Ways to Make Your Child Enjoy Reading

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Help Your Child Enjoy Reading | A Thousand Words
Video: How to Help Your Child Enjoy Reading | A Thousand Words


Does your child like to read? Would you like to help your child enjoy reading? This article will show you how to direct a child to love reading.


  1. Find the right children's books.
    • Ask what your child likes to read. Buy the right book for your child.
    • If your child doesn't know what kind of books they like, go to the library and ask for help from the librarian. Many public libraries have librarians dedicated to helping children find suitable books.
    • Think openly about books that children enjoy reading. Although they are not your favorite book, they will help your child become interested in reading.
    • If the child is a child, he or she may want to read a book over and over. This is completely normal. Soon, your child will switch to another book soon, but for the time being, let your child read what they want.

  2. Read books to children. While you may think that this will make your child lose interest in reading on his own, reading to your child will make them love books more, and associate reading with fun times when Stay with you.
  3. Values ​​reading over other forms of electronic entertainment.
    • Start asking your child to read a book for information instead of searching on Google. Reading text on paper books instead of electronic devices is also good for children's eyes.
    • If your child spends two hours watching movies or entertainment, remind them to read for two hours, otherwise they won't be able to watch TV that day.
    • Turn weekends into "TV-free days". Since your child isn't going to school on the weekends, unplug the TV and the computer, then ask them to read or go outside to play.
    • Don't let your child use the computer or watch TV or play video games every month for a week. Let your child read as much as possible.

  4. Organize a book club! Invite the neighbors over to play and read.
  5. Buy a Kindle or Nook e-reader for kids! It is like reading on computer and / or TV.

  6. Allow your child to see you reading. Young children often imitate parental behavior, and reading is no exception! advertisement


  • Give your child some time.
  • Do not urge or urge your child to do this, otherwise he will be bothered and pretend to finish reading, or avoid reading altogether.


  • Do not get angry with children when they do not like to read.

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