How to get to know a boyfriend (gay men)

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Gay Dating (Advice to my Younger Self) | Sam Cushing
Video: Gay Dating (Advice to my Younger Self) | Sam Cushing


Finding a good man is the concern of many guys. You have to define where you are going to meet him, how to reach out and get their attention. This is a difficult problem, especially for people with poor social skills. Fortunately, they can still apply some techniques in communication, participate in social activities to find themselves a suitable man and maintain a healthy, long-term relationship.


Method 1 of 3: Meeting

  1. Go to events for LGBT. Participating in gender events is a great way to contribute and find yourself a match. Choose an event or activity that you can support to attend with an upbeat mindset, ready to make friends, and be happy. My goal is to go out to meet people. If you see someone you like, go ahead and talk to them.
    • VietPride is an epic annual event for the Vietnamese LGBT community. You can update the information about the event on VietPride's official Facebook page.
    • Other major events organized by the Vietnamese LGBT community include Diversity Celebration Day, Miss Beauty (Transgender Contest), "I Agree" Campaign and many exciting activities. other.

  2. Join dating websites or apps to find people. There are many dating sites out there that you can use to find the right audience near where you live. These websites ask you to create an account and answer questions to fill out personal information in your profile. Used correctly, these websites can be very effective tools to help you start a serious relationship. Or you can try the apps on your phone to find singles in your area. These software will help you find them quickly and follow your request better. If you're planning to meet only new people for fun then this is a great way to connect with a large number of people of the same sex near you.
    • Some websites for gay men include Plun.Asia and
    • Some dating apps for gay men like Blued, Hornet.
    • When creating a profile on a dating app, focus on the attractiveness and variety of the photos you use.
    • For gay men, outdoor photos or showing toned biceps will add more attraction to your personal page.
    • Don't start long and boring text-based conversations before meeting someone. Meeting online is good, but it's best to meet in real life.

  3. Find the right men in gay-specific kiosks. Search online for gay places in your area. Refer to the reviews of each place and choose an environment that suits your personality. If you are the calm type, the gentle and relaxing atmosphere in the tea room is the space for you. If you like bustling parties, you should go to exciting places like beer clubs or bars.
    • These places have a lot of guys looking for an audience like you.
    • There are many places for gay men and women, you can check out the internet.

  4. Participate in volunteering in LGBT non-profit organizations. Through these activities, you will find a man who shares the same beliefs and passion for volunteering. This is a great way to connect gay men in the area. Expanding your social circle will help you find the right person.
    • Some typical non-profit organizations are ICS - An organization that protects and promotes the rights of LGBT people in Vietnam, the Vietnamese Gay Community.
    • Or you can look to local community activity centers that work for gay men.
    • Volunteering can include assisting with parades, participating in equal rights plays, post-production on media productions, or donations to charitable trips.
  5. Be active, sociable, and attentive to the events that you enjoy. You are a gay, that does not mean you have to go to events or organizations specifically for gay people to find your other partner. Keep a positive outlook on your mind, go out and socialize. Take part in a community course or a fitness club if you have difficulty communicating with others. Always seize opportunities to take part in social events with your group or friends and be kind and friendly with new friends. A right and positive attitude will help you to exude an attraction to other men. When you find the right person, spend more time with them.
    • Don't be contemptuous, selfish, or hostile towards people you meet.
    • When you find someone you like, you can boldly invite them out, such as "I think you are cute. Do you sometimes want to go out for coffee or beer with me?"
    • If you're unsure of the guy's sexual orientation, focus on his body language. If he acts aloof, disinterested, or pushes you away when you try physical contact, he may not like you.

