How to stop a nosebleed

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop A Nose Bleed
Video: How To Stop A Nose Bleed


Nasal bleeding, also known as nosebleeds, is a common medical condition that can go on in flares. This happens when the nasal cavity is sore or dry. Damage to the small blood vessels in the nasal cavity causes bleeding. Most nosebleeds originate in the blood vessels of the nasal septum - the inner middle tissue that separates the nasal cavities. Nosebleeds occur frequently in patients with nasal allergies, sinusitis, high blood pressure, or blood disorders. If you know the cause and treatment of a nosebleed, you will have more experience to cure this disease.


Method 1 of 3: Get First Aid while Bleeding a Nose

  1. Adjust your body posture. If your condition is not of a concern, you can do first aid at home to stop the bleeding from your nose. To start, sit down slowly as this will help you relax rather than stand up. Tilt your head slightly forward so that the blood in your nose will automatically dry out.
    • You can put a towel under your nose to absorb the blood.
    • Do not lie down on your stomach as this will cause the blood to go down the throat area and make you swallow it.

  2. Squeeze your nose. Use your index finger and thumb to grip the lower part of your nose so that the nostrils are completely blocked. This first aid will apply direct force to the area where the blood vessels are damaged. This is considered to be an effective method to help the blood vessels in the nose to clot and stop bleeding. Squeeze your nose for 10 minutes and then release.
    • If the bleeding continues, keep pressing your nose tightly for the next 10 minutes.
    • When giving first aid with this method, actively breathe through your mouth.

  3. Cool and cool the body. Lowering your body temperature will help reduce blood flow to your nose. To do this, you should keep a few ice cubes in your mouth. This will help your body lower the temperature more quickly than it would cool the outside of the nose. Furthermore, the body will maintain this temperature for longer.
    • This method is considered to be more effective than a cold compress on the bridge of the nose. According to a recent health study, the cold compresses on the nose are not really delivering the results you expect.
    • You can suck on a popsicle stick to see the same result.

  4. Use a decongestant spray. If you have a nosebleed but not often and you don't have high blood pressure problems, try a decongestant spray. This medication will constrict the blood vessels in the nasal cavity. To use this medication, you should prepare a clean cotton ball or gauze bandage, then put about 1-2 drops of the spray on it. Insert a cotton ball into the nostrils, keep squeezing the nose, and after 10 minutes, check to see if the nose still has nosebleeds.
    • If the bleeding has stopped, you still need to leave the cotton swab or gauze in place for an hour because you may still get a nosebleed.
    • Regular use of nasal sprays (every 3 to 4 days) can cause addiction and stuffy nose.
    • Therefore, this spray should only be used while the nosebleeds are still flowing even if you've been squeezing your nose for the first 10 minutes or so.
  5. Clean your nose and rest. Once your nosebleeds have stopped, rinse the area around your nose with warm water. After you cleanse your face, take a break. This will help prevent further nosebleeds.
    • You should lie on your stomach when you relax.

Method 2 of 3: Prevent nosebleeds in the long term

  1. Should be gentle with the nose. Personal activities can also lead to nosebleeds, so some of the following precautions will help keep you out of the way in the future. Avoid picking your nose as this can damage the sensitive blood vessels inside the nose. In addition, nose picking disrupts the blood clot that is covering the damaged blood vessels and causes more nosebleeds. When you sneeze, keep your mouth open to prevent the air from being pushed out of your nose.
    • Keep the area inside the nasal cavity wet by gently rubbing a layer of fat or safe gel inside the nasal passages with a cotton swab twice a day.
    • Gently blow your nose and work from nostril to nostril.
    • You should trim your child's nails to prevent the nosebleed from getting worse.
  2. Invest in a humidifier. To add more humidity to the environment in which you live, consider buying a humidifier. Of course, you can put this at home or at work to cope with dry spells, especially in winter.
    • If you don't have a humidifier, place a mist-sprayed metal can in a heater to increase the humidity of the air.
  3. Absorb more fiber. Constipation is the reason that makes it difficult to have a bowel movement, and the stools clump up, leading to nosebleeds because the blood vessels are stretched. This disease can even increase arterial pressure in a heartbeat and dislodge the blood clot, making nosebleed more bleed. Constipation can be prevented by eating foods rich in fiber and increasing the amount of water in the body.
  4. Eating plenty of fiber will help soften stools. During bowel movements, do not try to force because this action will increase the pressure of the cerebral artery, thereby increasing the risk of rupture of sensitive blood vessels inside the nasal cavity.
    • Eating about 6 - 12 dried prunes a day is considered a more effective method than the fiber supplement found in vegetables. And you can also use this to prevent constipation.
    • Say no to hot and spicy foods. High temperatures dilate blood vessels and cause nosebleeds.
  5. Use a saline nasal spray. This spray can be used several times a day to keep your nose moist. Furthermore, they are not addictive because salt is the only ingredient contained in this medication. If you don't want to spend money on them, make your own.
    • To get started, prepare a very clean container. Take 3 tablespoons full of non-iodide salt with one teaspoon of baking soda powder. Mix these two ingredients together. Then take one tablespoon of the mixed flour mixture and add about 240 milliliters of warm distilled or boiling water to the mixture. Dissolve.
  6. Eat more foods containing flavonoids. Flavonoids are a group of natural compounds commonly found in the citrus family that improve capillary fragility. Therefore, you should consider increasing the absorption of citrus into the body. Other foods rich in flavonoids include parsley, onions, blueberries, and other berries, black tea, green tea, oolong tea, bananas, all citrus fruits, and Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo biloba). ), wine, sea buckthorn, and dark chocolate (with cocoa up to 70% or more).
    • You should not take flavonoid supplements, such as ginkgo pills, quercetin pills, grape seed extract and flaxseed extract pills because they increase flavonoid levels and even cause toxicity.

