How to get rid of bruises on the face

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Heal Bruises FAST With 4 EASY Steps
Video: How To Heal Bruises FAST With 4 EASY Steps


The pigment that determines human skin color is called melanin and overproduction of melanin in an area of ​​skin causes freckles, age spots and darker patches of skin. These bruises on your face are also known as dark spots. This can be caused by sun exposure, hormonal changes, or a side effect of certain medications. This is not a serious disease, but if there are dark spots on the face then you should very well start to lighten your skin, clear your skin. Treating the underlying cause, using chemical masks and other treatments, as well as trying natural skin lightening are ways you can go about it. See Step 1 to learn more about what causes bruises and how to get rid of them.


Part 1 of 4: Understanding the Cause

  1. Learn about the different types of bruises. Since bruises can be caused by many different factors, learning about this should give you a good head start in eliminating them. Here are three types of tanning:
    • Mole. These are dark spots caused by exposure to UV rays from the sun. Up to 90 percent of people over the age of 60 have moles, but many young people also have sun-induced bruises. These spots appear scattered in no particular shape.
    • Melasma. This type of bruise is caused by a hormonal disorder. Women may see darker patches appear on the cheeks as hormone changes such as during pregnancy or menopause. It could also be the side effects of birth control pills and hormone therapy. Melasma can also be caused by a thyroid dysfunction.
    • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). These bruises are the result of damaged skin by psoriasis, burns, acne, and darkening of the skin.

  2. Find out what is causing your bruise. Once you know what you are dealing with, you will be able to choose treatment options and initiate lifestyle changes to prevent the bruise from returning. Ask yourself these questions to determine what is underneath your bruises:
    • Do you often use the artificial solarium or sunbathe in the sun? If you are exposed to intense sunlight and do not wear a lot of sunscreen, you may have dark spots on your skin. Skin treatments and avoiding sun exposure are the best ways to get rid of this darkening.
    • Are you currently sick and need treatment? Are you pregnant, using a contraceptive method or taking hormone therapy? You may experience melasma. Treatment can be difficult but there are certain methods that can make a difference.
    • Have you had severe acne, plastic surgery, or a skin problem for a long time? You have post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, a type of bruise that responds well to topical treatments and may go away over time.

  3. See a dermatologist for diagnosis. Your dermatologist will have a dedicated magnifying light that can be used to peer into your skin to see what is behind your bruises. In addition to conducting a physical exam, your doctor will also ask you a series of lifestyle questions to help find out what's going on. A dermatologist will advise the best treatment for your existing bruises and prevent more recurrences.
    • Because darkening of the skin is a common disease that many people seek to treat, there are many products and treatments on the market that promise to make bruises disappear quickly. Seeing a dermatologist will help you choose the right treatment and which is not recommended.
    • There are a number of treatments that should be prescribed by prescription, which is another good reason to see a dermatologist for further treatment.
    • Finally, it is important to rule out causes such as pigmentation or skin cancer. Having one checkup each year is an important way to find skin cancer before it progresses.