Method 2 of 3: attract guy's attention

  1. Love yourself. Before you can attract others, you need to love and care for yourself first. This may sound normal, but it's actually an important aspect that many people forget about before dating. If you are not aware of your own worth, it will be difficult for others to see your worth.
    • Appreciate your small accomplishments and realize that while you are not perfect, they make you unique.
    • Don't ignore negative things. Focus on improving areas where you think you are limited, realistic with your goals and what needs to be done to achieve them.
  2. Become more confident. Straight-back posture, smiling and making eye contact with the people you talk to will help you build a confident image. Don't be too arrogant or take yourself too seriously. Think about the positive aspects of your personality and make an effort to improve what you lack.
    • Acting confident can help you get a guy right away, but it is the correct sense of self-worth that can help you have a strong relationship.
  3. Keep good personal hygiene. Fragrant and clean body is the factor that attracts others. Be sure to shower every day, use deodorant, and keep your nails neat and clean. Poor personal hygiene will make the other person no longer interested in you, so keep this in mind if you are looking for love.
    • Wearing clean clothes is also an important factor when going out on a date.
  4. Dressed comfortably but still impresses. You need to feel confident and comfortable in your clothes when you go out to meet new people. However, if your clothes feel ridiculous or uncomfortable, it can affect your mood and the course of the date. Choose your casual clothes, look back at yourself in the mirror to make sure your clothes are clean and fresh before stepping out.
    • Choose clothes that flatter your figure. For example, if you have sturdy arms, wear a t-shirt.
  5. Make eye contact and smile at your crush. Eye contact is essential when we want to proactively attract someone's attention. Eye contact is also an intimate element that creates romance and feeling close to others. If you are in a public place and notice a stranger, make eye contact with him first to show that you are interested. If he smiles and returns your gaze or keeps looking at you, you can begin to approach him.
    • If he turns away or ignores you, he probably hasn't seen it yet. You need to make sure he knows your gaze, and then catch his attention.
  6. Get rid of the fear of rejection. Fear of rejection can be a powerful emotion that prevents you from going forward and finding yourself a man. Rejection can be both physical and emotional, and those past experiences will shape how you view your present relationships in a negative way. To ease your fear, don't put too much emotion into it at the same time. In addition, training yourself to be less sensitive to it will help you gradually adapt to that feeling. Get out there, meet lots of men and get used to rejection. Gradual exposure is a popular treatment for people with phobia or anxiety.
    • By delaying approaching or showing affection to someone you like, you are putting too much pressure on yourself and putting too much hope into a potentially poor interaction.
    • Don't script what will happen because you never know the future.
    • Use the three-second rule: approach a man within three seconds of seeing him. This will prevent the brain from forming unnecessary worries.

Method 3 of 3: Hold the guy

  1. Communicate effectively and sincerely. Communication is one of the elements that is indispensable in maintaining a healthy relationship with others. Even if you don't want to be serious about the person you meet, you still have to communicate openly with them. Don't hold back anything. If someone bothers you, talk to them about it. Effective communication is when you get rid of a rock that weighs in your heart without hurting the other person.
    • Do not let negative feelings and resentment build up because you refuse to say it, besides, you should not be too important or uncomfortable when it comes to the person's personality.
    • Try to express criticism in a polite way so as not to hurt the other person.
    • When others comment on you, don't be harsh. Instead, accept what they say and why they say it, then talk more honestly and openly about it.
    • Pay more attention to what others have to say and listen more instead of robbing them of words.
  2. Talk to the person about the seriousness of the relationship. This depends on what criteria you look forward to, a “one night” or a long-term relationship. The guy you are with should also understand what you want. Speak clearly about your aspirations, do not be afraid that they will be hurt but deceive them. If you hesitate, by the time they figure it out for themselves, the relationship will end in an unlikely way.
    • You can simply say, "I really like you, but right now I'm not ready for serious love. I just want to have fun and don't want to be attached. If you don't want to or don't want to meet you. You too, I'm ready to let you go. "
    • If you want a long term relationship, say, "I really like being with you and just want to be by your side. What do you think of a serious relationship?"
  3. Get rid of old relationship nostalgia. If you keep on thinking about past things, you will hurt the people who care about you in the present. Putting away all the souvenirs, pictures and belongings of your ex so you can overcome and embrace the new. You should also not rely on previous experiences to equate all men alike, do not assume that you have an extraordinary intuition if that intuition tells you the negative things.
    • In this immense world of men, no one is like anyone, don't just because someone has hurt you in the past but thinks that people in the future are as bad.
    • If you are still sad about the old story, temporarily consider dating for now.
    • Another way to overcome past sadness is to draw at least one positive from negative experiences. It is a profound opinion and also a valuable experience that you have.
  4. Be ready to compromise. The health of your relationship will be threatened if you don't negotiate. The relationship in which each individual gives in is one of balance and happiness. Say everything and be willing to change if you really care about the other person. Always open up your heart and show respect for your guy.
    • Although we don't have to change who we really are for anyone, the problem does need to be looked at objectively. If that's good for the relationship then we should do what it takes.
  5. Kind to that person. If you know something that makes your boyfriend happy or his legitimate wishes, don't hesitate to do it.Take him to the movies, buy him a pair of new shoes, or sneak a sweet note in his notebook. Small things will be gathered over time and create a deep impression on each other.
    • Should not do anything outrageous or cling to the person. Just being on your mind is enough.
    • You must stick to your budget and never spend more than you can afford.