Ways to Make Him Fall in Love with You

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 14 May 2024
How Men Fall in Love: 5 Steps to Make Him Love You
Video: How Men Fall in Love: 5 Steps to Make Him Love You


When you really can't "make" someone fall in love with you, it's possible and very real to encourage that person to have special feelings about you. If you have a crush on a guy and you want him to feel the same way about you, there are things you can do to increase his affection for you. Just remember, he also takes some care of you before the following strategies can be effective.


Method 1 of 3: Attracting Guy

  1. Show that you care about your appearance and health. By investing time and effort into your appearance, you show your man that you value looks and health. You will also become more confident in yourself when you feel strong and strong, and that confidence is always attractive.
    • Keep yourself active by going to the gym regularly. Don't skip the exercise just to spend time with him. Ask him to join him in the practice session or make a date with him.
    • Keep your hair clean and tidy, and pay special attention to personal hygiene.
    • Use some signature perfume in the morning or before you head out, or a scented body lotion for a more subtle scent.
    • If you wear makeup, aim for looks that flatter your beauty but at the same time be simple; do not overdo it.
    • Brush your teeth twice a day, flossing and rinsing your mouth. During the day, use mint or gum to cool your breath.
    • Wash your clothes often. Instead of buying a new wardrobe, take advantage of what you have. Make a regular schedule and make sure you have clean shirts, pants / skirts, underwear and socks at all times. Don't let him see dirty or sloppy clothes!

  2. Smile often and laugh really hard. The best weapon available, completely free and never used up - is your captivating smile. Make a sincere smile as much as possible, whether it is for him or not. Smiling makes you feel more approachable, and actually makes you feel happier.
    • Find something to laugh about. If you feel a little sad, think about a happy moment or a funny joke to laugh. Do you have any favorite pets? A memory you love? Whatever it is, think about it as often as you want.
    • Try to laugh slowly. If you have made eye contact with the person you love, smile slowly at him and let the smile spread across your face. If you blush and keep your head down every time he looks at you, let that happen after That smile - you will have irresistible appeal.

  3. Make regular eye contact. Using eye contact is an important part of flirting and it can also make him feel more drawn to you. Look deeply into his eyes as he talks to you and don't be afraid to see his eyes when you are both silent.
    • If you are too nervous to look him in the eye, or you don't think that's right, give him a quick glance to make eye contact. By looking at him for a moment and then looking away, you are showing that you care about him and want to know if he feels the same way.

  4. Dressed in soft materials to appeal to his touch. Many studies show that people find soft and comfortable materials feel comfortable and light.Try wearing clothes made of microfiber synthetic fibers, silk, imitation fur, or other soft materials that he will want to touch. This will cause him to associate pleasant pleasures with being with you.
    • Try wearing red to attract his attention. Red is shown to increase charisma and passion in both men and women. Try wearing a red dress, a red shirt, or wearing red lipstick to get him noticed.

Method 2 of 3: Use your Personality

  1. Emphasize on the similarities between the two. Part of the reason a person is attracted to another person is the sense of connection. If you have something in common with the guy, emphasize those points in your conversations. For example, if two people like a certain genre of music or a band, talk to him about it. Just make sure you don't overemphasize or lie about these commonalities, as it can make him look at you as hopeless or dishonest.
  2. Prove your independence. Clinging and depending on others for your happiness are not attractive qualities. Instead, try to show him that you are strong and independent. Show him that you have a great life and that you don't need someone else to be happy, this will spark interest in him. For the time being, keep the plan with your friends and family, and turn down dates with him so he knows you have a life too.
  3. Kind and caring. Being rude to him or to others is the quickest way to stop him wanting to care about you. Be polite and kind to the guy you keep an eye on, and show that you're kind to everyone too. Proving his good character will make him more likely to love you.
  4. Show him what makes you special. Letting a guy see what makes you interesting is a great way to make him fall in love with you. That will excite him and make him want to get to know you more. For example, if you are very good at an instrument, find an opportunity to play in front of him. Or if you're a great baker, try making a few cookies and share them with him.
  5. Become a positive prop for him. Most people feel pessimistic on their own, so they are often attracted to people who focus on the good in everything. Instead of just looking at your life's wrongs or talking about the people who upset you, try to emphasize the right things. Also, show fun in everything you tell him and avoid gossiping. Be a positive person in front of him and, in general, strive to be more positive.
    • This does not mean you never be complaining to him. Everyone was complaining. But it will be tiring to hear someone constantly nag. Try to keep him from feeling warm and dreamy the whole time with you, not tired and depressed.

Method 3 of 3: Attracting Guy

  1. Maintain balance. When you start a relationship, it's important to spend a lot of time together. During this time, you guys are just getting to know your other partner and the time will be fun. Don't resist the urge to be with him as much as you are just getting started, but know when to relax. The "scarcity principle" indicates that people often want and appreciate the things that work hard to get. This doesn't mean you have to match wits with him, just make sure you won't be ready right away whenever he calls. Maintain a balance between the time you spend with him and the time you spend with yourself.
    • To spend time away from him, plan with friends and family, be more alone, or work harder to get more time without you.
    • This strategy may seem a bit odd, but it will be good for both of you. It will give him more time to think about his feelings and also give you a chance. Having some time alone will help you both avoid feeling bored or taking your partner for granted.
  2. Let him feel you need him. Doing things that make your guy feel needed will make him feel more loving toward you. Asking him to help you with something or even just asking him for advice will make him feel needed and important. For example, you could ask him to help you move some of the furniture in your bedroom or ask him to help you decide on a car insurance package.
  3. Behave naturally. Remember you really can't cause he falls in love with himself. He is free to choose what he wants. More than that, people cannot always control who they love. If love simply doesn't come from your side, refrain from the temptation to punish him. Accept that if this relationship is fate, it will be; otherwise, you deserve the better.
    • Avoid using the phrase "girlfriend" until he says it first. If you say it too soon, he might run away and never come back. More importantly, avoid mentioning marriage and children –– things that are sure to scare him away.


  • Make him feel comfortable with himself when he's with you.
  • Give him private space. Let him hang out with his friends and sometimes tell him you can't go. This will help you see if he really wants you with him.
  • Be yourself, there's no need to try to be someone else just for a guy.
  • If you don't know anything about him, open up so you both get to know each other. A pleasant conversation won't do any harm.


  • Don't flirt with his best friend. This will end with a conflict between brothers and no one will care about you anymore.
  • Don't push him into the wrong position. Men care about your feelings, even when they're not interested in loving you. Don't force them to answer your question if they are not comfortable with it.
  • Don't make him feel useless by talking about your ex. If you say something you don't like about your ex, he might be upset.
  • Don't become annoying or obsessed; if he says he just wants to be friends, accept it, but show that you still care when he changes his mind.