Ways to Prevent Dizziness

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dizziness? Answer This One Simple Question! Can Lead to Cure.
Video: Dizziness? Answer This One Simple Question! Can Lead to Cure.


Dizziness is the feeling that your surroundings are spinning or moving, even when you are standing still. Dizziness associated with dizziness can all lead to nausea, imbalance, cognitive impairment, and other complications. Dizziness can be diagnosed as mild paroxysmal postural vertigo (BPPV) or it could be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. To treat dizziness, we need to find the cause of it and then have the appropriate treatment. Read on to learn more about how to treat dizziness.


Method 1 of 3: Proven Treatments

  1. Diagnose. See your doctor to determine the cause of your dizziness. Dizziness is commonly associated with two inner ear disorders, mild paroxysmal postural vertigo (BPPV) and Méniére's disease, but it can also be caused by several other conditions. Do not try to treat yourself for BPPV or Méniére, unless you have been diagnosed by a doctor and are sure you have it. Treatments for these disorders will have no relief from dizziness caused by other underlying problems. Here are a few other conditions that can lead to dizziness:
    • Other inner ear disorder symptoms such as vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis (inflammation and swelling of the inner ear)
    • Head and ear injuries
    • Migraine headaches
    • Reduces blood flow in the arteries that supply the veins with blood
    • Brain tumors
    • Due to strong impact
    • Complications from drinking alcohol or taking medications

  2. See your doctor to determine which ear is causing the dizziness. You need to find out which side of your ear is having problems, as the treatment will be different depending on whether it's the left or right ear.
    • Pay attention to the time when you experience dizziness. If you feel dizzy when lying on your right side, your right ear is probably affecting you.
    • If you can't find out which of your ears is problematic, see your doctor.

  3. Try the Epley exercise if you experience mild paroxysmal postural dizziness. The Epley exercise involves a series of head movements to help the liquefied crystals deep in the ear return to their original state. The Epley exercise can easily be performed by a physical therapist without any special equipment. If done correctly, the Epley exercise is a very effective method for people with BPPV.
    • After your doctor has instructed you to do the Eplay exercise, you can do it by yourself at home if you experience dizziness next time. You can watch videos online to learn how to adjust your head properly.
    • Allow neck to stabilize for 48 hours after Epley.
    • Do not do the Epley exercise if you are not sure if you have BPPV. In the event that you have an underlying problem, make sure you are treated in the right way.

  4. Regulating body fluids for the treatment of Méniére's disease. You can reduce symptoms and reduce the frequency of dizziness attacks caused by an inner ear disorder by controlling fluid retention. Try the following methods:
    • Limit salt and foods containing MSG.
    • Consider using diuretics to reduce fluid retention.
    • Try betahistine hydrochloride. This drug is believed to reduce the frequency and severity of vertigo attacks by increasing the amount of blood circulating around the inner ear. This drug is mainly used to treat Méniére's disease. Refer to your doctor about this treatment option.
  5. Surgery. If the conventional treatments don't work, you may seek surgery that can cure the dizziness caused by the inner ear disorder. One of the following disorders can be cured with surgery:
    • BPPV
    • Méniére's disease
    • Vestibular disorders
    • Chronic labyrinthitis (inner ear inflammation)
  6. Keep your head up when you sleep. The most common type of vertigo is BPPV, which occurs when tiny crystals of calcium carbonate in one part of the inner ear drift to another, disrupting balance and causing a feeling of dizziness and discomfort. . While these crystals can be dislodged during the night when you move your head in certain ways, sleeping slightly higher will prevent that from happening frequently.
    • When you sleep, you should lie on your back, do not lie on your side or on your stomach, and should use pillows a little higher.
  7. Do not let your head lower than your shoulders. If you have BPPV, this can dislodge crystals in your inner ear and lead to dizziness. It is better to be careful with your body movements and take steps to avoid bending your neck too deeply.
    • If you need to lift something, bend your knees to lower instead of bending at the waist.
    • Do not practice moves that require upside down or forward bends.
  8. Avoid neck stretching. When you try to stretch your neck, for example when you are trying to do something, it is possible that the crystals are dislodged. Try not to stretch your neck upwards. When your neck is stretched, move your head slowly; don't let your head shake.
  9. Avoid sudden movements. Any jerky movements that make your head move can lead to dizziness, especially if you're prone to it.Avoid activities that cause your head to move around quickly.
    • Do not ride a roller coaster or horse ride that causes your head to jerk back and forward.
    • Avoid sports that cause sudden head movements. Try sports like swimming, walking and running instead of high impact sports.
  10. Use ginger. Ginger cures many diseases, including some cases of dizziness. Try to take ginger capsules daily, or eat some dishes made from ginger. Ginger is a popular and very effective treatment for many people suffering from dizziness.
  11. Quit smoking. Smoking cigarettes may decrease the effectiveness of dizziness treatments. Limiting smoking and using other tobacco products can help reduce the frequency and symptoms of dizziness.
  12. Eye check. The signs of dizziness may be worse if vision is poor. Check your eyes regularly to make sure you always have healthy bright eyes. Make sure your working eyeglasses or contact lenses are in the correct numbers as prescribed. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Potentially Effective Treatments

  1. Pay attention to your diet. Consuming too much salt can worsen certain types of dizziness, such as fluid retention or migraine associated with dizziness. Limit alcohol intake and avoid smoking. Drink plenty of water and eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
    • Caffeine probably has no effect on tinnitus (tinnitus is sometimes associated with dizziness). It's best to maintain the amount of caffeine you normally drink instead of dramatically altering this habit.
  2. Try to exercise. Many people who have symptoms of dizziness find that exercise is very beneficial in treating dizziness. Start slowly by moving your head slowly, side to side while standing. Gentle stretching and walking also help alleviate the symptoms of dizziness. You can also ask a health care professional to teach you more specific exercises for the type of vertigo you experience. If improper exercise can be counterproductive, it's best not to try it without your doctor's diagnosis. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Common Misunderstandings

  1. Don't expect to use magnets to cure dizziness. It is based only on temporary trends, not on scientific basis. That could change in the future, as early studies have shown that people with dizziness have different responses to strong magnets in MRI scanners. However, the magnetic field or magnet has not been developed as a treatment, or even just a solid concept of treatment.
  2. Do not take external ear infections to treat dizziness. External ear infections are an infection that is usually treated with antibiotics. Only take it if you have both an ear infection in addition to dizziness