How to be a mature teenager

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Teen Tips | How To Be Taken More Seriously | Personal Presentation
Video: 10 Teen Tips | How To Be Taken More Seriously | Personal Presentation


Teenage boys are often referred to as immature by their parents and older people. Perhaps that's why you want to become more mature. In general, maturity often develops with age - you cannot truly mature without experiencing the many different aspects of life. However, there are a few areas that you can adjust if you still want to appear more mature in the eyes of others. You can become more mature by improving your behavior, emotional responses, mental abilities, and communication style.


Method 1 of 4: Behave right

  1. Follow the rules. If you want to show maturity, you need to respect those in power. No matter where you are — home, school or work — you will have to obey laws set by those in charge. Usually these rules are meant to keep you and everyone safe, so you should follow them.
    • Sometimes young people want to go against those who are in power, and that is normal. If you want to discuss their rules with an adult, you need to argue with respect. This way you will have more opportunities to be heard.
    • For example, you could say, “Mom and Dad, I think I'm allowed to go home a little later because I'm fifteen years old. I always get home on time and never cause any problems. Parents feel like that is okay? "
  2. Take responsibility and control your own actions. Do everything as committed, try to watch over yourself and your activities as much as you can. If you get into trouble for some reason, be honest and accept the punishment. As you take responsibility for your actions, you will show maturity in the eyes of your parents and others.
    • For example, if you made a promise to your parents that you stay at home to look after you, turn down your friend's invitation to the night party. This decision may be difficult for you, but maturity also means keeping your promises and proving you are trustworthy.

  3. Express yourself through your behavior. A good attitude shows respect. The right behavior will also make adults feel more mature. Correct manners include many aspects: saying "yes", answering politely, not interrupting when others are talking, keeping your mouth shut when chewing or keeping the door for the person behind.
    • Perhaps you have been taught many etiquette. However, if you want to know more, you can ask a parent or other adult about how to be disciplined.

  4. Clean up your own things. Adults do not allow others to follow up to clean up the mess they present. If you want to be a teenager, you need to start doing this. It could be things like cleaning up the dishes after eating, cleaning up spilled food and drinks, or putting a gaming disc, movie or book back in place after watching.
    • Keep the room tidy by placing dirty clothes in the laundry basket and storing clean clothes in a drawer or drawer. Make your bed as soon as you wake up in the morning. Hang the backpack on the hook behind the door so that it doesn't touch the floor. Arrange your shoes under the bed or on the shoe racks in the wall closet to avoid tripping.
    • This will be easier if you set a 20-minute time to thoroughly clean and sanitize the room once a day. Play music to feel the time passing faster.

  5. Practice good, healthy habits. A mature teenager must be able to say "no" to bad behaviors. Acts like alcohol and drug use, lies, theft, brawl, reckless action or destruction of other people's property will only draw you into trouble or injury. Instead, stay away from drugs, obey traffic rules, and don't hang out with bad influencers. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Express your emotions in a mature way

  1. Don't take your feelings out on other people. To become mature, you will need to control any negative feelings you are experiencing such as anger, disappointment or shame. Swearing or yelling at others when you are upset will not help you mature. Instead, find other ways to release and express your emotions.
    • First, you need to understand why you have that feeling. Answer the questions: what happened, how did you feel inside and what do you call that feeling?
    • Next, decide how you must express that feeling without hurting yourself and others. You can journal, release your energy with exercise, play sports or listen to music that expresses your emotions.
  2. Take responsibility for your behavior. Finding excuses or blaming others when you make a mistake will not improve your image. Blaming others can also ruin your relationships. Moreover, you will never learn the lessons and grow more mature if you do not face the consequences that you cause.
    • Take full responsibility when you make a mistake. Do this by admitting your mistakes right away. You can simply say, "It's my mistake" or "It's my fault". Sorry if you hurt someone else. Then think about how to make amends.
    • For example, if you forgot to close the door causing the cat to run out, admit it. You can say, “I'm sorry. Because I forgot to close the back door. Let me go ask the neighbors if they can see my cat. ”
  3. Think before you act. To behave mature also means thinking about the consequences of one's actions. Whenever you plan to say or do something, take a few seconds to think about the consequences of what you will say or do. Though instant gratifying, flamboyant actions can get you in trouble in the long run.
    • To prevent arbitrary actions, you should pause for a moment before making a decision or taking action. Take a few deep breaths.
    • Ask yourself, “What is my conscience saying? Will this harm me or bother anyone? How would I feel if someone did this to me, or how would I feel about myself after doing this? ”
    • For example, if your friend asks you to skip class, stop for a moment and take a deep breath. Think about why you want to do this - it might be as simple as you want to hang out. Think about what could happen if you did: you could get caught and trouble with the school and with your parents.
    • Following these steps every time you need to choose an action will help you make smarter decisions.
  4. Practice gratitude. You are more likely to be respected and appreciated by an adult if you are grateful for what you have. Try not to whine about things you don't have. Instead, practice being grateful.
    • At the end of each day, write in your notebook three positive things that happen during the day. Take a few minutes to reflect on good events or results and try to incorporate your feelings of satisfaction.

Method 3 of 4: Developing intellectual maturity

  1. Pay attention to events that are going on. Read about current issues and events in the press and legitimate online resources. Don't rely on updates on your social media sites. Try to find other sources of information and pay attention to what's going on in the world around you.
    • As you learn about ongoing events, discuss it with your parents and other adults. You can say, "Dad, what do you think about the new US president's decree?"
    • Find online resources such as Dan Tri, Vnexpress, Tuoi Tre online, read the morning newspaper and find some library journals on topics of interest to you.
  2. Reading books. Whether it's a book about real events or a story, reading is often a great pastime. Books not only bring knowledge, but also help you increase your vocabulary. This will help you improve your reading comprehension ability, even improve your writing skills. What's more, you can relieve stress with reading.
    • Step past the limits of the assigned reading at school. To enjoy reading, choose books related to your interests such as aircraft or Ancient Egypt.
  3. Use skills critical thinking. Critical thinking skills show how you solve problems. You may have the fastest answer to pop up in your mind or spend more time thinking from all angles before choosing a solution. The ability to think critically can help you better judge the consequences of your actions, assess the authenticity of information and learn to think out of the box.
    • A great way to build critical thinking skills is to play table games. You can invite your whole family or a few close friends to spend an evening playing brain games.

Method 4 of 4: Communicate in a mature manner

  1. Communicate clearly. Many teenagers and toddlers communicate in a way that bewildered parents and teachers don't understand what you are saying. If you want to be seen as mature, you should speak it so that others can understand it. Use correct words, not abbreviations. Write complete and correct sentences.
    • If you want to learn how to get excited when talking to others, ask your parent to play a role in communication with you.
  2. Use active listening skills. Many teenagers think they know everything and don't listen to others. One sign of maturity is that you know you can learn from others. Try to listen more than you talk.
    • An important rule of thumb is to listen to understand instead of listen to answer. Try to guess what the other person is saying. Don't interrupt or rush your opinion in. Try to hear the other person finish the sentence, then summarize what they say in a way you understand.
    • For example, when your mother says, “I have to go back to the hometown this weekend, I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone at home. Can you come over to Miss Huong's house? " You can reply, “Yes. I know I worry if I'm home alone. Let me ask if Quynh's parents agree to let me come over to her house ”.
  3. Avoid using slang or swear words. It is okay to speak slang or common words moderately in front of your peers, but you should try to use words that are appropriate when communicating with adults. Do not fool adults using words that are unfamiliar to them. Also, avoid swearing because it is a sign of disrespect. advertisement