How to make a cat like you

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
10 Scientific Ways to Get a Cat to Like You
Video: 10 Scientific Ways to Get a Cat to Like You


Cats are the world's most popular pets. However, they also have a very erratic personality, just showing affection to you and turned away from or scratching you. By creating a positive relationship with your cat and understanding his or her behavior, you can make your cat like you or even adore you.


Part 1 of 2: Taking care of a cat

  1. Prepare your cat space. Cats love to sleep, be alone, play and clean. Preparing a clean and comfortable space will help your cat relax and more easily accept you as its caregiver and “parent”.
    • Prepare your cat for a comfortable bed. You can buy a cat bed or make your own. Cats love boxes, and making a box out of a box with a blanket or a soft towel can be great. Add in clothes you wear to bed to help your cat get used to your scent.
    • Make sure your cat always has a new, clean litter box.
    • Create a space for your cat to play with. For example, you can buy nail poles or a toy box for your cat to chew on and chase away from, and place them in easily accessible places in the house.
    • Create another space for the cat to eat. This will encourage the cat to eat in its own place and be assured that her food is always in the right place.

  2. Feed your cat often. Your cat's health depends in part on eating healthy foods on a regular basis. However, you can use feeding to bond with your cat and help your cat love you.
    • Consider feeding your cat at the same time of day to get her into a habit and reach out to you when it's time to eat.
    • Alternate between wet canned food your cat is eating, allowing him to absorb more fluids, and dry food. You can also mix them or leave them in a separate bowl.
    • Give the cat a bowl of clean water. Always fill with clean water every day for your cat to use.
    • Many cat health experts recommend feeding your cat at set times rather than ad libitum to avoid being overweight.
    • It is best not to feed your cat any leftovers that can cause stomach upset.

  3. Reward your cat with treats. If your cat hasn't come near you, put the food in your palm, call the cat's name, and let the cat eat it. This will show your cat that she can trust you and accept your presence.
    • Don't feed your cat too many treats. These foods are often high in sugar and can lead to unhealthy weight gain for your cat. If you are concerned about this, give your cat some canned food.

  4. Clean the litter box regularly. Cats are very concerned about cleanliness, especially with their litter box. Clean your cat's litter box daily, or more if necessary, to keep her happy and healthy.
    • Buy a new litter box when you have a new cat and make sure it's the right size for your cat. This will reduce the risk of your cat refusing to use the litter box because it smells like another cat.
    • An unclean litter box scares the cat and spoils any attempt to get her to like you.
    • Cats do not avoid using the litter box for no reason. This is a sign that something is wrong. Consider what the problem is and get it resolved as soon as possible.
    • The most common reasons cats refusing to use the litter box are: the cat has not been spayed; a cat dissatisfied with the litter box, eg the wrong size or sand series; sick cat; the cat feels insecure when other cats are around; The cat is stressed out for a reason and has to mark its territory.
    • If you can't clean the litter box regularly, you should invest in an electronic litter box, which will automatically clear the sand after the cat goes to the toilet. You can buy this product in pet stores.
  5. Improve your cat's health. A healthy cat is a happy cat, which will make it less likely to resist or hate you. In addition to regularly feeding and cleaning the litter box, watch for signs of illness or illness and see your cat immediately if you are worried.
    • A cat that doesn't use a litter box could be a sign of a urinary tract infection and should be seen by your cat right away.
    • Like humans, cat's dental problems are serious and painful. Watch for signs of eating difficulties such as: eating less, losing weight, or chewing with only one side of your jaw.
    • Cats also need to be routinely vaccinated against rabies and measles (cocaine). Schedule regular visits with your veterinarian to give your cat vaccines and checkups.

Part 2 of 2: Enjoying quality time with your cat

  1. Interact with the cat at the right time. Like humans, there are times when cats need to be alone. Avoid holding, petting, or playing with your cat while it is cleaning, eating, or sleeping. Doing so may frighten, stress, or upset the cat, and it will cause an unpleasant reaction.
    • Letting your cat lick or sleep can help him trust you and like you more, leading to more bonding with you.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Veterinarian at Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

    Pippa Elliott, licensed veterinarian, explains: "Don't mess with cats. It's best Wait and let the cat come to you instead of stuffing your cat out of interest. "

