Ways to Make Your Life Better

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
10 small changes that will improve your life.
Video: 10 small changes that will improve your life.


The idea of ​​a "good life" has been around since time immemorial. Aristotle and Plato viewed the moral and political ideal as a means to happiness, and understood that a good life is not built solely on personal values. It involves living well with others, while remaining comfortable and honest with yourself.


Method 1 of 3: Live well with others

  1. Smile at everyone around. We often hear that smiles are contagious, and research has proven this to be true. Studies have suggested that interacting with others in a friendly way increases happiness levels, at least to some extent because people tend to treat smiling people better than people who are "serious. face".
    • A smiling person is seen as charismatic, trustworthy, comfortable, and sincere.
    • Motivating yourself by cheering on others is a sign of how to live a good life.

  2. Helping others. Research has shown that helping people is directly related to personal well-being. Taking time to care for others is a key element in understanding the "good life". Volunteering has been linked with improvements in quality of life, including increased happiness, self-esteem, health, and even longevity.
    • Listening to other people's problems is a great way to help them. Often times, people in trouble simply want to share their situation with their friends. By taking the time to listen to them, you are helping them whether or not you solve the problem.
    • The Dalai Lama once said, “If you want others to be happy, be compassionate. If you want to be happy yourself, be compassionate. Paying attention to others, rather than yourself, is a popular way to practice a good way of life with others.

  3. Stop thinking that life is fair. Most of us have taught our children about this, but the belief that a particular effort or personal quality is sure to work will make you live in frustration and resentment. Please remove it.
    • Taking responsibility for your actions is an important factor in your growth. Some situations will be completely out of your control, and focusing on them will not help you develop your ability to make beneficial life changes. You should accept what you cannot change; and change what you can.
    • Getting rid of resentment towards others is essential for a good life. It has been said that resentment is "like drinking poison by yourself, and hoping that the other person will die". It will undermine the quality of your life, destroying relationships with those around you.
    • The other person may not agree with you. This doesn't mean you or the person was wrong, just that the two of you have different views on the same topic - and that's fine.

  4. Treat others with honesty, respect, and kindness. You don't have to treat others the way they treat you. Financial journalist Panos Mourdoukoutas once said that "Harming another will harm both - the person who is harmed and the person who has harmed him". "Retaliation or" retaliation "opens an endless cycle of pain and frustration that you can easily avoid by following a few simple rules.
    • To be honest with caution is the habit of someone with a good life. Usually, people try to pretend they are telling the truth about other people when they are actually just spreading rumors. The attention you get when you share a rumor feels pretty good in a short period of time. In the long run, however, it will ruin a healthy relationship between you and the people around you.
    • Before you act, you should consider "Is this what I want others to say about me, or do this for me?". If the answer is no, consider your behavior.
  5. Respect friendship with others. The quality of someone's friendship has a direct impact on their well-being. Friends increase a sense of acceptance and have a specific purpose. People who genuinely care about you will also help prevent you from developing bad habits that affect your overall quality of life.
    • Let your friends and family know that you care about them by spending time with them, making regular calls, and doing something together. However, friendship is not based on distance. Even online friends have a positive effect on your quality of life.
    • People with strong social networks will have a healthier immune system, less colds, less stress, and their overall quality of life will be higher for unknown reasons.

