How To Make The World A Better Place

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 16 September 2024
How We Can Make the World a Better Place by 2030 | Michael Green | TED Talks
Video: How We Can Make the World a Better Place by 2030 | Michael Green | TED Talks


The world is such a huge place, and as a result, there are loads of things you can do to make it even a great place to live. But sometimes there are so many options that can overwhelm you and there are ways you can help that you have never thought of. When you feel hopeful but disoriented, wikiHow can be a supportive guide to improving the world and your society as a whole. Get started with Step 1 below!


Part 1 of 4: Local Improvement

  1. Volunteer. Volunteering in a local charity is a great way to improve the world around you. You will be able to do your best firsthand and see impact on the people you help. If you have practical skills or can learn one or volunteer at night at your local Humanitarian Association, then it's best to use it (skills like construction or medical are good examples).
    • Tutoring for children in difficult circumstances
    • Worked at a local charity kitchen
    • Work with a charity like the Housing Support Organization.

  2. Minimize your negative impacts. Another way to truly make the world a better place is to minimize the negative impact you have on the world around you. Being a good leader has a significant positive impact on your environment and helps preserve the planet for generations to come.
    • Be consistent about your recycling.
    • Minimize the waste you generate and compost.
    • Save water and grow some of your own food.
    • If you really want to preserve the local environment, buy and install solar panels for your home and switch to public transport, a bike, or a car. tram.
    • Increase the positive effects. Note how your well-being and well-being are related to others and to their natural environment. Learn how you can leave a legacy of lasting happiness.

  3. Join citizen obligations. Use your voting rights. Politicians and bad policies can have an extremely negative impact on your community and the environment. By not voting and letting your voice be heard, you are creating the opportunity for bad policies and regulations. Participate in the activities of your city, state and region by voting and contacting politicians you support and educating others on important issues.
    • For example, in the US, only about 50% to 60% of the voters are actually eligible to vote in the presidential election. And that figure plummeted to around 35% to 40% in the midterm elections. Imagine the human change that could be made if 90% of all people voted in the presidential election and 60% voted in the midterm election!

  4. Be clear on your views on what you buy. For companies, your money is very important… so don't hesitate to express your opinion! Do not buy products that are harmful to animals or from companies that use their animal abuse strategy. Whenever you can, buy local products to support the people around you and your local economy. When a company has a bad choice that affects people negatively, stop buying their product.
    • Always, always feel comfortable contacting companies to let them know what you are doing and why! Some, not all, businesses really care about what their customers want. They never know how to change that if no one tells them.
  5. Be proud of where you live. Be considerate and proud of the area you live in. Conservation of where you live is not only good for you but also for everyone in your community. If you have a chance to help, take it because not everyone has the opportunity. You should also find ways to improve the environment in which you live. Here are just a few ideas:
    • Combine exemplary civic responsibilities and environmental cleanliness by volunteering with your city to plant trees, maintain sidewalks, and keep spaces green.
    • Never litter when you're out and about - always try to find a suitable trash or recycling bin for your trash! Clean the trash you find, even if someone drops it.

Part 2 of 4: Global Improvement

  1. Donate to the right charity. If you want to help people around the world, it is important to donate to the charity where the right help is given and where it works best. . Charities that create lasting benefits where needed are the best and will do the best.
    • You don't have to donate money. Some nonprofit organizations accept school supplies, clothing, or other items. Call or email to find out what they need. Some organizations just want you to raise awareness of the community, so you can help them by disseminating information, not necessarily making a material contribution.
    • Volunteer or participate in fundraising activities for foreign charities. Host a marathon or other fundraising activity for an international organization of your choice. Look for programs that allow you to be out in social and sexually active. Consider other options such as consulting or providing tutoring services to small nonprofits or other internet organizations.

  2. Buy fair-trade products. Fair-trade certified products are guaranteed to have been manufactured under humanistic conditions for workers, whereby workers are paid fair wages and produced under sustainable conditions. By purchasing these products as much as possible, you will show companies that the actions are worth the extra money and encourage other companies to invest in these activities.
    • Fair Trade products are almost always supposed to be. If you are unsure, at least try to avoid products that often have unethical origins. Coffee, bananas, cocoa, a variety of tropical fruits, alcohol (mainly from California), clothing items (mainly from China, Bangladesh, and Southeast Asia) and jewelry are often sourced. original business ethics.

  3. Invest your money. Sometimes, the need of an entire third world or difficult community is an opportunity for their own economies to thrive. One way you can help these people help themselves is by offering a small business loan. That means you get your money back, and the small businesses get in return what they need to boost that economy and community. A simple way to get this is to visit, a website that offers small business loans to people in disadvantaged areas.
    • This is a great way to help women and other vulnerable groups to support themselves.
  4. Environmental Protection. Doing this will improve the overall environment. A great way to protect the environment is to reduce your dependence on fossil fuels and other fuel sources that have a negative impact on the environment. You can do this using public transport, a bike, or a tram to get around. You can also use solar energy to heat your home, instead of things like natural gas (stresses the environment). Eating local food and using local products will also reduce the use of fossil fuels globally.
    • Conserve as much energy as possible. Energy production is a huge burden on the planet, often requiring gas burning or nuclear energy production. Any energy that you don't use then can be used for more important things and reduced energy will bring things back. Turn off lights when you're not in the room, take a shower in colder water, switch to energy-efficient bulbs, turn off computers when you're not in use, and more. There are many ways to save electricity!
  5. Reduce the amount of waste. Don't eat more than you need, don't buy a bunch of trash you don't need, and avoid buying new clothes every year. Buying second-hand clothes can help reduce the amount of waste produced. Eating a small, balanced, healthy diet will also reduce waste. If you have leftovers, make compost. You want to reduce the trash that you create before our planet ends like a scene from the movie Robot Love (Wall * E)!
    • Compost your excess organic waste. Please come home or make a big box that can be kept outside as well as a small box for indoors. Collect all leftovers left over from eating and cooking, as well as things like yard waste, and put these in the outside bin. Use a fork or rake to stir and mix the compost regularly. You will also have to add more soil as needed. When it becomes a homogeneous mixture it is time to be used in your green space.
    • Recycle more and match. Most urban dwellers will come and collect recyclable materials with your waste, although they will be kept in separate bins. They sort the recyclables, but in general plastic jugs, metal cans, and paper are all recyclable.

