Ways to Prevent Mosquito Bites

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
The Secret to Becoming Immune to Mosquito Bites
Video: The Secret to Becoming Immune to Mosquito Bites


Mosquitoes are the most dangerous insects in the world in every way. It is estimated that hundreds of millions of malaria infections each year are caused by mosquitoes. In addition, mosquitoes are also the infectious cause of many other diseases, including West Nile virus infection, yellow fever, and dengue fever. There are many reasons why you need to take every possible action to prevent mosquito bites, not because their bites are terrible and itchy. To be most effective at preventing mosquito bites, you need to be aware of their habitat, how to prevent them from biting you, and how to get rid of them.


Part 1 of 3: Preventing Mosquito Bites

  1. Apply mosquito repellent. There are a number of products that are specifically designed to repel insects that you can find at a supermarket or drugstore. Apply an insect repellent on unprotected skin before going outside, especially during the day. If you use sunscreen, apply it before applying the repellent to your skin. Here are a few popular products made with chemicals that are effective against insects:
    • Insect repellents containing 30% to 50% DEET (short for compound N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide) are recommended for adults and children over 2 months of age and can be helpful. protection for hours. A mosquito repellent with a lower DEET rating will only be able to provide you with the short term protection and you will need to apply it regularly to your skin.
      • DEET can cause skin irritation when used directly in high doses over a long period of time. It can even cause serious skin reactions in some people.
      • Despite the mixed rumors, there is not any scientific confirmation that DEET can cause cancer.
    • In the US, you can find insect repellants containing about 15% picaridine everywhere, which will require you to regularly reapply the product on your skin. You can find insect repellent products with higher picaridin content in other countries. In Vietnam, most mosquito repellent products contain between 30% and 50% DEET, picaridin is not commonly used.

  2. Consider using natural mosquito repellent. Try using chemical-free and natural mosquito repellent products such as Lemongrass (natural extract). Tea tree oil and B vitamins are also thought to help protect some people from mosquito bites. Similar to any product, their effectiveness will depend on the situation, the chemistry of the skin, and the specific mosquito you're dealing with. However, keep in mind that sometimes solutions referred to as "alternatives" may not meet the same testing standards as the primary insect repellent products - do more research on them. and read the certificates of these products carefully before deciding to buy them.

  3. Wear loose-fitting long-sleeved shirts and pants when outdoors. One of the best ways to prevent mosquito bites is to shield your body. You should use clothing as long as possible to cover up as much as possible. Also, wear as loose fitting as possible. These types of clothing will bring two benefits to you: one is that they are comfortable for you in hot and humid weather where mosquitoes often breed. Second, sometimes mosquitoes can bite through clothing that fits your skin, especially if the material of the garment you are wearing is thin.
    • If you have a lot of money, a camping store or a sports shop usually sells clothes that are specially designed and made from sturdy but lightweight materials. These outfits will provide maximum protection for you from mosquito bites as well as provide your comfort.
    • You can also spray your clothing with permethrin or other authorities registered insect repellent to increase protection (Remember: do not use permethrin directly on the skin) .

  4. Don't look for "insecticide lights". These lamps have been shown to be effective at killing many types of insects, but they are usually harmless. In addition, the sound they emit is also quite annoying. You can only effectively kill mosquitoes through specialized machines that use heat and carbon dioxide to attract mosquitoes and then trap them and destroy them through nets, machine chambers or chemicals.
  5. Use mosquito nets while sleeping. Mosquito nets often have holes large enough for air to circulate, but not too big for mosquitoes and other insects to get in and bite you. Hang the mosquito net on your bed, fixing the top of the mosquito on one or more other surfaces. Support the mosquito so that it can envelop you, but not seep into your body. Remember not to touch the corners of the mosquito when you sleep - mosquitoes can bite you through the mosquito net if it gets on your skin. Check the mosquito net for tears regularly - you can use tape to fix them.
    • Protect children under 2 months of age by using a portable crib with a nose net with a rubber edge so as not to create gaps.