Part 2 of 4: Using Proven Treatments

  1. Start with manual exfoliation. If you only have bruises for a month or two, they may remain in some of the top layers of the skin. You can get rid of them by simply exfoliating your face. Exfoliation is the process of removing cuticles, bringing new skin to the surface of the skin.
    • Look for an exfoliating cleanser that contains small particles, gently rub it on the skin to remove the cuticles. You can also make your own by mixing fresh almond powder or oatmeal into your regular cleanser. Apply them to the bruise in a circular motion.
    • Exfoliating machines like clarisonic face washers clean a little deeper than your regular scrubs. They work by gently removing dead cells from your face. You can find them online or at pharmacies.
  2. Try topical acid topical treatments. You can use this method according to your doctor's prescription or go to the pharmacy to buy without a prescription. They contain alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids or retinoids. Use these different acids to remove dead skin cells from the epidermis, allowing new cells to grow to rejuvenate the skin. This treatment is used to treat all types of skin darkening.
    • The active alpha-hydroxy acid includes glycolic acid, mandelic acid, citric acid, lactic acid and others. These acids are usually extracted from a variety of products and food sources. They effectively exfoliate the skin, but extra care should be taken for those with sensitive skin. Alpha-hydroxy acids can be found in milk, creams, moisturizers, and masks.
    • Beta-hydroxy acid is also known as salicylic acid. It's a common ingredient in medicines and skin treatments that don't require a prescription. Salicylic acid can be found in creams, lotions, cleansers or masks.
    • Retinoic acid is also known as tretinoin, or Retin-A. Retinoic acid is a form of Vitamin A. This is a very effective treatment for acne and dark spots. It is found in creams and gels, and in the US this method can only be used with a doctor's prescription.
    • If you are looking for a product without a prescription, try to find one that contains a combination of ingredients: hydroquinone, cucumber, soy, kojic acid, calcium, azelaic acid, or arbutin.
  3. Consider using a chemical mask. If the surface treatments aren't enough to lighten the dark spots, you might consider using a chemical mask. Chemical masks literally remove cuticles from your skin. They contain the acids mentioned above. They are categorized based on three levels of strength: light, medium, and deep.
    • Mild chemical masks often contain alpha-hydroxy acids. Glycolic acid and lactic acid are common ingredients. They are considered the most effective masks for treating bruises.
    • The medium chemical mask contains TCA, or tricloacetic acid. Many people recommend this mask for sunburns.For best results, use this mask every two weeks until the blemishes are gone. This mask is generally not recommended for people with darker skin as they can cause further darkening after the skin heals.
    • Chemical intensive masks contain phenol, or carbolic acid, as they are the active ingredient. They are commonly used for deep wrinkles, but also to treat severe sun damage. A phenol mask is very strong, and is used for general anesthesia. It may take several months before skin heals.
  4. Try superconducting leather grinding technique. Superconducting leather grinding is a procedure that uses very fine crystals to "spray sand" into dark spots on the skin. New, youthful skin is revealed after the dead skin has been removed. This method is usually used once a month for several months.
    • Find an experienced doctor. Skin abrasion can cause irritation, making discoloration worse. If your doctor does not perform the correct technique, you will probably be very disappointed with the results.
    • Do not perform superconducting as often as your skin needs time to recover between treatments.
  5. Study laser therapy. Laser therapy, also known as Thermal Pulse Light (IPL) therapy, uses rapid pulses of light to remove dark spots caused by melanin. Discolored areas absorb light and are destroyed or evaporated. Your body heals bruises by forming scabs and developing a new, youthful skin that replaces old skin. Laser therapy is highly effective, but is expensive and can be painful.
    • Laser therapy is often the best option when dark spots remain on your skin for a long time. Bruises that have appeared for a year or more have existed deep under the skin and skin treatments cannot touch them.
    • If you have light skin, it may be necessary to get a 4 or 5 laser treatment before the spots completely disappear.

