How to open a bottle cap without a bottle opener

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Ways To Open A Beer Without A Bottle Opener
Video: Ways To Open A Beer Without A Bottle Opener


  • The easiest method is to use a pair of scissors (hard enough). Open the scissors and place the two pull blades slightly apart, insert a pull blade on one side of the bottle cap. Squeeze the pull-blade against the lid edge and continue to flip the pull-blade up in a circular motion until the lid comes off.
  • Using a spoon (a large spoon is recommended), insert the small end of the spoon under the cap, hold the bottle neck with the other hand, and lift the lid. It's like using a lighter, but much easier and faster.

  • Open the bottle cap with the lighter. Not as simple as you think, but this will be a very useful talent, for sure. Ideally, you should use lighters with flat sides.
    • Grasp the bottle firmly, hold the bottle neck in your hand so that your thumb is up and place on the cap. The remaining fingers are wrapped around the neck of the bottle, with the top finger positioned about the width of the lighter from the cap.
    • Push the bottom of the lighter between the top finger and the bottom edge of the cap, aiming at the center of the first knuckle so that the lighter is perpendicular to the knuckle.
    • Grasp the neck of the bottle and turn on the lighter with the support of a finger. If you hold the neck of the bottle properly, the cap will come off. Try a few times to learn how to hold the bottle and avoid pain in your hand.
    • The most important is the force of the lever, not the force of the hand touching the lid in any way. Use the longest knuckle of your index finger as a support for the lever (imagine the lighter is like a lever, see below). This method generates strong force and can easily be leveraged up to more than 3m high, making a loud sound, depending on the type of bottle you use. Since a bottle cap can shoot forcefully into the air, you need to take precautions for your eyes and face - splashes to your eyes can cause permanent damage. Use an old-fashioned oval lighter, as it is the right size and can stick to the bottom edge of the bottle cap without slipping.

  • Use household items. Look around the house for something that can open the bottle like:
    • The belt buckle can be used if it has the right shape. Use the side edge of the shovel as a stove.
    • Using a regular fork can quickly and easily open the lid. Using one of the fork's teeth as the lever, push up the grooves of the crown, pushing each groove.
    • Children's skateboards can also open bottles. To open the bottle, the most expensive skateboard is the most suitable, it has hollow sections inside. Unfortunately most people do not have this type of skateboard.
    • The car seat belt lock is well-shaped to open the bottle cap, but this should not be used. If alcohol spills into the car, you will be faced with many interesting questions when the police call you back.
    • Metal nail clippers can be used to pry the lid edges. Extend the maximum pull blades, insert one blade down under the lid and pry up. You will then hear the sound of compressed air coming out. Pry around the lid until it comes open.
    • Using the door handle located on one side of the closed door, use the right angle to push the lid open.
    • You can use a fruit knife like a potato knife to open the bottle cap. Holding the neck of the bottle, hold the knife down with the curve of the knife facing up, unlike when you peel potatoes. Insert this curve down each lid edge and pry up, continuing to pry at other edge positions. The lid will rotate but not come out. Then use a knife, still with the grip facing down, insert under the lid edge and push up until the lid pops out.
    • You can use another bottle to open the other - simply use one edge of the lid like the one described above, but be careful; If you don't use the edge of the cap, the top bottle is the pop-up.
    • The metal paint can opener with a circle at one end can open the bottle very well. Simply hook the small protruding part of the top of the circle under the bottle cap, just like using a regular bottle opener.
    • The edge of a conventional heater can also open the bottle quite effectively, and spilling drinking water on it shouldn't be a big problem either. You place the protrusion of the lid on the sharp edge of the heater, then pull the bottle down quickly and decisively.
    • Use a hotel clothes rack (one that you cannot steal), place the bottle under the crossbar, insert the lid into the hook (the position linked to the bar) and lift the lid like a regular bottle opener .
    • Use a plastic jar opener - simply tighten the lid, rotate and pull out.
    • The hammer can also open the bottle cap very well. Turn the hammer upside down, use the pointed tip to pry under the lid edge, continue to pry around the lid. This is easy and safe if you are used to using a hammer.
    • You can actually open the bottle cap with a page of computer paper (the thicker the better). Fold the page in half as many times as possible, then hold the bottle in the same way you would try to open it with a lighter. Insert a corner of the folded paper under the top of the bottle, then pry open with maximum force with maximum force. You may have to try opening it a few times, rotating the bottle after each prying to loosen it around the lid. This method will definitely impress onlookers, although it's one of the hard ways to open the bottle. Be careful with your hands, the knuckles are easily cut when you try to hold the paper on the edge of the bottle cap.
  • Method 2 of 10: Metal objects