Part 2 of 3: Stay Away From Mosquito Habitat

  1. Avoid going to places with lots of mosquitoes in the world. Unfortunately, mosquitoes live everywhere except Antarctica. However, they are usually concentrated in areas with hot, humid climates, and these tend to be located near the equator. If you really want to prevent mosquito bites, stay away from tropical climates completely.
    • Mosquitoes are commonly found in forests and swamps in the central and southern parts of the United States, southern and southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Oceania.
    • If you want to be sure of your safety somewhere in the world, you can check out the Malaria Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Tourist Information website. This website will provide you with country-specific malaria survival reports, as well as notes on anti-malarial drugs.
  2. Stay away from areas with stagnant water. Mosquitoes are often attracted to water, especially standing water, so rivers, lakes, water creeks, marshes, bogs, and swamps are mosquito's paradise, especially during hot months. Almost all types of mosquitoes typically lay eggs in stagnant water, and many have even begun to adapt to laying eggs in saltwater. Stay away from standing water areas, whether small puddles or large swamps, to minimize the risk of mosquito bites.
    • Many mosquitoes usually live near where they were born and lay eggs. If you can clear the water, you will be able to get rid of mosquitoes absolutely.
  3. Do not leave standing water in areas near your home or campsite. It's easy for you to accidentally create the ideal environment for mosquitoes to live and breed. For example, a children's buoy pool set outdoors for days in the summer can be the perfect place for mosquitoes to breed. Eliminate any standing puddles around your home or around the campsite. If your home has a steam pool, cover the pool when not in use and treat the water with chemicals such as chlorine according to the manufacturer's instructions. Here are some areas where water can collect:
    • Old tires or industrial containers
    • Ditches and trenches at the construction site
    • Pool
    • Low-lying land
    • The drain is blocked
  4. Stay away from "mosquito epidemic" seasons. In countries with tropical climates, the difference between seasons is usually not much, so mosquitoes can easily breed in warm weather all year round. However, in countries with temperate climates, mosquitoes are only active in hot months. During the cold month, mosquitoes will often hibernate and their offspring will not be able to grow out of the larval stage. For example, in the cold winter months in Hanoi, mosquitoes usually disappear almost completely, but in the hot and humid summer months, mosquitoes usually begin to multiply. "Mosquito season" varies by region - generally during the hottest and / or wettest months of the year.
    • Another factor that can affect mosquito growth is flooding. In some parts of the world, such as the Nile region in Egypt, floods occur cyclically. Stagnant water after a flood can cause mosquito outbreaks.
  5. Should not increase body temperature too much. This advice is especially important if you live in a hot and humid climate. Mosquitoes are often attracted to high body temperatures, so staying cool is a good way to avoid mosquito bites. Dark fabrics absorb more sun heat than light fabrics, so avoid using them. Also, don't overdo it when you can. Exercise not only releases heat from the body, but also makes you breathe harder. Mosquitoes can sense carbon dioxide, one of the gases you exhale, from quite a distance. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Destroying Individual Mosquitoes

  1. Catch a mosquito while it is in the air. Unless you've practiced this pose quite a few times, you won't be able to succeed and the air generated by the movement of your hands will keep mosquitoes on the alert, and even this can help blow. The mosquito flies away from your hand.
  2. Use a mosquito blister. Swap blisters, usually made of metal or plastic, are thicker than conventional fly swings, and have a frame made of resilient threads. The mosquito net will make it possible to hit the mosquitoes more often by increasing the momentum of the blow. You can also follow similar motions with your hand.
  3. Clap your hands together. Using both hands is more effective than one hand as the squeezed air between the two hands causes the mosquito to be pressed against the palm of the other hand.
  4. Don't try to catch the mosquito while it is stinging you. Legend says that when you contract your muscles or stretch your skin when a mosquito is biting you, its nozzle gets stuck in your skin and will continue to suck your blood until it explodes. However, there is not any scientific proof to confirm this. Even if this method works for you, mosquitoes will leave a large sting on your skin and you risk getting malaria, West Nile virus infection, etc. If you're trying to prevent mosquito bites, why would you want to kill mosquitoes by Let mosquitoes bite you?
  5. Use a cup to trap mosquitoes. If the steps above don't work or the act of killing mosquitoes makes you feel guilty, you can try to catch the mosquito alive and then release it outside your yard or campsite. Slowly place a cup (preferably hard material) over the mosquito and then insert a piece of paper under the cup. This method will give you control of the mosquito and help you deal with it with more humane methods, rather than simply killing it. Carefully hold the piece of paper underneath the bottom of the cup as you move the mosquito to a more suitable environment. advertisement


  • Mosquitoes are often attracted to the lactic acid on sweaty skin, so regular bathing will help you avoid getting infected by mosquitoes.
  • Mosquitoes are often attracted to blue, as well as other dark colors.
  • Apply petroleum jelly (petroleum jelly) to your elbows, wrists, and shoulders.
  • Close the toilet lid; This way will help you remove moisture supplies. This is especially important with outdoor toilets.
  • Put a net on your window so that mosquitoes can't get in.
  • If you have citronella around your house, break off a branch. Lemongrass scent can keep mosquitoes away from you.
  • Mosquito dams come in a variety of designs and sizes. Anything that makes your arms longer, and thus gives you a faster swing, can be used including a few rolled up magazines.
  • Apply mosquito repellent Soffell skin, and wear an insect repellent jacket.
  • Close all doors in your home. If you open the door, mosquitoes will be able to fly in.
  • Try not to spend too much time outdoors.
  • Use an electronic mosquito repellent, which is usually quite cheap and quite useful.
  • Mosquitoes like to lay eggs in stagnant water, so throw away any pots or tires with standing water.


  • Mosquitoes tend to be active at dawn and dusk - be extra careful during this time.
  • If you plan to go into the woods, do research on how to prevent malaria.
  • Keep in mind that DEET is quite a toxic substance.Therefore, you should not use too much.
  • The ultrasonic transmitter helps to repel mosquitoes by creating a high frequency sound to simulate the sound of flapping wings of dragonflies, natural mosquito predators. However, there is not any scientific research to prove this.