How to learn to shoot a pistol accurately

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 11 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Precision Pistol Shooting | Competitive Shooting Tips with Doug Koenig
Video: Precision Pistol Shooting | Competitive Shooting Tips with Doug Koenig


While the title of this article sounds rather absurd, it is quite possible to be highly accurate at long range pistol shooting. It takes patience, a little talent, dexterity, and a lot of practice. This article will show you how to improve your pistol shooting skills from a distance of 100m, 200m or more. Keep in mind (especially with handguns) that how well you do it depends on the number of shots fired and your patience during training.


  1. 1 Pick a good pistol. While any pistol can be better mastered, the type of weapon can seriously affect your ultimate success in the task of becoming a marksman with a pistol. Here are some general rules to look out for when buying a gun. General rules apply to long range single shot accuracy. They do not include considerations of self-protection, durability and cost. None of the rules is a dogma, there are exceptions to each of them, and the gun that suits you personally is always the best choice.
    • The larger the gun, the more accurate it is.
    • Large pistols are more comfortable in the hand than small ones.
    • The longer the barrel, the higher the muzzle velocity of the bullet, which means a smoother trajectory of its flight.
    • Light high velocity bullets are more accurate for standard pistol distances (over 50 m.)
    • Heavy bullets are more accurate when shooting at long distances (over 100m)
    • Shooting with a smaller caliber is cheaper, which means you can train more.
    • The smaller the caliber, the lower the recoil, which, in turn, allows for more frequent consecutive shots, and also makes shooting more comfortable for more people
    • Among self-loading pistols, self-cocking pistols (DAO) (AKA Quick Action) are less accurate than pistols with a single (SA) or double (DA / SA) firing mechanism.
    • Shooting skills play a big role, so expensive pistols are not necessarily accurate or shoot better.
    • Your weapon is more accurate than yourself.
  2. 2 Thus, from the above general rules, it follows that the best option would be a large pistol with a single (or double) action firing mechanism with a long barrel. Examples of such weapons are the H&K USP Elite, the 14-inch Desert Eagle, or target pistols from Hammerli and other manufacturers of high quality target pistols. These are far from cheap pistols, but they are high quality firearms that will serve you well.
  3. 3 While a public shooting range is a common practice site, this is not always the best location to practice long-range precision shooting. The best option would be a large piece of land, a safe place to shoot. This will allow you to set targets at different distances and become a skilled shooter at targets of any size from different distances.
  4. 4 Start by stretching. It sounds strange, but stretching will relax your muscles and make your arms and body more stable.
  5. 5 Fire a few warm-up shots (perhaps from a distance of 15 m). Find out where you (and your pistol) are going. If you find yourself unable to consistently hit a specific target area from a given distance, keep shooting very slowly and patiently until your shots reach the target.
    • You can proceed to the main practice as soon as you figure out the difference between where you aim and where you hit (ideally, the bullet should hit exactly the target, but it is acceptable if it is slightly higher than it, then if you know the distance, the master can correct your aim).