  6. Be an animal guard. Since organisms are the dominant species on this planet, it is our responsibility to protect creatures that cannot protect themselves. Due to the way we live today, many animals have been and are even about to go extinct! If you want to improve your animals' living conditions, there are many ways you can help.
    • Encourages and advocates animal protection legislation.
    • Buy only products that do not contribute to animal abuse.
    • Donate to animal charities, such as the Humane Society, The Marine Mammal Center, or the Performing Animal Welfare Society).

  7. Donate feminine hygiene products. In many difficult countries, such as parts of India and Africa, women do not have access to clean feminine hygiene products. This leads to shame and isolation at the most severe and bothersome and even life-threatening secondary infections. By donating items and money to charities that work to solve this problem, you will keep women healthy and help them do things like go to school and work to have better opportunities in their own lives.
    • One of the charities is Days for Girls.

Part 3 of 4: Home Improvement

  1. Live a good life. We have a lot of time so we get so caught up in improving the whole world forgetting that there are so many positive things we can also do every day at home. One of the best things you can do with ease every day is to treat others the way you want them to be. Treat others as often as you can. This could be small things like making someone something for a birthday or big things like driving someone around until their car is repaired. When we work together, things get smoother and we can further invest these benefits to benefit everyone.
  2. Be a good role model. Be a good role model for your friends and family members, and educate them about issues so they can make the right decisions. Help them understand why these are important, so that they also have the motivation to change their lives. By changing a few thoughts you can double, triple, or even a lot of times the positive impact you have on the world.
  3. Have a job. Nearly any job you get can have a positive impact on the community. You will give a job to those who want it and increase the economy in your neighborhood, greatly improving the people around you. It also gives you some money that you can donate to charity or fund a small business loan!
  4. Be active. When we are around negative and vile people, we will only feel sad and pessimistic, making it more difficult to overcome other obstacles in our life. Let your attitude show people that a smile and hopeful attitude will truly improve the lives of everyone around you. By finding the positive aspects of difficult situations and working to fix them, you can positively influence the people you interact with.
  5. Please help everyone. We have so many opportunities to be kind and to help others every day. Many times we don't take chances because we think we're too busy or someone will help. If you want to make the world around you better, just do the right things and help others instead of thinking it's someone else's job.
    • For example, if someone is bringing things to their car and dropping the bag, help them pick up the things and put them in the bag. Such simple thing is highly appreciated by anyone!

Part 4 of 4: Having More Ideas

  1. Help homeless people. Homeless people are a vulnerable group that is often misunderstood. By helping homeless people, both in the country and around the world, you will improve the lives of people and contribute to more sustainable and safe cities.
  2. Helping women. Traditionally women are a vulnerable group. Although conditions have improved in many places, even in countries that most advocate for women's rights, you will still see the most feminist work you will see inequal pay and abuse symmetric. Do what you can to help women not only in prominent places like third world countries, but also near home. Remember: by creating a gender equitable society, we will open up more opportunities for all. advertisement


  • If you know a way to make the world a better place, do it, and teach others how to do it, then spread it!
  • Protect the weak, speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.
  • Do not litter. Recycle instead.
  • Helping others is always a good thing. Never be afraid to help people.
  • Volunteer to be a reading teacher in your local school. Only by being nice to students can you teach them to be nice to others.
  • Start a large garden with all the compost you make, and grow food so you don't have to go out and buy.
  • Don't waste food. It is better to buy just the right amount and eat it all instead of buying too much and eventually throwing away the leftovers.
  • Make sure you tell mostly people you know about the pollution, and especially global warming. We have freedom of speech, so stand up on a big rock and tell the world what help you can do, covering the steps above in your "surprise speech".
  • Donate money to charity, more or less. Not only big charities need money, but small charities need it too. One example is the animal inc organization, a charity that sells baked goods and other products to minimize animal abuse.
  • Being a vegetarian doesn't just help animals! It also reduces carbon emissions (which contributes to global warming and the environment), delivers more processed foods to the poor and even reduces your cancer risk (not to mention to heart disease and obesity)!


  • Don't be discouraged by feeling that you don't have the energy to make a change. Big changes often begin with a small conversation between two people and develop through the collective power of like-minded people.
  • Always check out the organizations you want to help or donate to. Some organizations, even if they are doing "real" charity, are still barely giving the donated money to people who really need help. Use help tools like Charity Watch and the Office of Business Improvement (BBB) ​​to get more information about an organization.