Method 2 of 3: Live well with yourself

  1. Be honest with yourself. Self-knowledge is an important factor in making your life better, and the only way to achieve this is by practicing honesty. It can be easy to acknowledge your strengths or weaknesses in your personality. Either way, you need to understand both aspects if you want to live well with your inner self.
    • When problems arise, look back at yourself. Avoid blaming others. They won't like this, and you won't learn from it either.
    • Talk about the situation with someone you trust. Usually, a friend will have a deep insight into motivations that you cannot personally discern.
  2. Examine your desires. What do you want to get out of life? What are you doing to get what you want?
    • Make a list of the qualities you would like to emulate in your life. Then, make a list of ways to use them in everyday life. Aristotle once wrote, "We are the act that we do not stop doing. Therefore, excellence is not a virtue, but a habit." If you want to be a nice person, do some kind things.
    • Learning how to be honest about what you want can be difficult. Many people prevent themselves from having a good life by overemphasizing what they want, but feeling that they cannot get it because of other life circumstances - such as finances, obligations. family, economic stress, etc. This only prolongs the idea that the person is a victim, the kind of thought that will gradually destroy happiness at all levels.
    • If you don't know what your greatest wishes for life are, you should start small. Developing the control and strength of what you have in your life is crucial for good life.
  3. Make a list of your fears. Knowing the situations that make you fearful will allow you to become more aware of the fear of uncertainty dominating your life.For example, being afraid of being called an idiot may mean you don't defend yourself at work, and you won't be considered for a promotion.
    • Sometimes, rereading your fears will help you realize the futility of worrying about what is out of your control.
    • Occasionally, the fear will be based on a situation that ceases to exist. Many people develop a sense of fear from childhood, and this condition is completely out of their ability to consciously control it. But as an adult, one possesses more autonomy and power over his or her choices. By being aware of the fears controlling their behavior, you can make a more conscious decision about your behavior.
  4. Cultivate self-acceptance. No one is perfect. Everyone has a disability, makes mistakes and does many things that they shouldn't. Mark Twain once said, "People won't be able to feel comfortable if they don't accept themselves". A good life is not the result of making the perfect choice, but accepting the truth about yourself, including your own limitations.
    • Self-acceptance is a lesson in honesty. It means that the person is not in denial of his or her action, passivity, or result.
    • Self-acceptance is a process of practicing self-reliance. Like any other manifestation of self-reliance, self-acceptance is something you need to consciously learn, and re-learn it as your personality changes over time.
  5. Practice mindfulness. To focus on the present, you should practice mindfulness, which is a subject that many studies have shown can directly improve people's quality of life.
    • Acknowledge when you are worried about the future, or regret the past. Redirect your attention to the rhythm of your breathing. Count to 10. When practiced regularly, even simple mindfulness exercises like this can have a positive effect on your life.
    • Cultivate a routine every day, instead of setting too far away goals. For example, you should exercise every day, rather than trying to complete a triathlon in a month. Instead of losing about 10 kg, you should eat healthy from today. If you decide to set a goal, break it down into manageable chunks each day.

Method 3 of 3: Express gratitude

  1. Make a list of what you are grateful for. Research in the area of ​​positive psychology has shown a direct correlation between gratitude and happiness. Increasingly, gratitude has been shown to have a beneficial effect on health. The grateful person will not have high blood pressure, have a healthier immune system, and feel more connected to others.
    • Making a list of all the factors that you are grateful for, no matter how big or small, is a way to help people actively nurture their gratitude in everyday life. Many people choose to keep a gratitude journal, as the old adage says "count your blessings". Others will think of a list of all the elements they thank for having had them in their daily prayer or meditation.
    • Posting gratitude pictures, or text reminders around your home, is another way to remind yourself to be grateful.
  2. Send a thank you letter. Positive psychology research has shown that showing gratitude to others' efforts is directly related to a better life.
    • You can send a thank you letter for anything, big or small. A thank you note can be as small as an emoji, or a detailed letter about a major event in someone's life.
    • Sometimes that person will no longer be present in your life. The way you express your gratitude is through writing a thank you letter for the positive impact they have on your life. Although you probably won't be able to send it, the act of writing will help.
  3. Set up a reminder to be grateful. Gratitude is a discipline, and it takes practice to be effective. Simply relying on the natural appearance of gratitude when a happy event comes up is pretty easy. In order to develop gratitude, the person must build the ability to look for something they are grateful for in daily life.
    • You can set alarms to remind you to be grateful at a random time of day. When the alarm goes off, ask yourself: What do I feel grateful for right now?
    • If you find yourself having thoughts of resentment or grievance, try to replace it with gratitude. For example, when you get stuck in traffic, replace the worry of being late for your next job with observing the beauty of nature. Anyway, you will miss out on the beauty of the autumn trees if you are driving at normal speed!