud of them. Tell yourself that you did a great job even though you only achieved part of your goal.
  8. Don't be afraid to set yourself higher goals. Gradually you will conquer all your goals. By doing them, you can set higher goals or set new ones. For example, if you said you would run 20 minutes a day. After a while, you will most likely be running for 25 minutes a day.
  9. Self-reward. Rewarding yourself when you accomplish your goals is a good idea. You can reward yourself with anything you enjoy, like reading a book or sipping a cup of coffee. For example, you want to run 20 minutes a day for a week. When you do, it's okay to reward yourself. advertisement

Part 2 of 4: Motivation

  1. Challenge yourself to hesitate to act. Taking action will frighten you with the novelty and force you to step out of your comfort zone. As a result, you often feel that it's better to just go on with the familiar and easy things like before. However, think about what happens if you don't go ahead and act or if you just do the things you used to do, what kind of negative things will happen? Perhaps you will still be stuck in your own deadlock.
    • Write down the negative consequences of procrastinating on paper.
  2. Focus on long-term goals. You are currently focusing on what will be fun for you and that you will feel uncomfortable without taking action. Instead of just thinking, look at the benefits of your long-term goal. What if you take action?
    • Create a "benefits" section on paper and then write down the benefits you can get if you act. For example, you could write "I can start a new job."
  3. Discover yourseft. If you feel like you can't make a decision about how to move forward, go out and experience something new. You could take a class, read a few books, or even try a few new hobbies. Getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing new things can make life even more enjoyable.
  4. Learn to accept uncertainties. If you are unable to accept the uncertainties in your life, you will spend a lot of time hesitating, hesitating and trying to get rid of the difficulties you are facing. It will be better if you learn to accept and spend a lot of energy towards your goal.
    • Start by paying attention to how you behave to reduce uncertain situations. For example, you can double-check the emails you send to your friends to make sure everything is perfect, or maybe you just love going to a restaurant you know and love because you're afraid to experience new things. , which you probably won't like. Once you understand the behavior, make a list of the things that make you most hesitant to stop doing them.
    • Start with the least fretful of things, practice letting go of it or making a few changes to the list. Try having someone plan your evening or try texting a friend without checking for errors in messages.
    • Write down those times, and see how you feel. You might get excited, but vice versa, maybe you still worry. But the results were fine nonetheless, even if things didn't go as well as you expected.
    • Continue to plan your action and make sure that you are learning to accept uncertain life situations.

Part 3 of 4: Don't Procrastinate

  1. Let's start with the easiest part. When you look at the exercise but don't want to do it, you feel confused and start to hesitate. However, try to choose the easiest part or the one that you like best to get started. It's just the beginning but you have really made a big turning point in your journey. You will see achievements soon.
  2. Don't consider yourself a hesitant person. If you always think of yourself as a hesitant person, sooner or later you will become one. In other words, if you always think that you are hesitant, you will instinctively act like a hesitant person. Instead of thinking negatively like that, tell yourself, "I will finish this job on time, I won't hesitate or hesitate."
  3. Accept the consequences. Procrastination makes you feel instantly comfortable, but you're slowly losing the lasting joy of accomplishing your goals. However, if you anticipate these consequences, you will be motivated to act. For example, you might remind yourself many times that if you haven't met your daily goal, you won't be able to watch a dark movie as usual.
  4. Pay attention to the things you believe in. Procrastination can come in many different forms. You tend to hide it as soon as they appear.So it's important to beat yourself when you realize you are trying to avoid doing something on purpose. For example, you can console yourself with, "I didn't practice running today, but in return I walked around the block. That's fine." Be aware, however, that walking around the block doesn't help you accomplish your goals.
  5. Find other psychological remedies. Usually, when you put off a task, tell yourself the consequences of the procrastination. However, if you say the opposite you may have extra motivation to do it. For example, you could say "It wouldn't be that bad." or "Then I'll like this job". advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Goodbye to Perfectionism

  1. Reorientation of thinking. The perfectionist is someone who wants everything to be as perfect as they expected it to be. The problem with this thought is that sometimes it prevents you from acting. The first step is to realize that you are trying to be perfect, and this thought will negatively affect your decision to act. Should try to change the way of thinking.
    • Start changing your mind by writing down all the ways that pursuit of perfectionism has helped you in the past. For example, it helped you get a good score.
    • Next, write down ways that not following perfectionism has an adverse effect on you. Think about the worst that could happen. For example, you fear you might lose your job. For each fear, include factual checks such as "It is unlikely that I lost my job because of a small mistake".
  2. Stop or think nothing. Perfectionism makes you think that you cannot do anything perfect. You shouldn't do all of this. When you find yourself thinking everything should be perfect or nothing at all, ask yourself if it's hurting you or helping you.
    • For example, you have to make cookies for your child's class. You try your best to make the perfect cookie but fail. You want to throw it all in the trash, stop and think. Ask yourself what the kids like, cookies that aren't perfect, or don't have any?
  3. Do not put too much faith in achievement. If you put too much faith, hopes on achievements and rewards, you will be more likely to be disappointed. Instead, you need to realize the true value within it.
    • Create another playlist. This time, write down the things that you really like about yourself. For example, "treat animals well" or "be happy around people".
    • Part of not putting too much hope into perfection is learning to love yourself. To love yourself, you need to know how to take care of yourself, which means that you put yourself on the same level as other people. That means you talk to yourself the same way you would a friend, don't use negative thoughts to treat yourself. For example, instead of saying "Oh, I look so ugly today," you could say "Oh, my hair looks great today." You have to learn to find the positives in you.
    • This also means accepting yourself, you are yourself and not anyone else. As human beings, everyone has two parts of positive and negative values. And you have to learn to accept it, to be part of you. And you need to love all those good and bad sides, even if you want to improve yourself.