How to discreetly find out if someone is gay

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 ways to Discreetly Find out if Someone You Know Is Gay
Video: 3 ways to Discreetly Find out if Someone You Know Is Gay


If you want to discreetly find out if someone you know is gay or not, you need to be very subtle throughout the process. To realize if someone is gay, you need to observe the person and understand the actions you should avoid. You will be able to tell if the person is gay through a few cues, but you won't be able to see the exact results unless the person confesses to you. If you want to discreetly find out if someone in your life is gay, follow these steps.


Method 1 of 3: Actions to Avoid

  1. Do not ask people around to see if the person is gay or not. This is the worst action you can take if you want to discreetly find out if the person is gay. If someone is gay and they haven't confessed, it might be because they have their own reasons, and they definitely won't want you to just walk around all day and consult anyone you meet to see if they are. Do you think that person is gay.
    • If the person is a private homosexual, then maybe everyone around will not know about this. And even if the person confessed to people, they wouldn't tell you. So if you ask people if the person is gay, you are disrupting his or her life - whether or not he is gay.
    • If the person was gay, they probably wouldn't want to be suspicious of the issue by others. And if they are not gay, it basically means that you are spreading rumors with bad intentions.
    • In addition, if the person learns that you are constantly questioning people around this issue, they will never openly confess to you.

  2. Don't judge it through the person's style. Someone's way of dressing as a sign of whether or not they're gay is just a silly rumor. If the person is wearing tight clothing, colorful colors, and bright textures, that means the person is gay, right? Incorrect. Anyone can wear tight clothing or colorful colors - and this style has nothing to do with homosexuality.
    • Besides, the world has quite a lot of men who like to groom and women who like sports style. The way other people dress are not denote their sexual orientation. So don't waste time trying to analyze the meaning when your girlfriend changes her style of dress, or when your male friend unexpectedly wears tight-fitting pants.

  3. Don't judge through the person's way of talking. Identifying a person as gay through the person's way of talking is another absurd rumor that you shouldn't trust. Don't spend time focusing on the person's use of words, how they lower their voice, or imitating certain expressions / intonations when they speak. You can spend years analyzing the way the person talks and you won't learn much in the end, so don't waste your time.
  4. Don't judge it through the person's favorite music or TV shows. You can surmise that your male friend is gay because he loves singer Madonna and the GLEE show, but chances are you're just wasting your time. LGBT people are everywhere, and usually, they don't form a certain "separate" or "synonymous" hobby. In fact, if someone is a private homosexual, they will try to adapt and not mention TV shows or music interests that could make others suspect that they are gay.
    • To think that music preferences and sexual orientation are related is a misconception. Don't waste your time with this meditation.