    1. You should also consider using the power plug of a night light or other electrical appliance. The plug can slide down easily under the cover. Slide the plug around the cover until you can easily open it.
    2. Try inserting the cap into the door jam, where there is a metal plate. Close the door and turn the bottle down so you won't spill any liquid. This method is not very good because there is the risk of spilling beverages onto the carpeting.
    3. Alternatively, you can place the edge of the cap on the edge of another object (metal object recommended). Smash with the palm of your hand. Do not use the edge of a wooden object as you will damage it.
    4. American wedding rings or rings (graduation rings) are great for opening soda or beer bottles. (Warning: Gold wedding rings can be dented using this method - you can make your spouse angry about it!) Hold the bottle with your ringless hand and place your palm on the lid face down bottle. Hook the ring to the edge of the lid farthest from the palm of your hand, pull with enough force, the cap will pop. Depending on the ring shape, you may feel some pain in the upper part of the ring finger, and if you open several bottles at a time the finger may become swollen, so be careful. If you experience severe pain or swelling in your finger, stop.
    5. Note that you can pry the bottle cap with most of the hard metal edges. Hold the neck of the bottle so that the upper hand is level with the bottom of the cap. Place the handle of the spoon, blade (sharp edge outward) or anything that is across the third knuckle of the first finger. Hook the sharp edge under the lid edge and pry it up. If the metal object is large enough, it will not exert great pressure to cause pain in the hand.
    6. You can use the Chef's knife edge (use a knife with a wide blade so that the sharp edge does not lie on the skin), spoon handle, tongs, an ion bowl, stapler, scissors (close the blade when in use) , screwdrivers, coolers, cup-ear filter spoon handles. Even the car key could open the bottle cap (last solution), but the key cover could peel off. If you are not interested in the finish to cover your utensils, you can use hair comb, ceramic cup liner, remote control device, tablespoon, hardcover book, CD case ... Anything with a hard edge.
    7. Wrap a rubber band around the metal cap.
    8. Wrap the cord as tightly as possible, if you still can't screw the cap, wrap a thin strip of cloth over the rubber band and try again. advertisement

    Method 4 of 10: Key method

    1. Hold the key in your other hand and position it between your thumb and the bottle cap so that the key is clamped under one of the lid teeth. Try inserting the key at different teeth to choose a position where you can clip it under the lid edge.
    2. Use your thumb to press the key under the bottle cap vigorously, turn the key to push one side of the cap off the bottle.
    3. After one tooth is pushed up, you rotate the bottle slightly and push the next tooth.
    4. Continue to push the other teeth around the lid. During the execution, the gap under the cover gradually widens and you can push the key tip more easily.
    5. After going half a turn, you can take out the key and push the lid open with your thumb while still holding the bottle in your hand. advertisement

    Method 5 of 10: Open the cork of wine

    1. Push the cork into the bottle. This works but is not easy for old wine bottles, as the wine has entered the cork. Use a blunt-tip tool for the greatest thrust. If you don't want the alcohol to spill on the floor, do it on the sink. No one likes cleaning alcohol spilled on the carpet. advertisement

    Method 6 of 10: Thermal expansion method

    1. By supplying heat to matter, the particles collide more and move farther apart, so the gravitational force in matter will decrease. As a result, the object expands. Using this knowledge of thermodynamics you can open a crown (metal) bottle cap. Heat the lighter around the top of the bottle, then use another object to pry the lid (knife, hard card ...). This will make it much easier to pry the bottle cap than to pry open without igniting. However, you should remember that the neck will be hot at that time. advertisement

    Method 7 of 10: Knife method

    1. Tighten the screw to the center point of the cork, leaving a short piece (about more than 1 cm).
    2. Use a hammer (resting on the lever surface) to hook the screw end to pull the cork out of the bottle.
      • Better yet, you screw through the cork completely. Now you just need to pour wine through the cork! So we have wine to enjoy. Alcohol may flow slowly, but that's not a big deal. If a screw is not available, remove a screw somewhere in the house and then put it back in. Finish the bottle or seal the bottle with chewing gum, your choice!

    Method 9 of 10: Punching method on a wall

    1. Place the rag on the bottom of the bottle and hold it in place, then pound the bottom of the bottle against the wall. You must bang the bottle along the axis of the bottle, ie bang the bottle in a direction perpendicular to the wall.
    2. Repeat several times with increased beating force, the cork will slowly drop out of the bottle.
      • If you don't have a rag, you can use a shoe with a thick sole. Simply take off your shoes and place the bottom of the wine bottle in the shoe, so the bottle stands up snugly in the shoe. Keep the bottle firmly in the shoe, banging the shoe against the wall in such a way that the sole is as close to the wall as possible. A few hard hits on the wall will help you successfully open the cork. (Caution: the cork can pop out and shoot wine everywhere. Notice the cork, when it's stuck out enough to hold it, you should stop hitting and pull it out with your hand.)
      • This doesn't work on all bottles, and the wine may sparkle a little later - leave the bottle open for a few minutes to allow it to settle down before drinking if you can wait.
      • You may have problems if you live in a common bungalow in the US. This way is suitable for common brick masonry in Vietnam. Instead of hitting the wall, you can hit the doorframe, but the frame should be solid and have a flat surface.

    Method 10 of 10: Fencing method B40

    1. Use the palm of your other hand to tap the neck of the bottle in a downward direction. Continue flapping until the lid comes off. Remember that the bottle will slide down with force, so keep it straight. The lid has a strong ability to pop out so be careful not to hurt yourself and others! advertisement


    • If you accidentally broke the bottle while opening - wear gloves (or use a protective cloth for your hands) to collect debris. Sweep the entire area to remove any pieces of glass. Do not drink the liquid from the bottle as the glass fragment may have fallen on it.
    • Do not play with glassware while drinking alcohol.
    • Do not try to open the bottle with your teeth, as the teeth may break.
    • You can also open the bottle cap if there is a wardrobe in the room, just place the bottle cap on the inside of the cupboard handle (if the cupboard has the right handle) and pull the lid off.