  6. 6 If you're just starting out with your long-range shooting skills, it's best to start at close range and then move on. A good starting distance is around 25m. While this is much farther than most people are used to shooting, in order to be successful at long-range shooting, you must train at those distances. It is possible that at first, from this distance, you will not be able to consistently hit a target the size of a person, but over time, you will find that 90% of the time you hit the jar.
  7. 7 Your standing position should be the most comfortable for you. It is often most convenient (if you are right-handed) to put your left foot forward and your right foot diagonally behind the left, at shoulder distance. Extend your right arm straight forward as if you are trying to reach a target, relax your elbow but lock it in place. With this hand, you will grip the pistol grip. Bend your left arm at an angle of 120 degrees. Your right hand controls the vertical angle of the pistol, your left hand controls its horizontal position. Your left elbow should point exactly to the ground.
    • Lying position: You should train while lying on the ground. Your lying position should be as follows: lie on your stomach, then turn slightly on the side you are shooting from, rest your supporting knee and elbow on the ground. You will be slightly sideways to the target, but your right hand will be level with the ground, your head resting on your right hand, looking at the targets. This will allow you to breathe freely and provide a very stable platform.
    • Kneeling Position: This position will provide you with a very stable platform for accurate shooting. Place your left foot back and squat on the heel of your right foot. Your left knee and toe will be on the ground. Relax the supporting elbow on the stubborn knee. You are in the "tripod" position (support foot, toe and knee), in this position you can move quickly (practice periodically taking the position "from the knee" and coming out of it).
  8. 8 Tilt your head slightly to the right so that the scope of the pistol is in line with your right eye. You may need to move your right wrist so the scope is pointed straight ahead. To aim, move your body (while maintaining position) until the weapon is aimed at the target.
  9. 9 Breathe slowly, relax, and try to aim, aim. For target shooting (only if you have enough time to aim) it is often best to concentrate on the front sight and aim it at the target or at a specific point between the target and the front sight. Don't focus on the target. Concentrate close to the front sight, fully focusing on creating the perfect crosshair image, where the target is completely aligned with the front sight. The target is vaguely visible outside of your weapon. If the speed of the shot is important, in 99% of cases it is better to fully concentrate on the front sight.
  10. 10 Over time, you will realize that your breathing and the ability to stay calm and calm are the top priorities in the process of maintaining aiming accuracy. This can only be achieved with practice. Breathe evenly before firing, then inhale deeper and exhale fully, emptying your lungs. It is at the moment of exhalation (do not exhale forcibly, but just relax) the shot is fired.
  11. 11 The image on the sight for traditional open sights should resemble Form III, where the front sight is ideally protected by the rear sight slot. Keep in mind that this means both horizontal and vertical placement. This ideal image must then be superimposed on the target (without obscuring it) and then fired.
  12. 12 To accurately hit the target, if the image on the scope is below the target, the pistol must be "zeroed" (adjusted). Then you do not have to make artificial adjustments (for example, aim to the left or higher), and a pistol aimed directly at the target will provide an accurate hit to the bull's eye of the desired target.
  13. 13 Different cartridges shoot differently (more or less accurately) for different types of weapons. Try different types of cartridges for your firearm to determine which one works best for your pistol.
  14. 14 Novice shooters often pride themselves on their marksmanship if the majority of their shots hit the target. However, even a random shot sometimes hits the target. This demonstrates luck rather than skill. Concentrate on grouping your shots into one target size - this is the first sign of a professional sniper and demonstrates consistent shooting accuracy.
  15. 15 Once you have a good aim and see the perfect scope image, slowly press the trigger with the last or penultimate phalanx of your right index finger towards the back of the pistol (press straight, slowly and steadily between shots). In pistols with a double-acting percussion-trigger mechanism (UPS), you must first bring the OPS to the cocked position. (now the pistol's OPS is in single action mode). Depending on the type, the trigger resistance ranges from 900 grams to 3.5 kg. The lighter the trigger, the easier it is to be precise (although there is a certain trigger position in self-cocking pistols that allows you to reduce its resistance - this can be found by keeping the trigger on while firing. Slowly release your finger until the trigger clicks, now you you can click on it again to shoot).
  16. 16 After firing, check where the bullet hit (high, low, right, left and other combinations). With practice, you will be able to determine the reason for your miss: inaccurate sight, your hand trembled, and / or you ran out of time or the reason was the so-called waiting for a shot.
    • If the shot hits the left of the target, for a right-handed person, this means that you are pressing hard on the entire pistol, and not just on the trigger.
    • If a shot hits to the right of the target, for a right-handed person, this means that you are either pulling the trigger too hard, or simultaneously pressing your fingers on the pistol grip.
    • The shot rarely hits above the target, but if this happens, it means that the shooter, compensating for the recoil in advance, raises the pistol even before the shot.
    • The shot hits below the target, due to the fact that the shooter either overwrites the trigger (squeezes the trigger and the pistol at the same time and pulls the trigger too quickly), or, more likely, compensates for the recoil by lowering the pistol down until the moment the shot is fired.
    • Pre-recoil compensation is one of the main reasons a shooter cannot shoot accurately with a pistol. The person, waiting for the recoil of the pistol, shifts the wrist and points the pistol up or down, depending on the shooter. This can be easily determined by giving the person a weapon with which they are familiar. Make sure it's not charged, but don't tell the shooter about it. When he takes aim and pulls the trigger, he will automatically move the pistol.
    • There are several techniques to break this habit.
      • The simplest one is to concentrate on pulling the trigger. Aim at the target and slowly pull the trigger. Press as slowly and smoothly as possible. It can take up to 10 seconds until the shot is fired. The target is a surprise shot, which means you don't know exactly when the weapon will fire and therefore don't compensate for the recoil in advance. To solve this problem, a pistol with a smooth trigger and a sharp shot is most suitable, then when the trigger is pulled, it is less likely to feel when the weapon will fire.
      • The second technique is essentially the same, with the difference that it eliminates pre-recoil compensation entirely. Aim at the target and hold the front sight as accurately as possible. Have your friend put their finger on the trigger (either directly or on your finger on the trigger) and press it for you. Make sure the person actually pulling the trigger is very slow and keeps their hand (mostly thumb) away from the back of the pistol, where the bolt slider might pinch it. This is a very inconvenient method, but it confirms that triggering is one of the most important elements of gun shooting.
      • Many, even experienced shooters, flinch while shooting without noticing it. Pre-recoil compensation can be manifested by light swaying, which is imperceptible against the background of the actual recoil of the pistol and, therefore, remains invisible to the shooter or observers. You can easily check this using the snap cap As stated in the link, “a snap cap is a device that looks like a standard firearm, but does not contain a charge or bullet and is used to fire a blank shot. A snap cap usually contains a charge replacement spring that absorbs power from the striker and allows the weapon to be tested safely without damaging its components.
      • Ask a friend to load the pistol for you, but replacing one of the cartridges with a snap cap of the same caliber, placed at random in the magazine (for the pistol) or cylinder (for the revolver). After using all the cartridges, you will eventually find the snap cap, but you won't know about it until you pull the trigger. At this point, it will become obvious to you that if the image on the sight is clear, then you have learned how to control the recoil of the weapon. If the weapon bounced in your hand, as if you were firing a live round, you need to continue training. This is a simple, inexpensive test and the results may surprise you.
  17. 17 Practice at this distance until you can consistently hit a target approximately 50 cm in diameter. Move the target back about 10 meters. Run the cycle again. Maintain constant breathing.If your scope is shifted, get a new one for correction or give an old one for debugging. The open sight is my favorite. But some people prefer other types of scopes. The customizable scopes also make it easy to change your weapon's zero level at any time.
    • Once you have moved the target further once or twice, you will eventually find that you are able to consistently hit a 50 cm target from more and further distances.
    • At a certain point, return to the nearest target and please yourself with the ease with which you manage to get into certain areas of the target. This way, you will gain more self-confidence as you can see a noticeable improvement.
  18. 18 If at a distance of 40-50 meters (ideal) your shots hit the target, then at a distance of 60-70 meters you will have to compensate for the trajectory of the bullet by aiming higher. The difference may be only a few centimeters, but it takes some getting used to.
    • At a distance of 100 m, there is a significant change in the trajectory of the bullet (about 25-35 cm for a standard 45 caliber), and the wind also begins to influence. In a standing position, you may find yourself capable of shooting accurately from a distance of more than 100m. Force yourself to explore your limits. That being said, in a kneeling position with additional support, you will find that you can consistently hit targets up to 200 meters away.
      • At a distance of more than 200 meters, the ballistic properties of a conventional pistol are questionable. Over longer ranges, heavier bullets retain a greater percentage of their energy due to aerodynamic coefficients.