Method 2 of 3: Observe the Person

  1. Observe the person's attitude when it comes to homosexuality. This is a subject that requires dexterity. There is no specific rule of how gay men will react when talking about homosexuality. But there are two signs that you can look for:
    • If the person is very interested in gay rights, they will often talk about their rights and support for homosexuals, and if you already have other reasons that make you suspect that he is If I am gay, maybe he is indeed a gay man. However, most private homosexuals will not usually talk about this topic. You can discuss this topic with another person in the presence of that person, and observe their interest. If they still haven't confessed to their true gender, they will carefully observe their reactions and listen to the opinions of others.
    • If the person is disgusted when discussing homosexuality and makes comments against the issue, they may already know that they are gay, or they may not realize it. , and thinking about homosexuality makes them feel uncomfortable, and this is their reaction.
      • However, there is no "specific" response that can help you figure out if someone is gay.
  2. Observe the person's reactions to the opposite sex. Again, there is no specific regulation on how gay men and women react to the opposite sex so that you can be aware of their true gender. Gay may also have hundreds of girlfriends / boyfriends or they can be single.
    • If the person you know is a man and you've never seen him have a girlfriend, talk to other girls, or show a liking towards women, he's probably gay. The same is the case if the person you know is a woman. However, this attitude could also be caused by the shyness of the person. If you are in high school and the person has never experienced a relationship with someone of the opposite sex, it is less likely that the person is gay than if they are 40 years old and you have never seen them have sex. feeling for the opposite sex.
    • A homosexual person can also often have emotional relationships with the opposite sex. A gay man can even be a true man of a woman for a long time.
    • When you hang out with the person, watch for signs of flirting with someone of the same sex. However, you should not stare at them or be too obvious when observing. That person could be simply a pretty friendly person.
  3. Get to know the person's friends. Although gay men may also have non-gay friends, they often enjoy making friends with other gay men. If the person used to meet a lot of people who are obviously gay then they may have revealed their true gender to those people. If they used to go to gay pubs for "just for fun" reasons, they would be gay.
    • However, they are also able to meet secret homosexuals.
    • If the person spends a lot of time with someone of the same sex, and everyone knows the person is gay, and he often goes to that person's home and flirts with that person, maybe that person is also gay. gay. But maybe they are not gay - gay men can also be close friends of non-homosexuals without ever developing love for each other.
  4. Check out their Facebook profile. When a person has not confessed to being gay, they will not explicitly mention their gender on Facebook, you can still look through their profile for clues about their true gender.However, this approach won't be of much help.
    • Find out how many gay friends the person has, and if these friends are in regular contact with that person. Again, this doesn't mean he's gay, but even Facebook can help you realize that you're more likely to be gay if you have a lot more gay friends than usual.
    • Read through that person's posts. Does he often post about gay rights? This could also be because he is genuinely passionate about protecting the rights of homosexuals, or because he feels more comfortable with his true gender when using Facebook.
  5. Discreetly ask if your gay friends know anything about it. If you really have a good reason to want to know if the person is gay, you can consult your gay friends, if you have one. They can be a valuable source of information for you for two reasons. Firstly, they may know some information about the person through other gay men, or they have met the person at certain gay events. Second, they will be able to easily tell if someone is gay.
    • You should only ask for their opinion if they are closer to you than the person you suspect is gay. Otherwise, your confidential inquiry will backfire and the person will know.

Method 3 of 3: Direct Inquiry

  1. Make sure you find out the truth for good reason. There are a few good reasons why you might want to know if the person is gay, and there are a few other reasons that don't really fit. If you want to find out if the person you know is gay because you are close to that person and you want that person to know that you fully support him if he is gay and you will always be there. when he or she needs it.
    • If you are not close to the person and you are just curious to know, then you should not explore this issue.
    • If you are wondering if your non-gay friend's lover is gay, don't find out. This is none of your business unless you have a good reason to suspect that the person is gay and you care for your friend.
    • If you genuinely love and care about the person, and treat the person as a good friend and friend, you can ask about this in person if you really want to find out. But remember that the person may not be ready to confess - and this has nothing to do with you.
  2. Ask. If you really want to know, choose a time when you can be alone with the person, and let the person know that you really care about him no matter what happens, and Ask him if he has anything he wants to share with you. If he answers no, gently ask if he's gay, and say you just want to know because you want to support him and you want him to open up to you.
    • Remember that this approach may not work. The person doesn't want to tell you about his true gender because he has difficult reasons to tell, and you won't be able to force someone to admit their true gender.
    • If the person admits that he is gay and that he needs help confessing his true gender to others, continue to let him know that you care deeply about him and that you support him 100%. If you were the first to make him realize your true gender, you've taken a big step forward and be prepared to always be with your friend.


  • Never hastily ask if they are gay. Give them time to trust you and you will receive an answer in the end.
  • The closer you are to the person, the more you can learn.
  • If you suspect someone is gay, then maybe others do. Usually, people would cross-examine the person about this issue. Watch their actions. You can also ask what they think of the question you are asking.
  • Do not ask directly if they are gay or not, let them present themselves to you.
  • Sometimes it's better to do your homework before assuming that the person is gay.
  • Don't judge others by appearance - meaning don't conclude that someone is gay by their actions, their way of talking or even their dress.


  • If the person you know is really gay, keep it private and don't share it with others. If not, you will only create more difficulties in the person's life.