How to open files hidden in USB

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Show Hidden Files and Folders of USB Stick to Windows 10
Video: How to Show Hidden Files and Folders of USB Stick to Windows 10


WikiHow today will show you how to make files hidden in a USB flash drive so you can open them. This process is applicable for both Windows and Mac computers.


Method 1 of 2: On Windows

  1. . Click the Windows logo in the lower left corner of the screen.
  2. . Click the File Explorer icon with the binder in the lower left corner of the Start window.

  3. Terminal. You may have to scroll down in the Utilities folder to find it.
  4. Enter the command "show hidden items" (show hidden items). Type defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES enter Terminal and press the key ⏎ Return.

  5. If the Finder is already open, you'll need to close the app and reopen it to refresh it.
    • You can also import killall Finder Go to Terminal to perform this step automatically.

  6. Click the name of the USB drive at the bottom left of the Finder window. The contents of your drive will appear, including hidden folders and files.
  7. Double-click hidden files or folders. They are a dull gray and look like a disabled version of regular files or folders; When you double-click, the hidden file or folder will open. advertisement


  • You can set the default if you want hidden files to be always displayed on your computer.


  • The files that are hidden by default are often quite sensitive. If you want to open these files — especially when they are file system — be sure to proceed with caution.