How to get rid of pain from bloating

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 17 May 2024
Bloating | How To Get Rid Of Bloating | Reduce Bloating
Video: Bloating | How To Get Rid Of Bloating | Reduce Bloating


Flatulence (bloating) is usually caused by undigested food that is fermented in the large intestine by "good bacteria". The fermentation process produces a gas, which expands in the gut and causes discomfort. Ingredients in indigestible foods in the human body often include insoluble plant fiber, excess fructose, milk sugar (lactose) and gluten protein. Measures like expelling air, adjusting your diet, and certain medications can help relieve pain from bloating.

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Method 1 of 2: Get rid of the pain of bloating naturally

  1. Don't be afraid to push the air out. Perhaps the most direct method of relieving pain from bloating is to expel the air (fart or gas). Most of us and cultures consider fart in public to be impolite so you need to be cautious and go to the bathroom to push the air out. To facilitate the discharge of air, take a leisurely walk and / or gently massage your abdomen from top to bottom to push the air out of your large intestine.
    • Gases fermented by bacteria in the large intestine are compounds of nitrogen, CO2, methane and sulfur compounds - which contribute to odors.
    • Bloating becomes more common as we age, usually due to decreased production of digestive enzymes.

  2. Try to relieve the pain by belching. Another way to push air out from the opposite direction is burping or belching. While belching doesn't have much of an effect on gas in the large intestine, it can certainly help get rid of excess gas in the stomach and upper digestive tract. The buildup of air in the stomach can be caused by swallowing fluids or eating too quickly, drinking with a straw, chewing gum and smoking. The accumulated air can be simply, quickly and painlessly expelled through the burp. Although drinking a lot of carbonated water can cause bloating, a few sips of sparkling drinking water can help stimulate belching and push the air out.
    • Natural ingredients that are sometimes used to stimulate heartburn include ginger, papaya, lemon juice, and mint.
    • Similar to deflating, many people and many (not all) cultures view it as impolite to burp in public, so be cautious.

  3. Avoid gas-causing foods. Some foods tend to create gas in the gut because they are indigestible or contain compounds that irritate the stomach or intestines. Foods that often cause bloating or bloating include legumes, lentils, cabbage, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, prunes and mushrooms. Eating too much insoluble fiber (found in most vegetables and the peels of some fruits), fructose (found in all fruits, especially sweet berries) and gluten (found in most fruits) Grains such as wheat, barley, and barley) can cause gas, bloating, and diarrhea. If you like to eat raw fruits and vegetables, eat small portions, chew slowly, and take time to digest the food.
    • People with Celiac disease are especially sensitive to gluten - agents irritate the intestines and cause abdominal pain, bloating.
    • Other bowel disorders that may increase the risk of bloating include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
    • Beverages that can cause bloating include coffee, high-fructose drinks, beer, and artificial sugary drinks (aspartame or sorbitol).

  4. Eating food does not increase flatulence and colic due to bloating. These foods include ginger, whole honey, peppermint, chamomile, cucumber, banana, pineapple (pineapple), fennel and flax seeds, probiotic yogurt and kale.
  5. Avoid dairy products if you are lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is an inability to produce enough (or not) the enzyme lactase - an enzyme necessary for the digestion and breakdown of sugar in milk (lactose). Undigested lactose will accumulate in the large intestine, creating a substrate for beneficial bacteria to ferment and use it as food, thereby creating a byproduct of gas. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include gas, bloating, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. Therefore, you should reduce or avoid dairy products if you suspect a problem with lactose intolerance, especially cow's milk, cheese, whipped cream, ice cream and shakes.
    • The lactase capacity declines rapidly after adolescence, meaning the risk of lactose intolerance increases as you get older.
    • If you want to continue to consume dairy products without bloating and stomach upset from lactose intolerance, you should purchase a lactase enzyme supplement capsule at a health food store or pharmacy. Take several enzyme supplement capsules before eating dairy foods.
  6. Mix 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda in a little water. Pain from bloating may be caused by acid in the stomach. Baking soda is an alkaline substance that neutralizes acids to ease pain caused by bloating. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Get rid of the pain of bloating with medical therapy

