How to make a simple cheese sauce

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Sometimes you suddenly crave for a delicious creamy cheese sauce. If so, learn how to make cheese sauce at home and sprinkle it on nachos, broccoli or baked potatoes to make a delicious, cheap snack. You can choose from the most basic of cheese sauce recipes to variations or vegetarian cheese sauces. Experiment with different cheeses, such as sharp cheddar, Gouda, or Swiss cheese, to make a cheese sauce.


Basic cheese sauce

  • 4 tablespoons (60 ml) of butter
  • 4 tablespoons (60 ml) of flour
  • 3 cups (700 ml) of milk
  • 2 cups (480 ml) shredded cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Variable cheese sauce

  • 1 cup (240 ml) shredded cheese
  • 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) sodium citrate
  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) of optional liquid (water, beer, or wine)

Vegetarian "cheese" sauce

  • 1 small zucchini, peeled and sliced
  • 5 small gold yukon potatoes
  • 180 ml of water
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) nutritional yeast
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of fine sea salt
  • 3/4 teaspoon plain or smoked paprika
  • 2 teaspoons low-salt soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • Your choice of spices: Red chili powder, minced tomatoes, sliced ​​jalapeños


Method 1 of 3: Basic Fever

  1. Raw material concentration. The quality of the ingredients will affect the quality of the cheese sauce. Start with shredded or monolithic shavings of sharp cheddar. If using monolithic cheese, you will need to use a scraper to grate 2 cups of cheese.
    • You can replace cheddar with other cheeses like Gouda or Swiss.
    • To add flavor to your basic cheese sauce, you can add salsa, chili sauce, beer or wine.

  2. Melt 4 tablespoons of butter. Place the saucepan on medium heat, slowly let the butter melt to make the cheese sauce. Be sure to keep a watchful eye as the butter melts, and don't let the butter turn dark brown or black to avoid altering the flavor of the sauce.
  3. Stir in 4 tablespoons of flour. Slowly add the flour to the butter, stirring with a whisk until the flour is evenly mixed with the butter.
    • Heat for a few more minutes until the color changes slightly. Be careful not to let the mixture burn, lest your cheese sauce taste burnt.

  4. Pour 3 cups of milk into the mixture. Slowly pour the milk into the mixture, stirring it while stirring until the mixture thickens.
    • Try to avoid the mixture from clumping. Pour the milk slowly and stir continuously so that the mixture does not get lumpy.
  5. Season with a teaspoon of seasoning. Add to the mixture 1 teaspoon of salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, or other spices like rosemary or dried thyme. Get creative to flavor the cheese sauce. Start with 1 teaspoon of the desired seasoning. You can adjust the sauce to taste when you add the cheese.
    • Be careful when seasoning salt. When you accidentally add too much salt, it is very difficult to treat, and many cheeses are also high in salt. If you are using salty butter, then the sauce already has salt.
  6. Remove the saucepan from the kitchen. Remove the saucepan from the stove before adding the shredded cheese to prevent the sauce from splitting or lumping.
  7. Stir shredded cheese into the mixture. Slowly put each handful of cheese into the saucepan. Stir with a spoon and wait for the cheese to melt before continuing to add.
  8. Serve now. The cheese sauce will harden when it cools, so it's important to serve it up right away. Sprinkle the sauce over french fries, baked potatoes, or steamed vegetables.
  9. Store any remaining sauce in a tightly closed jar in the refrigerator. This fever can last up to 3 days.
    • Don't overheat any leftover sauce over high heat or boil it again, as the sauce may become curd or dehydrated. You should heat the sauce over low heat, stirring your hands until satisfied.

