Ways to Not Get Sleepy

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Stop Being TIRED All The Time!
Video: How to Stop Being TIRED All The Time!


The feeling of sleep is a nuisance that many people experience, regardless of the situation. Prolonged lethargy and lack of concentration make it difficult for you to complete your daily tasks and enjoy life. Instead of enduring drowsiness throughout the day, find ways to improve alertness and concentration.


Method 1 of 2: Lifestyle changes

  1. Drink more water. The common "fire-fighting" way to all troubles is to drink plenty of water throughout the day to regain alertness in a split second. Often times, feelings of fatigue and lethargy are linked to dehydration. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning to kick-start your metabolism and keep drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

  2. Have breakfast. Waking up frantically in the morning after 5 pressing the “snooze” button on the alarm clock means that you will quickly start the day with a sketchy breakfast. As a result, your metabolism is sluggish, causing you to handle things in a sluggish state. Push yourself to wake up earlier if needed, and take the time to eat a healthy breakfast. The nutrients will give you energy to stay active throughout the day and it is totally worth it to "sacrifice" some sleep.

  3. Eat more meals. Similar to dehydration in the body, exhaustion is often a signal that the body is hungry and needs energy in the form of food. Instead of eating three meals a day as many people do, you should eat 5-7 smaller meals throughout the day. Thus, the blood sugar level will not drop to the lowest level and the body will also be provided with vitamins and nutrients needed to focus.

  4. Exercise more often. Getting up and moving may sound difficult when you doze off at noon, but getting up and moving can help you fight off feeling exhausted. Exercise for at least 10 minutes a day, even if it's just a brisk walk outdoors.Promoting blood circulation and breathing fresh air will energize you and help you be ready in seconds.
  5. Sunbathing. Cold season is a time when many people easily fall into a state of lethargy; Sunbathing increases the amount of vitamin D your body needs, helping you feel more energetic. If you are lucky enough to have a beautiful day, you should go out to dispel the feeling of lack of vitality at home. This is when you can do a couple tasks - don't forget to exercise while you're out!
  6. Regulate your caffeine intake. When you are sleepy, your first reaction will probably be to find a cup of coffee. But wait! In fact, drinking more than 2-3 cups of coffee per day does not increase energy; If you drink coffee from 12 o'clock or one o'clock at noon, the quality of your sleep will suffer. Therefore, you should not drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day to be able to recharge without experiencing uncomfortable jitters. Alternatively, drink coffee before lunch so you won't have to regret the next day.
  7. Try ashwagandha (also known as Indian ginseng). Ashwagandha is an herb that can be used as a daily tonic - a dietary supplement that helps the body to improve daily stress. Besides, ashwagandha also helps you feel more alert and clear.
    • Note that this herb has many suggestions for its use, so the effect will vary from person to person.
    • Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking ashwagandha, especially if you are taking any medication.
  8. Adjust your sleep habits. For example, last night you stayed up until midnight to enjoy a great night of music and then slept until noon. The next night, you have to go to bed early to prepare for the 7am meeting. The fluctuating sleeping habits are the cause of your fatigue! So, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. This is a way to help your body recognize its sleep limits and reduce your feelings of sleepiness throughout the day. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Apply some changes right away to reduce drowsiness

  1. Listening to music. Music has a huge effect on mood and mental health; Besides the ability to change moods, music is also energizing. One large study found that people who listen to music, regardless of volume and genre, are often more aggressive than those who don't. So turn on your favorite music player or radio show and enjoy the tunes!
  2. Practice breathing. Our breathing habits often vary with our mood and mental health, even when we are not aware of it. If you are stressed and tired, maybe you are just breathing "shallowly" leading to not getting enough oxygen to the brain.
    • Try breathing slowly, visualizing your stomach tightening with the air like you pump a balloon, and then exhaling very slowly. Breathing like that for a minute or so will help you "wake up" your brain and have a clear thought.
  3. Supplement with Omega-3 fats. This is one of the nutrients that helps maintain alertness. If you don't know what to eat for lunch or dinner, cook with salmon for a great omega-3 fatty acid supplement. If you do not have a habit of eating fish, you can take a fish oil supplement every day.
  4. Try the action of the water. Spilling a bucket of cold water on a sleeping friend is not only a hoax, it will actually keep them awake. If you have no other way to combat the feeling of falling asleep, wash your face or take a cold shower. The coldness and feel of the water will improve blood circulation and help you focus better.
  5. Use a foam roller to improve blood circulation. Using a foam roller for about 5 minutes reduces muscle tension and improves blood circulation, helping to repel the feeling of sleep. Lie on the roller or lean against the wall with the roller between your back and the wall surface. Move your body up and down on your roller slowly to relieve muscle tension in your shoulders, back, and legs.
    • Try using a foam roller every time you feel sleepy and see if you are more alert.
  6. Add more fiber. Unlike other foods, it takes your body a long time to fully digest fiber. So, eat fiber-rich foods and let them gradually energize your body throughout the day. Eat apples with whole skin, some black beans or whole grains to fight the feeling of fatigue.
  7. Daytime naps. Getting long sleep during the day can affect the quality of sleep at night, but a quick noon nap is what your body needs to regain strength. The most effective way to recover is to take a 20-minute nap. This is enough time for the body to fall asleep, repelling the cause of the fatigue that exists in the mind.
    • Even taking a quick six-minute nap improves alertness; So, try to take a nap even when you don't have a lot of time.
  8. Take magnesium supplements. Lack of vitamins and minerals can be the main cause of sleep. If your diet does not provide enough magnesium, you should take a magnesium supplement. This product is available at most health supplements and can be used every day.
  9. Relieve stress. Cluttered desks, arguments with a friend, or work overload can make you more stressed and tired than usual. Address controllable causes of stress, whenever possible. Taking control of the things that worry you when they happen can help improve your mental health and keep you focused throughout the day.
  10. Change the environment. Study or work in bed or in a comfortable armchair is the main cause of your fatigue. Therefore, you should not make yourself sluggish by choosing a position too comfortable, move to a place to help you more alert. Working in a coffee shop or on a hard table will make it harder to fall asleep than when surrounded by warm blankets and pillows. advertisement


  • Think about the things that make you happy, excited, and even scared. Anger can also help. Here's how to help you stay alert.
  • Find ways to improve your sleep and you'll feel more alert throughout the day.
  • Bed early. If you have trouble sleeping, try listening to Relax Melodies.
  • See your doctor for regular checkups and tests to see if fatigue is the effect of a particular medical condition.
  • Make it a habit to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.