  • Practice, practice, practice. Despite the fact that knowledge is power, you must be able to apply what you know.
  • Safety first! Before carrying or transporting a weapon, make sure it is not loaded and the magazine is empty.
  • Another reason a pistol can shoot inaccurately is a mismatch between the bullet and barrel. While this matters less for a pistol than for a rifle, it is worth trying bullets of different brands and types. But once you've found a cartridge that shoots well, don't change it anymore, and with one type of ammo always have a good supply of them.
  • Also regularly clean the inside of the barrel (use oil and occasionally thinner). After a few hundred shots, you will find that the barrel is very dirty, even if not noticeable.
  • As stated above, your weapon is probably more accurate than yourself (most full-size pistols in most calibers). Therefore, if you miss the mark, chances are good that it is your fault. Exercise more to make sure you don't compensate ahead of time and flinch too much.
  • Be sure to clean your weapon after use. Moisture and dirt can corrode and damage your gun if used in this condition.
  • Do not drink alcohol or caffeine before going to the shooting. While alcohol will decrease your ability to act and make good decisions, caffeine will also decrease your ability to control motor functions (for example, if your blood contains caffeine, you may flinch too much or even tremble).
  • Shaking hands is a common problem that can come and go and is often caused by caffeine, stress, nervousness, or anxiety. If the shaking in your hands persists, sit down for a while, drink some water, and think about something unrelated to the weapon (don't think about your hands either!). After a while, try picking up the gun again.
  • Safety lock the gun if you are not going to shoot right now (if the gun has a safety lock).


  • Firearms are dangerous.Use a pistol or other handgun only if you are an experienced shooter, or there is a very experienced shooter near you who directly controls you.
  • You need to know what a line of fire is. Bullets can travel for miles or ricochet in unexpected directions.
  • A pistol can cause significant injury and even death. Always point the pistol in a safe direction and never point it at something you are not going to shoot at.
  • Any firearm must be used in a safe and authorized location. Learn and follow state and local laws on the use and transport of firearms. Laws change dramatically in different countries, and sometimes cities and states.

What do you need

  • Pistol (any caliber, size, subject to the basic rules stated above).
  • Ammunition (according to the caliber of your pistol). Ammunition should be purchased from a safe place (preferably from the manufacturer). Self-loaded or reloaded cartridges can damage your weapon and be dangerous.
  • Special clothing if you intend to shoot outdoors. Dress warmly enough for the weather. Pants are always recommended. If you are in an area where there may be other people with weapons (for example, hunting), it is recommended to wear a bright orange vest or T-shirt.
  • Protection for vision and hearing is essential. Hot brass ejected from semi-automatic weapons can damage eyes, and loud noises can damage hearing very quickly.