Method 3 of 3: Get a better understanding of nosebleeds

  1. Realize that there are many forms of nosebleeds. And these patterns depend on which part of the nose is bleeding. Nose bleeds may be in the area in front of the nose. Or you may experience bleeding inside the nasal cavity. There is no special reason for a nosebleed to occur naturally.
  2. Find the reason. There are many causes of nosebleeds. When you encounter this, it is important to understand the reasons why you have had a nosebleed and find ways to avoid it again in the future. You can get nosebleeds from damage caused by yourself, and mostly as a result of a nose pick. And this phenomenon is common in children. Other causes may be the abuse of drugs and drugs, such as cocaine, a blood vessel disorder, a blood clotting disorder, and a collision that damages the head or face.
    • Environmental factors, such as low humidity most commonly in winter, can cause mucosal irritation and bleeding. The incidence of this disease often increases as the weather gets colder.
    • Infection of the nose and nasal cavity is also the cause of nosebleeds. In addition, allergies irritate mucous membranes and lead to nosebleeds.
    • In some special cases migraine in children is also considered to be a cause.
    • Lesions on the face also lead to the appearance of nasal bleeding.
  3. Avoid certain situations. If you have a nosebleed, it is best to stay away from situations and effects that worsen the condition. Absolutely do not lean back because this position will make the blood flow down your throat easily make you want to vomit. You should also refrain from talking and coughing as this will irritate the nasal lining, leading to the return of nosebleeds.
    • If you want to sneeze while your nose is still bleeding, try to sneeze through your mouth to avoid further pain or more bleeding from your nose.
    • Don't blow your nose or pick your nose, especially if your nosebleeds have decreased. You can dislodge the blood clot and make your nose bleed again.
  4. Consult your doctor. There are a few cases where you should see a doctor. If the bleeding becomes severe, bleeding heavily, lasts more than 30 minutes, and returns frequently, you should consult your doctor. Consider getting medical treatment if you look pale, show signs of fatigue, or look disoriented. This can result from severe blood loss.
    • If you have trouble breathing, especially when the blood flow goes down your throat, you should see your doctor. This can lead to an itchy throat and cough. If left for a long time, it can increase the risk of infection and even cause of respiratory diseases.
    • See a doctor if the bleeding from the nose is too severe.
    • Consult your doctor if you have nosebleeds while taking a blood-blocking medicine, such as the anticoagulant warfarin, the antiplatelet agent clopidogrel, or daily aspirin.


  • In India, ghee (buttermilk) is often placed inside the nasal cavity and the bleeding stops immediately. This type of buttermilk can be found at grocery stores or large supermarkets.
  • You should not smoke with a nosebleed. Smoking causes itching and drying of the nasal cavity.
  • Do not use disinfectant cream as some people will be sensitive to the cream and make rhinitis worse. Only antibiotic ointments prescribed by a doctor are allowed to minimize the infection.
  • Stay calm no matter how severe the bleeding is. Being calm will keep you from acting wacky.
  • Remember to increase moisture, eat a healthy diet, and keep your hands away from the nose area!
  • Don't panic if you see too much bleeding making you feel like the bleeding is more than it really is. In fact, that includes other fluids on your nose. We have so many blood vessels on our nose!
  • Don't act freakish or go around. Instead, breathe through your mouth and stay calm. This way, your heart rate will drop and reduce blood flow.