Ways to Sleep naked

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
12 Things to Know If You Like Sleeping Naked
Video: 12 Things to Know If You Like Sleeping Naked


If you want to sleep naked, you can start with your underwear. After getting used to it, you can sleep naked while wearing a breathable material. Remember to adjust your sheets to match the season. Consider taking a shower before going to bed, and having a gown beside your bed. You should talk to your family about privacy.


Part 1 of 3: Making the Transformation

  1. Start with wearing underwear while you sleep. Are you used to wearing discreet pajamas? Even if you get in the habit of wearing a T-shirt to bed, you still need a night or two to get used to it before going to full nude sleep. The sudden change from nightwear to nude can affect sleep early on. You can wear underwear (no bras) first to see how it feels.
    • Wearing underwear only when you sleep has some of the benefits of sleeping naked. Skin is exposed to more air, and this circulation helps the skin to become whiter.
    • However, wearing underpants still makes the body dependent on the fabric for heat regulation. The body part underneath the pants will not be exposed to the healthy air conditioner. So you should try to sleep naked.

  2. Wear breathable material while sleeping. Sleeping naked is good for health because it keeps skin from squeezing under the fabric for seven to eight hours. Choose natural materials, cotton fabrics as possible, so that the air in the bedroom can regulate around the body.
    • Other synthetic and polyester fabrics are bad for the skin. This material holds heat or blocks the air, neutralizing the good effects of sleeping naked.
    • If you are really concerned about getting the best night sleep, choose a bed sheet made from organic fibers. At that time, bare skin does not have to be exposed to chemicals.

  3. Adjust your sheets and blankets according to the season. Many people complain that sleeping naked during winter is very cold. This can be overcome by using season-appropriate blackout blankets. If you use a blanket, your body will adjust to the environment and stay in a comfortable warm state without having to wear pajamas. In the summer, you only need a thin sheet and blanket to maintain comfort.
    • You should prepare a variety of quilts or thin cotton blankets in the bedroom. Then you can spread more or less depending on your needs.
    • Using a blanket to cover yourself throughout the year is quite helpful. You can remove the blanket if needed and still have a lining underneath to limit the feeling of full nude.

  4. Consider taking a shower before going to bed. It is easier to sleep naked if you take a bath before going to bed. Skin is clean and fragrant, and the sheets are kept clean. A hot bath before bed also helps you sleep easier and helps you sleep well.
  5. Prepare a gown by the bedside. In the morning, you can immediately cover your body so that you don't get cold when entering the bathroom. A gown can also be useful in an emergency. You will rest with peace of mind knowing that the robe is right next to you in case you have to get out of bed immediately at night.

Part 2 of 3: Maximizing benefits

  1. Consider if the person wants to sleep naked together. Skin contact at night helps the body to release the hormone oxytocin, which promotes emotions and reduces stress and depression, even blood pressure. Take advantage of nudity by asking your ex to do it with you.
    • Another benefit is that feeling your ex's bare skin beside you helps promote sex more often. Then sleeping naked helps to increase intimacy with your partner and strengthen your relationship.
    • For both of you to feel comfortable, pack a blanket or two on either side of your bed. Then each person can use the blanket depending on needs.
  2. Adjust the temperature at 21 degrees C or lower. Humans sleep more deeply at cool temperatures. When the body is hot, often due to tight clothes, you will not be able to sleep deeply to maintain your health. Regardless of the season, keep the heat level in the room low and sleep naked so your body can adjust to its own temperature. If you feel a bit cold at night, you can put on extra blankets instead of cramped pajamas.
    • Sleeping at a cool temperature also helps the body regulate melatonin and growth hormone. Without complete rest while sleeping in a cool place, the body is incapable of producing the hormones that help with cell healing.
    • Deep sleep also helps the body reduce the production of cortisol, a hormone produced when the body is stressed, which causes weight gain and leads to a number of other health problems.Completely resting the body helps prevent cortisol from accumulating.
  3. Limit the light in your bedroom. By enjoying the benefits of sleeping naked in a cool room, you can also boost the benefits and get the best possible sleep. Turn off lights and electronics so that the bedroom is out of light. Sleep in the dark helps the brain to be completely relaxed and sleep well.
    • Do not use your phone or laptop right before bed. The light of electronics can interfere with your sleep.
    • If street lights shine on your bedroom, you can equip curtains that block the light for better sleep.
  4. Let air circulate on your body. The cool, dry air helps to improve body circulation. It also facilitates promoting genital health in men and women. For men, keeping the genital area cool at a cool temperature enhances sexual function and maintains sperm health. In women, circulating the genitals to cool, dry air can help prevent fungal infections.

Part 3 of 3: Form a convenience routine

  1. Note everything before bed. If there are many people in the house, you should pay attention to avoid a dilemma. Take care of your baby and put it to bed before you can get into the nightly routine and undress. This helps to prevent the children from entering the room while you are naked.
    • If you feel anxious, you should just remove your clothes just before going to bed. Brush your teeth and turn off the lights while wearing clothes.
    • Always have a gown ready by your bedside in case you need it.
  2. Lock the door if it feels safe. You may need to partially close or lock the door so that no one can enter. If you share a house with more than one adult, you should install door latches to make it easier to lie naked in the room. If you have a small child and can't lock the door, you can put a thick cloth under the door or block the chair. You will then have time to prepare before the children run into the room.
  3. Set an early wake-up alarm. This way you can prepare and get dressed before the children come knocking on the door. If you need extra sleep but know that other people in the house wake up early, you can put on a nightgown and go to bed to sleep after dressing.
  4. Talk to your children about privacy. You should talk to your child to let them know that their bedroom is private for the allotted time. Ask the children to knock on the door and wait for you to answer before stepping inside. Then you will have time to put on your gown before they see you naked.
    • There are times when children will try to peek and this is normal. It is perfectly okay to sleep naked, and there is no need to hide it from your baby.
    • Letting them know that you and your spouse both sleep naked, and that everyone has the right to privacy before dressing is an effective way to tackle the situation and can prevent unexpected room breaks.


  • Take a shower before going to bed to keep blankets and curtains clean. In addition, you should also regularly wash the sheets to feel refreshed.
  • If your living conditions do not allow nude sleeping, you can swap out underpants while you sleep.
  • Hang the door knocker before entering the room.
  • Consider using a sleeping bag. This will keep you warm, and if someone walks in you won't be able to tell if you are naked and put your clothes on the bottom.
  • If someone walks in and sees you naked, just say that they need to get back to bed or face the fact that they see you naked and act like nothing happened.
  • Leave clothes in blankets right next to the room when you don't have complete privacy.
  • It is helpful to keep your underwear under your pillow so that in case someone walks in you can put them on right away.


  • If you are sleepwalking frequently or are taking medication that causes sleepwalking, do not sleep naked.