Ways to Don't Care

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Apocalyptica - ’I Don’t Care’ feat. Adam Gontier (Official Video)
Video: Apocalyptica - ’I Don’t Care’ feat. Adam Gontier (Official Video)


There will be times when negative people will intentionally upset you and you don't want to pay attention to what they say. While it's hard to ignore, there are many ways you can try to move on and think positively about your life ahead.


Method 1 of 4: When being judged by others

  1. Build a self-image. Don't care how others see you. We care about what others think of us because we often see ourselves through their eyes. However, simply relying on other people's thoughts to see yourself is not good for you. The best way for you to not care what other people think of you is to build a self-image. Do things that make yourself proud no matter what others say, always believe that you are a good and useful person to society.
    • Volunteering is a great way for you to think positively about yourself and benefit the community.
    • Train yourself a skill, such as drawing, playing an instrument or a sport.If you are bored of being a lonely person that no one can talk to, try being lonely with a wonderful skill.
    • Go and see the world. Going around will make you more confident, have many beautiful memories and many interesting stories to bring to the rest of your life.
    • Always try and try. If you put effort into everything, such as studying, work, playing sports, doing housework, etc., it won't be difficult for you to ignore what others think of your accomplishments. When you know you've done your best, don't mind what negative people say.

  2. Do what you want. Don't let other people's views stop you from doing the things you love. Your happiness has nothing to do with their approval. Just let it go and you will find that the more time you spend doing what you want, no matter what other people say, the less you will pay attention to them. You will find happiness for yourself and simply have no need to bother any more.
    • Chasing things that make you happy is also a great way for you to meet people with similar thoughts and interests. Instead of judging, they're the ones who will support the things you love!

  3. Allow others to judge. To learn how to ignore the judgment of others, it is best to let them judge. Let them do it and you will find that the world has not collapsed because of their judgment. You will still wake up every day and be able to do whatever you want. Their opinion doesn't really affect your life.
    • You shouldn't argue with someone else's judgment because stopping them is nearly impossible. The people who criticize you the most are also often the people who are harshest on themselves, and they will continue to judge you because it makes them feel better. Their problems are theirs, and don't let them bother you.

  4. Understand that judgments won't last long. You should also remember that negative people have their own problems and lives. Five years later, they may not remember who you are and not even remember all the things they dislike about you. Just a few more years, their opinions will no longer affect you. So if you spend that time enjoying your life and embracing your opportunities, you will be much happier in the long run than wasting your time making people that a few years from now can be you. will never see good thoughts about me again. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: When things go wrong

  1. Understand that things could get worse. When the unfortunate happens to you, remember that things could get worse. Thinking like that won't relieve you of suffering about what's going on in life: no, it's still as bad. But when you understand that things could get worse, you will appreciate what you have.
  2. Appreciate the good things in life. If you understand that you can lose more than that, take time to appreciate the things that make you happy. Hold your mom tight, tell your best friend how important they are to you, and give it a try to see the sunset ... because right now, in this moment, you're alive and just that. That alone was very wonderful and magical.
    • If you feel like you have nothing to appreciate or make yourself happy with, you need to go out and find your happiness. Volunteer, make new friends or do the things you've always wanted to do. Life is extremely short, so don't waste time in boredom and boredom.
  3. Believe that is not the end. Unfortunate things often happen, moreover, it happens a lot. However, if you believe and understand that unfortunate happenings are normal, you will see that the earth is still spinning after all. Sometimes we will have big problems, very painful and difficult to solve, but (as they say) everything will pass. Other problems will come again and so will happiness.
  4. Next step forward. You cannot change the past, nor can you reverse what happened. All you can do is jump back and move on. Try a new approach and correct mistakes if possible. If not, keep moving forward, setting yourself a new goal, a new destination and new successes will keep you from being bothered by past failures. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Times of concern

  1. Care when others get hurt. There will be times when you need to be concerned about everything and perhaps most importantly when someone is hurting. It's natural that you don't want to care about people who bully you, but you shouldn't ignore them when you see them bullying others. If we stand up to protect each other, no one else, not even you, will be intentionally hurt like that.
  2. Concern when you might hurt someone. You should not harm those you do not like, do not bully others and should always be concerned about whether your words and actions hurt others or not. If we want to live happily and peacefully in this world, we need to learn to love and care for each other, not to take hatred to pay for hatred. If you don't care about hurting others, think about how those actions will affect your own life.
  3. Care when others need you. There will be times when others will need to rely on you without even realizing it. In life, one time or another people will need you for different reasons. Take care of them and yourself to help them when possible.
    • It may be a friend who needs you to comfort difficult times, a family member needs love from you for a fresh life. It could be a relief center where you are volunteering in need of help or the kids cannot survive without you.
  4. Take care of your own life and health. It is very important that you take care of your life and your health. Sometimes it can be difficult, especially when facing bad things, to let you understand why you care about yourself. However, when you are in a bad mood, remember that there are a lot of people who love you (even if you didn't realize it) and that the future ahead has so many great things waiting for you (whatever you think. that life won't be any good for me.) Be strong for you stronger than I thought, and wait and see. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: When someone hurts you

  1. Know why they do that. Knowing why others have hurt you can be very helpful in keeping you from thinking about it as you will understand and sympathize with them and what they do. If you understand what caused someone else's actions, it will be easier to tolerate them.
    • Maybe the person is also hurt, lonely or scared. They may hurt you out of fear that you will hurt them first. They may not know how to love and be kind to those around them. A person can unintentionally or intentionally injure others for a multitude of different reasons.
  2. Believe it is their disadvantage. If someone hurts you or doesn't appreciate you and your role in their life, assume it is at their loss. If they want to be angry, make others suffer or feel lonely, in the long run, these actions will affect them more negatively than you do. Realize that your time and love are better than being with those who value you.
  3. Appreciate those who care about you. There are many people around who love you, such as friends, relatives, colleagues or teachers. They deserve more of your time and attention than those who just hang around with their own problems.
  4. Interested in new people. When negative people come out of your life, take time to consider new people. This will give you a new purpose of life and happiness to forget the bad things left behind by the previous person. When you meet wonderful people who cherish you, you will find all the unhappy things you used to be no longer bothering you. When you're very happy, it's hard to get hurt or angry! advertisement


  • The Stoic philosophers are masters at ignoring the foolishness of loving the good in life. You can read more about them here.
  • Whenever you get troubled or bored, remember that you can always talk to friends and family. They love you and will help you solve those troubles.
  • A person can become very mean and harsh due to the sad events of their past. Try to find a way to solve the problem with the person, if the past is not the cause, you just need to stay away and assume the person does not exist.


  • It will take time to learn to be uncaring, so don't panic!
  • There's nothing inherently wrong with being mindful of things. It is important that you do not let negative things affect you. You may care what other people think of you, but you don't have to change, accept yourself and live happily !!
  • If you have thoughts of hurting yourself or committing suicide, ask someone for help. We want you to continue sharing the good things of your soul with this world! If you live abroad, you can call one of the hotlines below for urgent advice and assistance:
    • USA and Canada: 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-SUICIDE
    • UK: 116 123 or 1850 60 90 90 (ROI)
    • Australia: 13 11 14
    • You can refer to some other hotlines at: http://ibpf.org/resource/list-international-suicide-hotlines