Method 2 of 3: Variable fever

  1. Raw material concentration. This recipe requires sodium citrate, a salt used as an emulsifier. This means that sodium citrate when added to the sauce will reduce the acidity of the cheese, making the protein more soluble and preventing the sauce from dehydrating. It will give the sauce a smooth texture.
    • Look for sodium citrate at specialty stores. Sodium citrate is shaped like salt, has a salty taste and is slightly acidic. You only need a very small amount of sodium citrate to add to the sauce, so don't add extra salt to the cheese sauce.
    • If you can't find sodium citrate, you can substitute 2 teaspoons of ciric acid and 2.5 teaspoons of baking soda. Citric acid is available at many grocery stores.
    • You should also use high-quality cheeses for variations, such as Pepper Jack, Gouda, or Gruyère. These cheeses are usually lumpy. You can use a grating table to grate 1 cup of your chosen cheese.
  2. Dissolve ½ teaspoon of sodium citrate in ½ cup liquid. Dissolve the sodium citrate with water, beer or wine in a medium saucepan. The liquid mixture will only cover the bottom of the saucepan enough; With ½ cup of liquid you may not need to pour it little by little.
  3. Heat the mixture. Place the saucepan on medium heat and cook until it is simmered, but not completely boiling. You should see small bubbles form on the surface of the liquid.
  4. Put shredded cheese into the saucepan. Place shredded cheese in a saucepan and stir with a spoon until cheese melts and blends into liquid. The sauce will have a smooth consistency thanks to sodium citrate.
  5. Serve up the table. Pour sauce into a bowl to dab on french fries or vegetables, or over potato chips to make nachos. You can even pour it over steamed vegetables to make the dish more delicious.
    • The fever will stay on even if it's cooled.
    • This sauce can be stored for up to 1 week in the refrigerator.

Method 3 of 3: Vegetarian Sauce

  1. Raw material concentration. Sometimes vegetarians or lactose intolerants crave cheese sauce. While there is nothing exactly like the taste of cheese in a perfect cheese sauce, a vegetarian cheese-style sauce can also help your cravings. The key to a vegetarian cheese sauce is to use starchy vegetables such as zucchini and potatoes for a smooth, water-free texture.
    • You'll also need a high powered blender, a food blender or a Vitamix blender to give this sauce the texture.
    • Nutritional yeast, available in health food stores, comes in flakes or powder, has a rich, nutty flavor and a nutty flavor. This inactive yeast is a popular vegetarian alternative to cheese in recipes.
    • If you are allergic to soy sauce, you can substitute it with vegan worcestershire sauce, available at specialty stores or health food stores. This sauce has a similar flavor to soy sauce, but you need to add salt to compensate for the salt in the soy sauce.
  2. Processing zucchini. Preheat oven to 213 degrees C and place parchment paper in a baking tray. Use a vegetable knife to remove the skin of the zucchini, then cut into slices of about 0.5 cm thick squash and place in a baking tray.
    • Sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper over slices of squash. Bake squash for 15 minutes until it feels tender to the touch.
    • Peel the pumpkin so that the sauce won't turn a yellow-green color that doesn't look pretty.
  3. Bake or steam 5 small potatoes until they are cooked. Peel potatoes and cut each bulb into quarters. Put the potatoes in another baking tray and place in the oven with the zucchini for about 10 minutes until tender.
    • You can also microwave the potatoes for quick cooking for about 5 minutes until soft.
    • Don't boil potatoes, as they will wet and make the sauce thin.
  4. Use a fork to mash ripe potatoes. Use a dry measuring cup to measure out 1 cup of mashed potatoes. You will need to measure the exact amount of mashed potatoes for the desired results and the desired consistency.
    • Place 1 cup of mashed potatoes in a high capacity blender, food blender, or Vitamix blender.
  5. Put the cooked zucchini in the blender. Continue adding ¼ cup nutritional yeast, ½ teaspoon garlic powder, ½ teaspoon onion powder, ½ teaspoon fine sea salt, ¾ teaspoon plain or smoked paprika, 2 teaspoons soy sauce low-salt soybeans or veggie worcestershire sauce and 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of fresh lemon juice in a blender.
    • Pour more into the blender ¾ cup of water. You can add more if needed, but use up to 1 cup.
  6. Blend the ingredients well. You may need to stop the blender and scrape the bottom and sides of the blender to make sure all ingredients are mixed. Don't add more than 1 cup of water without grinding for a few minutes on high speed.
    • At first the sauce may seem very thick, but it will melt and smooth with the water in the zucchini. Continue grinding until the sauce thickens and evenly blends.
    • If the sauce looks too thick after you've blended it for a few minutes, add a little more water. If the sauce is too thin, you can thicken it by adding 1-2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes.
  7. Taste and season with sauce. You can add lemon juice, salt or other spices to add a rich flavor to the sauce. If you are using worcestershire sauce as a substitute for soy sauce, you may need to add salt.
  8. Sprinkle with spices as you like. Sprinkle with a pinch of red chili powder, a few slices of chili or ¼ cup of chopped tomatoes for a more aromatic sauce. This recipe makes 2.5 cups of sauce.
    • Sprinkle sauce over pasta, baked potatoes or roasted vegetables for a delicious vegetarian meal.