Part 3 of 4: Trying Home Treatments

  1. Rub your skin with citrus fruits. Citrus varieties contain an abundance of Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid. Vitamin C helps to remove the epidermis without causing harm. Here are some ways to use this fruit.
    • Squeeze a little water and apply to your skin. Women have used lemon juice to lighten their skin for centuries, but you can use orange, grapefruit or green lemon if you want. Cut it in half and squeeze the water into a cup of water or a bowl. Using a cotton pad, apply to the bruise. Let it sit for 20 minutes and then rinse. Repeat once or twice a day.
    • Make a lemon and honey mask. Combine the juice of half a lemon with 2 teaspoons of honey. Mix well and apply on face. Leave for 30 minutes and then repair clean.
    • Make a milk and lemon powder mask. Combine 1 teaspoon of water, powdered milk, and the juice of your favorite citrus. Mix into a soft paste and massage it into your skin. Wash.
  2. Try Vitamin E. A powerful antioxidant, Vitamin E helps to repair damaged cells and strengthen new ones. You can use Vitamin E only as a topical treatment or increase its benefits through eating foods rich in Vitamin E.
    • Topical: Rub pure Vitamin E oil directly into dark spots. Do this every day and the bruises will fade away.
    • Food sources: Include these foods in your diet to get more Vitamin E: nuts (almonds, peanuts, pine nuts), sunflower seeds, wheat germ oil, and dried apricots.
  3. Slice the papaya. Papaya contains the enzyme papain. Papain helps to exfoliate dead cells on the skin, allowing new skin cells to appear. Papaya also contains Vitamin C and Vitamin E, making it a very good bruise-blurring fruit. Papain is most abundant while the papaya is green but you can also use a ripe papaya. Peel and remove the papaya seeds and try one of the following treatments:
    • Slice the papaya and slap them over the bruises you want to get rid of. Hold for 20-30 minutes. Repeat twice a day for best results.
    • Make a papaya mask. Cut the papaya into chunks, then use a blender or food processor to grind the papaya into a smooth paste. Mask on face and neck. Leave on for about 30 minutes and then rinse.
  4. Use aloe vera. Aloe plant has many health benefits. This is an excellent moisturizer, and effectively heals sunburned areas. It can also help fade bruises. If you have aloe at home, cut a small piece, squeeze the plastic into your hand, and apply directly to the bruise. You can find aloe vera gel in shops. Aloe vera extract is more effective, so make sure you purchase a 100% aloe extract.
  5. Try a purple onion. Purple onions are acidic and lighten dark spots on the skin. If you don't have a lemonade available, the purple onion is worth a try. Peel one purple onion, cut it into chunks and use a juicer or blender to grind them. Use a cotton pad to apply some onions to the bruise and let sit for 15 minutes before washing your face. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Preventing Bruises

  1. Limit your exposure to the sun. UV exposure is one of the most common causes of dark spots. No matter what type of bruise you have, staying in the sun for too long can make matters worse. Avoiding as much as possible, staying away from these harmful rays is the best thing you can do to protect yourself. Take the following measures to keep your skin safe from overexposure to UV rays:
    • Apply sunscreen. Even in winter, apply sunscreen with SPF 15 or more on your face.
    • Under strong sunlight, wear a hat and sunglasses. Cover the rest of your face with strong sunscreen.
    • Do not use tanning beds. Direct exposure to UV rays is harmful to your skin (as well as internal organs).
    • Don't sunbathe. When the tanned color fades, it leaves a bruise.
  2. Review your medications. If you have chloasma caused by an illness, you can get rid of the dark spots by switching to a different medicine. Talk to your doctor to talk about your concerns and see if there are other medications you can take that do not have side effects.
  3. Find professional skin treatments. Darkening of the skin can be caused by poor performance of skin treatments. Plastic surgery or deep chemical masks can leave bruises. Before applying any kind of skin treatment, do your homework to make sure the technology or the doctor has a lot of experience in the field and has a good track record.
  4. Don't put your hand to your face. Whenever you see a pimple on your face, don't try to squeeze it, rub it, or touch it. The more you touch the pimple, the better your chance of developing bruises increases. Remember, bruises appear when pimples are gone! advertisement


  • Please be patient. Bruises can often be very stubborn, and it can take time to fade. Be persistent and consistent with the treatments you choose.
  • When you become dehydrated, your skin cell count stagnates. Drink plenty of water to make your bruise more effective.
  • Researching what skin type you have, for example if you have sensitive skin, it's probably best to see what you put on your skin, as certain products are for different skin types. spots or irritation.


  • Don't go out in the sun with citrus juice on your face, as this can burn your face.
  • Always follow the instructions when using home remedies to remove bruises.
  • Make sure to apply plenty of sunscreen when using any skin whitening product.
  • Pregnant or lactating women should not take salicylic acid.
  • Hydroquinone, a skin lightening product known to be linked to cancer, pigment cell damage, dermatitis and other skin problems.Most skin care experts recommend against using it unless all other options don't work.
  • If you are allergic to aspirin, do not use products containing salicylic acid.
  • If you have a doctor or cosmetologist, go for bruise treatments. Please follow their post-treatment instructions carefully.