How to Buy a Condom Discreetly

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
WikiHow: How to Buy Condoms Discreetly
Video: WikiHow: How to Buy Condoms Discreetly


When you buy a condom you often feel quite stressful and uncomfortable. This is a normal feeling that everyone has when choosing this sensitive item. Luckily, you can use one of the many strategies that are appropriate when buying a condom so that others won't notice it. Take pride in yourself taking responsibility for your sexual health and practicing safe sex.


Method 1 of 2: Prepare to Buy a Condom

  1. Relax and stay calm. You can take a deep breath and remember that buying a condom is a duty and is completely normal. Sometimes you will feel as though everyone is staring at you and the cashier is giving you an annoyed look of judgment. In fact, the customers waiting to be charged did not pay much attention to those around them. You don't have to be the first to go to the store to buy a condom.

  2. Conduct research. You should find the right condom before buying. Identify the brand, size of the condom, and the material (eg rubber, polyurethane, sheepskin) you like. Finding out condoms before entering the store will save you time in choosing. Consider multiple varieties in case the store doesn't sell the one you like.
    • In addition, you should find out the cost of each type of condom. Before buying this item you need to prepare carefully.
    • Select only FDA approved brands.
    • If you are male, you should measure the penis in an erect state to choose the right condom size. You can also use an online condom calculator to make the right decision.
    • Find condom related information online and read reviews

  3. Choose a store away from home. You should choose a location that takes 20 or 30 minutes to get from home to the store to avoid encountering acquaintances. You will also be calmer knowing that there is no danger of encountering family members, friends, or classmates.
    • Visit the store before buying a condom. Take a few minutes to locate condoms (for example, at a family planning counter, medicine, etc.). If condoms are arranged behind the counter, you should go to another store to buy condoms.

  4. Avoid buying condoms during peak hours. You should go to the store when there are no customers and only a few other shoppers. Stores are less crowded during the early morning hours and at night. You won't have to worry about bumping into an acquaintance in the aisle or someone else seeing you buying this sensitive item.

  5. Consider condoms as a normal item. You should think that this item is just for personal care like toothpaste, shampoo, or deodorant. Psychological changes can help ease your anxiety. Simply load a few boxes into the basket, buy a few more items and continue shopping.
    • Always stay calm and confident when buying a condom. You don't want to attract the other person's attention because you're feeling restless or nervous.

Method 2 of 2: Purchase

  1. Buy a few other items. While not necessary, you may feel more comfortable buying some more products and placing them in the cart before buying a condom. This way, you don't have to stand at the counter with a single condom box in hand. You can also use other items in the shopping cart to cover the condom box. This way, other people won't be able to look at the shopping cart and detect the condom in it.

  2. Go to the grocery store. The grocery store and gas station both sell condoms. These stores are small and have few customers. If you buy it at the grocery store, you can talk to the cashier and let that person know that you need to buy condoms. If you do not mind communicating with the cashier, but want to avoid the crowd, then this is the ideal choice.
  3. Use cash and throw away bills. You should dispose of the invoice at the store. You don't want condom bill in your pocket, purse, or coat. If you throw away the receipt right before you walk out of the store, you don't have to worry about your parents or friends discovering the item. If parents keep track of credit / debit card expenses, then you should buy condoms with cash. You will not have to answer every question regarding the fee that appears on the card.
  4. Self-pay. Instead of waiting in line to check out, you should buy condoms at a checkout store that allows customers to scan the product themselves and pick up the carrying bag. This will keep you from having to face the cashier.Most grocery stores and large retailers have automatic checkout machines.
    • If you are not interested in checking out your own checkout, you can pay at the checkout counter in a more secluded location in the back (such as hunting equipment or car supplies) to avoid crowds and wait. too long.
  5. Buy with big quality. When buying condoms in bulk, you will not have to go to buy condoms many times. You need to store condoms in a dry and cool place. Check the expiration date before using a condom. If a condom is expired or damaged, it will not work.
  6. Buy condoms at an adult store. If you are over 18, you can visit an adult store to buy this sensitive item. You won't feel out of place in the store because everyone is buying products related to sex. Adult store staff are generally knowledgeable about merchandise and can answer any questions regarding choosing different types of condoms.
  7. Buy condoms online. There are many websites where you can order condoms and have them delivered to your home. This item is usually wrapped in a plain and discreet packaging. The website often asks for payment by debit or credit card but uses discreet names on the bill. The "Adult Store and Jack Condom" section will not appear on your card bill.
    • Simply type in the keyword, "buy condoms online," to find the website to buy condoms.
  8. Go to the clinic. Youth clinics and HIV / STD prevention centers, Planned Parenthood, and some local health agencies provide condoms for free but do not ask any questions. If you have a question, someone is still willing to answer it.
    • You can call the clinic or visit the website to ensure free condoms are available.


  • Remember that you are doing your part to ensure the safety of yourself as well as your partner. Unsafe sex can lead to unwanted pregnancies, getting HIV and other STIs, so take precautions if you don't want to become pregnant.
  • You may be able to get a condom provided by the school nurse. Different condoms will be provided to each school.
  • Do not buy scented condoms during vaginal or back door sex. They can be irritating and tend to spread. This can also cause an infection of your partner.
  • Use condoms correctly.
  • Condoms cannot prevent HPV (genital warts) if they are on the pubic area because the condom cannot prevent exposure in that area.
  • If itching, rash, bumps, blisters or other irritation after using a condom, or in the genital area or on another part of the body, discontinue use immediately and see a doctor. . You may have a rubber allergy, and in this case you should switch to alternatives, such as female condoms or polyurethane condoms.