How to Eye Hypnosis

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Quickly Hypnotise ANYONE With Your Eyes (In Just Seconds)
Video: Quickly Hypnotise ANYONE With Your Eyes (In Just Seconds)


Hypnosis seems like a magic, but behind it is science and a whole process of practice. One of the most effective methods is eye hypnosis - the doorway to the human soul. However, you should remember to perform the hypnosis only with the consent of the person being hypnotized and always use your ability responsibly.


Part 1 of 3: Eye Focus Practice

  1. Try to look for a long time without blinking. Look at yourself in the mirror and time it to see how long you can see without blinking.
    • You can also ask someone to test who is looking for longer to test your abilities.
    • Eye movement control will help you maintain eye contact with the other person during the process.

  2. Practice eye focus. You can practice by looking at an object as close as a pencil, then working with something far away in the room.
    • Hold the pencil close to your face. Concentrate on the pen.
    • Shift your focus from the pen to another object in the distance, such as a picture on the wall or doorknob.
    • Return to focusing on the pen. Then focus on distant objects again. Continue doing this practice to increase flexibility when focusing.

  3. Increase peripheral awareness. This is the ability to see objects and movement on both sides without having to turn your head. You can improve this ability by:
    • Sitting on a busy sidewalk with people passing by or sitting in front of the TV is playing a bustling scene.
    • Try to look at that bustling scene with your head turned to the side. Then turn your head to the other side and look. Try to see as much of it as possible on both sides.
    • Remember to practice both left and right.

Part 2 of 3: Eye hypnosis

  1. Ask for permission to be hypnotized. You can ask them, "Can I hypnotize you?" Make sure that person agrees.
    • It is best to practice hypnosis a friend or relative who trusts you, as they will be more willing to accept it.
    • The key is to be willing to cooperate. If they resist or don't want to be hypnotized your hypnosis will not work.
  2. Have the person sitting upright in a comfortable position. Do not let the person stand, as they will relax enough to fall if they are standing during hypnosis.
  3. Have the person focus on a spot below your right eye. Instruct them not to look away when you talk to them.
  4. Looking straight at the person without blinking. Start counting from 5 to 1 in a soft, low voice. As you count, tell them:
    • "Your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier."
    • "Your eyelids are gradually becoming heavier as if they were being pulled down."
    • "Just a little longer, your eyelids will be so heavy they will close."
    • "The more you try to open your eyes, the heavier the eyelids are, the more relaxed, drooping, and tight they are."
    • Repeat the above sentences several times while counting from 5 to 1.
  5. Tell the person you are going to touch their shoulder, and they will slump. It is important that you let them know what is going to happen before you touch them. This will help the person's mind understand that you are going to give an order and that they will respond by doing what you ask.
    • Tell the person, “When I touch your shoulder, you will be relaxed, sagging, and heavy. Ready?"
  6. Touch the person's shoulder and say that they can now relax and relax. Don't be alarmed if the person collapses or leans back in the chair. This is a sign that they are completely relaxed and under hypnosis.
  7. Make sure the person is in a hypnotic state. It is important that they know that they are relaxing through hypnosis or are in a hypnosis state.
    • It is equally important that the person being hypnotized knows they are safe and well cared for. Reassure the person that they will continue to trust you and obey your orders.
  8. Tell them that their right arm is now loose and heavy. Notice that they are relaxing and sagging, and then touch their arm to elicit a response.
    • Lift up the person's arm to confirm that it is now relaxed and lifeless. Put your arm down.
    • This step helps to confirm that the person is currently in a coma-like state. It also shows that they are ready to listen to your voice and request.
  9. Tell them to only hear your voice. Counting 5 to 1. Tell the person that when you count to “one,” they'll only hear the sound of your voice.
    • Snap their fingers when counting to “one” to draw their attention. Ask the person to let your voice relax them deeper. Next, instruct them to listen and only listen to every word you say.
    • Instruct them to listen to your every word and not to hear any ambient sounds.
  10. Check the person's hypnosis. Once you are able to control the person, you can test your hypnosis by having them touch their nose or ears. You can also tell them to move their arms or legs on command.
    • Always remember that hypnosis should be used with care and responsibility. The person being hypnotized trusts you, so don't overdo it to tease or injure them in a hypnotic state.

Part 3 of 3: Understanding Hypnosis

  1. Don't confuse hypnosis with unconsciousness or sleep. Hypnosis is actually a state of deep concentration of the mind that helps you to be more aware of the suggestions and to be more receptive.
    • It is important to remember that the person being hypnotized will not lose control or be under the hypnosis. Instead, they will be more open to guidance and suggestions.
    • Sometimes we are also in some form of hypnosis. Think of times when you let your mind wander while sitting in class, lost in dreamy moments, or when you were so immersed in a movie or TV show that you were not aware of anything. going on around. All are examples of a state like hypnosis.
  2. Be aware of the benefits of hypnosis. Hypnosis isn't just a party trick or a way for you to get your best friend to dance the chicken. In fact, hypnosis has been shown to help treat insomnia, smoking, overeating and other disorders.
  3. Remember that hypnosis is a skill that needs training just like any other skill. There are currently no regulations on the practice of hypnosis. Hypnotherapists can be certified for completion of a hypnotherapy and hypnotherapy course at a basic or advanced level. However this is a self-governing industry.
    • Certification courses cover issues such as professional ethics and basic hypnosis skills.
    • Find a certified hypnotherapist for more information on the health benefits of hypnosis.


  • There are many videos of hypnosis tutorials online. You can learn and study the methods of a hypnotherapist to improve your hypnosis.


  • Hypnosis doesn't work for everyone! Some people are not open enough or brave enough to try hypnosis. Therefore it is essential to get consent before you try to hypnotize someone.