Ways to Make Others Like You

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Ways To Make People Like You MORE
Video: 7 Ways To Make People Like You MORE


Whether someone likes or dislikes you is not entirely in your control, but you can influence their thinking in a positive way. Make people like you, whether it's a new friend or someone you have a crush on, by smiling and giving joy every time you are with them. Also, another effective way is to explore their interests and encourage them to share more. Whatever the case, always be yourself. However, if they can't like who you really are, they don't deserve your effort!


Method 1 of 3: Be engaging and approachable

  1. Keep personal hygiene. Before you meet someone, do the basics of personal hygiene: shower, brush your hair, brush your teeth and floss your teeth, use deodorant, and wear clean clothes. You should also chew gum and spray on some perfume.
    • When you look nice and fragrant, you feel great. As a result, you will be more confident and cuter in the eyes of others.

  2. Smile at the person you meet. A sincere smile shows your concern and joy for the other person; So show them your sunny smile. The fact that you smile when meeting other people also makes you look more attractive and friendly.
  3. Show confident posture and use comfortable body language. Gesturing your way can radiate confidence and make you more attractive. Sit up straight, chest straight, and head high. Also, relax your arms and legs, make eye contact, and turn toward the person you meet.
    • You can also create a strong posture for a more confident look by placing your hands on your hips or placing your hands behind your head creating an inverted triangle.
    • Whatever pose you choose, remember to always relax rather than force it. Forced body language makes you look unnatural and makes others think you're acting. You can practice showing confidence in open, confident body language while alone.

  4. Remember the name of the person you meet and something about them. Remembering and calling other people's names makes them feel special; So do this often in the conversation. You should also show affection for them (this will eventually make them like you) by mentioning a few little things you know about them.
    • For example, you could say “Hi An! How was your math test? ” if you have mentioned the study before.
    • Avoid sneaking on other people's information online to find out about their interests. If you talk about a concern they never told you, the conversation will feel unnatural. From there, they will assume that you are giving them unhealthy care.

  5. Respect other people's boundaries and space. You can make others like you by avoiding embarrassment or discomfort. Stay in moderation by standing one arm away from them while talking. Also, don't question other people's personal matters or mention sensitive things.
    • When you are sure that the other person likes you, you can move closer while talking.
    • Gradually, people will be more comfortable sharing personal stories with you as they get to know you better.
    • Boundary respect also applies to social media. Don't flood your partner's social media pages or push the virtual relationship beyond the real relationship. Your ex will feel the limit and lack of moderation in your actions.

Method 2 of 3: Show interest

  1. Encourage others to talk about their interests and interests. If you know a few of your common interests, start the conversation from here. Conversely, you can still ask open-ended questions to find out what your crush likes.
    • For example, you would ask, "What brought you to this conference?" or "What kind of music do you like?"
    • Open-ended questions help you get answers with more information to keep the conversation going.
  2. Show thoughtfulness. Do something for others without them asking for it. However, you also need to make sure it's the right course of action. It's best to choose what friends or acquaintances do for each other, but that are relevant to your relationship with that person.
    • For example, if they can't come in a certain classroom, you can ask them if they want to borrow your notebook to transcribe the lecture. When they are sick, bring them warm food.
  3. Become a good listener. Listen to others, because we all love to talk about ourselves. You should look them in the eye and listen to what they say without interrupting.
    • When they stop talking, rephrase what they just said to make sure you understand what they're sharing. It shows them that you are truly listening and gives them the opportunity to explain the misunderstanding so you can fully understand their message.
    • Listen with your whole body. Look into the other person's eyes, lean slightly toward them, nod your head to show agreement or understanding.
    • Note, if you spend all your time talking about yourself, you won't know anything about the other person, and they will think you don't care about them. You should let them talk more.
  4. Praise the person. Compliments make listeners feel special and make them feel good about you. Compliment their appearance, skills, or opinion in conversation. However, don't just focus on one aspect, such as your appearance.
    • You can say “Your shirt is so beautiful! I also love Harry Potter ”or“ Oh, that's a very good idea! ”
  5. Make others laugh. You can make a witty comment or tell a joke, since people often like happy people. Laughing will strengthen the bond between the two. As a result, your ex will have a more favorable view of you.
    • Bounce from time to time to show joy, tease someone gently, or send them a funny mock-up. The way you make others laugh is sure to make them like you even more!
  6. Ask others for help or advice. Often, we are attracted to people who openly accept advice and are eager to learn. Furthermore, if someone gives you advice or helps you, they will feel more deeply attached to you because we often help the people we care about.
    • You could say, “I remember you once said that you are computer savvy. My laptop is hanging. Can you help me check my computer? ”
  7. Helping others. Helping others makes them like you the same way you ask them for help. Help someone do the little things and they'll love you more.
    • If you know your crush always forgets to bring her pencil when you go to class, have a pencil ready for them. If they really need someone to look after their pets over the weekend, you can ask for help.
  8. Prioritize spending time with them. Usually, we want to spend time with someone who wants to spend time with us; so show your crush that you enjoy being with them. When you say goodbye, express your joy in being with them and how you look forward to seeing them again.
    • This also means that you will be on time. If you have an appointment with your crush on Thursday, don't let them “climb a tree” to hang out with others.

Method 3 of 3: Always be yourself

  1. Don't be afraid to reveal somewhat unusual things. Perhaps you think you should act mature in front of the other person. However, in reality, they also have unusual habits and they feel more comfortable if you don't hide your habits. Feel free to sing even out of beats, admit that you were still watching your favorite cartoons from a young age, or reveal that you have a habit of eating dipping bread.
    • Sharing some of your own unique silly things will help you become closer to your crush. In addition, the relationship between the two is also stronger when you are not afraid to share small things that you may not have told anyone else.
  2. Communicate sincerely but skillfully. Most people like people to be honest and to be honest. Lying or hiding the truth is the act of making you unreliable; So let's be honest. However, you should still learn to improvise skillfully.
    • For example, if the person asks you if you like the movie they like, say “That movie is not in my favorite genre, but I really like the character of the main character. He's very funny, and I get why you like him! ”, Instead of saying“ No, I hate that movie! ”.
  3. Keep up with your values ​​and beliefs. How you uphold your principles and beliefs is what makes you different. These are the core things of who you are; therefore, being honest with yourself is very important, even though it makes some people turn their backs on you.
    • You need courage to keep your faith. It won't be easy for a person to resist bullying or refuse to participate in harmful pranks. Being true to yourself may distract some people, but you will attract people of similar values.
  4. Respect yourself. Having respect for yourself means that no matter what, you still love yourself. When you interact with others, avoid comparing yourself to them or belittling yourself.
    • Remind yourself of your strengths by listing them. You can say "I'm a good listener" or "I can make others laugh."
    • Respecting yourself also means that you don't do anything against your own beliefs or values.
    • Respect for yourself is a factor that helps you gain respect from others. When you don't treat yourself well, it can be difficult for others to genuinely treat you with respect.