  2. Gentle and considerate. Always be gentle and considerate with your cat. This will cause your cat to trust you, want to approach and spend time with you.
    • Always petting and gently picking up the cat, remember that the cat is much smaller than you.
    • Do not prick or tug the cat's tail.
  3. Let the cat come to you. Even though you may be tempted to show affection to your cat by following and picking up the cat, this is against her natural behavior. Let the cat come to you whenever it wants. This way, the cat will feel relaxed and comfortable when it comes to drawing your attention.
    • You can teach your cat to let it come to you when called by simple methods.
    • Never chase a cat or speak out loud. Cats will be scared, not only at that moment, but in the future as well.
    • If your cat doesn't seem like she wants to come near you, try tempting her with a treat or cat mint.
  4. Choose a position that is on par with the cat. Squatting, lying down, or kneeling so that it is on par with the cat will make you less intimidating. This will make your cat comfortable in your presence and will form a strong bond.
    • You may find that lying down will make the cat want to get closer to you.
    • Sitting in a chair can also be a great way to get your cat to comfortably approach you.
    • Since your cat loves to watch small animals, you can lie down or sit by the window so that the cat will be entertained and you can petting while the cat is sitting observing everything.
  5. Pet the cat. Cats are very observant and alert, so they should always hold their head up high. Pet and petting your cat because she loves relaxation, and will also help your cat like you better.
    • You can scratch the cat's neck or any other position she likes, like her back, under her chin, or her belly.
    • After a while, you will learn which position your cat likes to be petted best, and may find it on her own to be petted.
    • Always be gentle when petting your cat.
    • Peting your cat is a reward for doing a good job, like going to the bathroom in the right place. Sometimes, you can pat your cat when you put down a freshly filled bowl.
    • If you want to petting your cat and the cat is reluctant, extend your hand and let the cat sniff it. Your cat will likely rub her cheek against your hand and feel more comfortable with you in that position.
    • If the cat likes, let the cat sleep on you while you are petting.
  6. Respond to the cat's affection. Aside from routine care, one of the best ways to get a cat to like you is to show affection. Pet, cuddling, and playing with your cat will create bond, trust, and love. Here are some common ways cats show affection and how you can respond:
    • Head brushing. This is the cat's way of greeting. This will stimulate the oil glands in front of your cat's ears and leave the cat's scent on you. If the cat rubs your head, gently rub it back.
    • Show off your butt. Your cat will likely turn its butt towards you and raise its tail. That means the cat wants you, the cat's parents, to clean it. You can respond by blowing gently on the cat's rump, and the cat will relate that to you and your hygiene.
    • Gently sharpen your nails on your body. This is a sign that the cat is happy and sees you as a mother. Let the cat do this to relax and strengthen bonding.
    • Lick you. Sniffling is one of the ways cats can create a common scent in their pack. Licking is the cat's way of declaring you a cat's, and will strengthen the relationship between you two.
  7. Talk to your cat. It's important that cats know their name, so make sure to talk to your cat often and mention its name. If your cat meows at you, respond. This will make your cat happy and will love reaching out to you when it needs attention.
    • For example, if it's almost time for your cat's meal and the cat starts yelling at you, you can ask “Are you hungry, Sam?”, And continue the conversation, as long as the cat keeps meowing.
  8. Play with your cat. Cats have an active nature and love to play so that they can live a happy and healthy life. Playing and toying with your cat is one way to keep your cat happy and make your cat like you better.
    • Give your cat a variety of toys, including items the cat can throw away, items that require your interaction, and items that allow the cat to be "hunted". Pet stores will have a wide variety of cat toys.
    • When using toys that require your interaction, such as ones that need to be waved, talk to your cat and pamper it when it is good.
    • Give your cat other opportunities to play. Place paper bags without handles, or a variety of boxes around the house, to give your cat a chance to explore.
    • Create a “cat climb” near the window so that the cat can sit there watching birds, squirrels, and other small animals.


  • It may take a few days for the cat to come near you; Don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen as quickly as you want it to.
  • If you pick or hug the cat, release your hand as soon as the cat wants. Hugging a cat when it doesn't want to can cause fear. When your cat knows that you will let go when she squirms, she will trust you a lot more.
  • If your cat scratches you, wash the wound thoroughly with hot water and mild soap.
  • If the cat hisses at you, leave the room until the cat has calmed down. If you need to stay in that room, don't look or touch the cat and maintain a good distance for the cat to relax.
  • Don't play hard with the cat, as this can stress, worry and suddenly attack you.
  • Do not wake the cat while it is asleep.
  • Don't try to pick the cat up when she doesn't want to. This can be extremely stressful for the cat.
  • Try scratching the cat's chin. Cats often enjoy this action.


  • Wired and fur toys can be dangerous and life-threatening if swallowed by a cat. Use this toy only when you are there for control and put it away when you are done playing.

What you need

  • Favorite toy or snack
  • Cat food
  • Cat and litter box
  • A bed