  1. Consult your doctor. Besides eating foods that cause bloating and due to lactose intolerance, there are many other medical problems that can cause bloating and stomach upset. So if you often advise you to have pain from bloating, you should see your doctor for a physical exam to screen for potentially serious problems. Medical problems that often cause bloating and abdominal pain include gastrointestinal (viral, bacterial and parasitic) infections, stomach ulcers, intestinal obstruction, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis. , food allergies, bowel or stomach cancer, gallbladder disease, and acid reflux.
    • If the pain from bloating is caused by infection or food poisoning, your doctor may recommend short-term antibiotics. However, overuse of antibiotics can destroy the healthy gut bacteria and may in fact cause more gastrointestinal symptoms.
    • Some medications often cause bloating and bloating, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, naproxen), laxatives, antifungals and statins (for high blood pressure patients), so talk to doctors about prescription drugs are taking.
    • Your doctor may perform stool tests and blood tests to check for celiac disease, and perform a breath test to detect lactose intolerance. Some cases may require an X-ray or colonoscopy.
  2. Ask your doctor about hydrochloric acid. Normal digestion of foods, especially protein-rich foods, requires a lot of stomach acid, which is a high concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl). A lack of stomach acid production (a common problem caused by aging) can lead to improper digestion of protein, leading to protein fermentation in the gut and gas generation. Therefore, you should ask your doctor about testing your ability to produce stomach acid, and then consider taking an HCl supplement if your body does not produce enough acid naturally.
    • To aid in protein digestion, eat a meat, poultry or fish dish first instead of a bread and / or salad appetizer. The stomach usually produces hydrochloric acid as soon as you start eating, but digesting carbohydrates requires very little hydrochloric acid (compared to protein).
    • Betaine hydrochloride is a popular HCl supplement that you can buy at most health food stores. Remember to drink after meals, not before or with meals.
  3. Consider taking an alpha-galactosidase enzyme supplement. As mentioned above, the common reason that certain foods can cause bloating is that the human body cannot digest certain complex sugar compounds (for example, insoluble fiber and oligosaccharides). Taking over-the-counter products containing alpha-galactosidase (Beano, Suntaqzyme, Bean-zyme) can help deal with this problem as the enzyme breaks down the complex sugars before they reach the gut and start to ferment. Take an alpha-galactosidase tablet right before eating foods high in fiber (vegetables and beans) to prevent gas formation and stomach upset.
    • This enzyme is extracted from Aspergillus niger mold used in food, so it can cause allergic reactions in people sensitive to mold and penicillin.
    • Alpha-galactosidase effectively breaks down galactose to glucose, but it can interact with diabetes medications. Consult your doctor if you have diabetes and want to take products containing alpha-galactosidase.
  4. Try taking a probiotic. Probiotic supplements contain strains of beneficial bacteria commonly found in the large intestine. These "beneficial bacteria" can be destroyed by using too many antibiotics, taking laxatives, drinking a lot of alcohol, heavy metal infections and colonoscopy. An imbalance of good gut bacteria leads to digestive problems and gastrointestinal symptoms. If you think you are at risk of imbalanced bacteria in your gut, consider taking a probiotic supplement to relieve pain from bloating. Probiotics are safe and often sold at health food stores.
    • Probiotics are available in pill, capsule or powder form and must be taken regularly to maintain effective levels of bacteria in the large intestine. Any product you choose must be intestinal soluble or encapsulated in a microcapsules to survive in stomach acid so that it remains alive when it reaches the intestines.
    • Fermented foods are also good sources of probiotics and include natural yogurt, dairy, kefir, fermented soy products (Natto, Miso, soy sauce, tofu), sauerkraut and even more. Lice are unpasteurized beer.
  5. Consider using a constipation laxative. Constipation is caused by poor bowel movements or difficulty moving stools, possibly from eating too much fiber (or barely eating) or not drinking enough fluids. Chronic constipation is usually defined as defecating less than 3 times a week for weeks or months, but most cases of constipation last only a few days. Constipation can cause colic and cramps similar to gas pain, but the cause of the discomfort is often very different. Treatment of constipation includes the use of laxatives to stimulate bowel movements. Laxatives work by making stool fill (FiberCon, Metamucil, Citrucel pills), softening the stool, helping fluids move in the colon (Milk of Magnesia), or lubricating the colon (mineral oil, oil cod liver).
    • Elderly people with a poor diet often experience constipation due to insufficient fiber intake, so it is often recommended to eat prunes or drink prune juice.
    • Constipation in young children and young people is often caused by eating too much fiber at a time, such as carrots or apples.
    • If you get constipated from eating too much fiber, you may also experience bloating and bloating due to bacterial fermentation. Therefore, the above methods should be used to eliminate pain from bloating.


  • Eating too much too quickly can cause bloating and stomach upset no matter what kind of food. Therefore, you should eat small portions, take small bites and chew slowly.
  • Avoid chewing gum and sucking on hard candies as this tends to cause you to swallow more air than usual.
  • Check your dentures regularly because misaligned dentures often cause you to swallow more air when you eat and drink.
  • Lie on your stomach and try to push the air out.
  • Lie on your back, gently rub your abdomen down from the top to help push the air down.
  • Drink a lot of water. Avoid dehydration at all costs.