How to get him to propose to you

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ask Steve: How do I get him to propose? || STEVE HARVEY
Video: Ask Steve: How do I get him to propose? || STEVE HARVEY


When in love, it is completely natural for you to want to walk with the person you love for the rest of your life. However, you may feel dissatisfied while you wait for your partner to propose.If you want to get married, focus on building a healthy, strong, and lasting relationship. Besides, you also need to learn how to be the best version of yourself as this will make you and your partner feel happier. Finally, if necessary, you can try to hint at him so he knows you are thinking about marriage.


Method 1 of 3: Build healthy relationships

  1. Choose to marry someone with personal values ​​similar to you. Your values ​​are things like your attitude toward your family, money, your beliefs, and how you treat yourself. If you and your partner share these views, it will be easier for you to get along in the process of building a married life.
    • Sometimes conflicting values ​​do not affect a marriage, but require more compromise and consensus on both sides; These problems can also cause conflicts in the future.
    • For example, if you believe in the importance of parenting at church, but your boyfriend doesn't like the influence of religion, it's easy for you to argue about it when having children.

  2. Take time to get to know your ex's point of view on marriage. Marriage is a big deal, but that doesn't mean he will be as eagerly looking forward to it as you are. As you get to know each other better, ask questions that will help you understand what he thinks about marriage in general. If he is not ready to marry, there is nothing you can do to change his mind.
    • For example, if your guy shares stories about old relationships, notice if there was anything in the past that caused him to fear bonding. A guy who has been hurt will need more time to open up and consider marriage.
    • Maybe he'll say, "Marriage is just a piece of paper," and that might mean he doesn't intend to get married yet.

  3. Be honest with each other. If you want him to propose, get him to trust you completely. Likewise, if the guy is the person you want to marry, you also need to feel like he is trustworthy. This is a trust that requires openness and sincerity from both sides. Don't lie to him and don't forgive his dishonesty.
    • If your instinct tells you to hide something, like having lunch with a friend, think about why you feel that way. If he is opposed to good cause, such as that your friend has feelings for you, you may want to give up on the idea of ​​having lunch with them. If he has a habit of making unreasonable judgments or being overly controlling, or you feel like he wants you to distance yourself from your friends, that could be a sign of violent behavior.

  4. Accept your responsibilities each time you argue. Conflict is unavoidable in a relationship. If a disagreement occurs and leads to an argument, apologize for what you said or did. This way, he will see that you can both make it through together in a mature way and this is also a way to help him overcome his fear of marriage.
    • While arguing, try to make your feelings clear instead of using blaming words or becoming impatient. Don't forget to ask him to respect you.
    • Don't let anyone manipulate you to make you accept all your mistakes when conflicts arise. In most cases, both people contribute to the disagreement.
  5. Praise and reassure him. If you want him to feel like he can build a happy marriage with you, take the opportunity to praise him. Don't be afraid to let him know your feelings as well as how important he is to you, and compliment him on the qualities and personality traits you like best about him.
    • For example, you could say "You are a very hard worker and I always appreciate this of you" or "I love your smile!"
    • When he's worried about the job interview, you might say, "You're very good and did even more than the position required. If you don't choose you, they don't deserve you!"
  6. Stand by his side at difficult times. In a healthy and stable marriage, two people need to encourage each other, work through difficulties together, and support each other when things go wrong. By showing that you are also a strong spiritual support, he will look forward to walking with you.
    • For example, when he is sad that a loved one has just passed away, just stay with him quietly and hold his hand. Don't force him to say anything - he will say it when he wants to.
    • If he is stressed out about work, you can prepare a good meal or invite him out to dinner to relax his mind.
  7. Watch for warning signs in a relationship. Sometimes just because you are so passionate about love that you cannot stop and notice the warning signs early. For example, if he grabs your body, pushes you or yells at you in an argument, this kind of behavior will often continue in the future.
    • Some other red flags include trying to separate you from family and friends, demeaning you or making you feel bad about yourself, blaming you, or trying to control your finances.

    Advice: If you believe you are in an abusive relationship, talking to your family, friends or support group can help you get out of the situation safely.


Method 2 of 3: Love yourself

  1. Follow your own interests and encourage him to do the same. In a healthy relationship, both of you will maintain their own interests and friendship. Not only will this help you feel more fulfilled and more confident, but it will also increase your relationship resilience. Reducing the time spent together will make the two of you miss each other more and have more to talk about when you meet!
    • For example, you can cycle around with your best friend while he watches football with his "comrades".
    • Of course, if two people share the same interests, enjoy it together! But, don't be afraid to do something by yourself.
  2. Spending time take care of yourself. When the opportunity arises, you should make taking care of yourself a priority. This will make you feel happier and happier; Besides, he will also be happy to know that you care about your own life. This may make him propose to you, but even if he doesn't, you can still benefit from taking care of yourself!
    • Taking care of yourself can be things like relaxing in a soapy bath and an intensive hair treatment, but it can also be anything that makes your mentally, mentally or emotionally better. such as yoga or meditation, going for a quiet long walk, or journaling.
  3. Repeat positive affirmations when you feel a lack of confidence. Most people still feel suspicious about themselves from time to time. When you feel that you are not good enough, make a list of your good qualities, then look in the mirror and say them aloud to yourself.
    • For example, you could say "I am a good friend and I always try to help others feel better about myself. I deserve to be loved".
    • If you feel inferior because you haven't been proposed yet, remind yourself of the good things he did for you. For example, you could say, "Nam didn't mind the long way to see me the day I failed my economics exam. I know he loves me, even though we weren't engaged yet."
  4. Try to be financially independent. Being able to contribute to family building and making money-related decisions will help you feel more secure. Pursue a career that matches your personality, talents, and interests. When working, you should work hard and respect your boss to accumulate opportunities for advancement in your career.
    • In some cases, financial worries may be the reason he hasn't proposed to you yet, so being financially stable will help ease the stress.
  5. Exercise regularly to stay healthy and reduce stress. Exercising for 20-30 minutes a day is one of the ways to relax you. Try walking in the afternoon as a basic form of cardio exercise.You can also take a yoga class, play sports like swimming or volleyball, work out or work out with fitness videos in the living room.
    • In addition to its stress-reducing benefits, exercise also keeps your body slim and strong, boosting your confidence.
    • Looking good and feeling better about yourself will make you more attractive to your partner, so he won't be able to resist proposing to you.

    Advice: Try training together to be able to be together and in good health!


Method 3 of 3: Let the guy know you're interested in getting married

  1. Let's talk about the future together. If you want to guess how interested he is in his marriage, try mentioning his future plans. For example, you could talk about where you want to live, the childbirth story or the career you want to pursue. Try accidentally mentioning him in those plans and see how he reacts.
    • For example, you could say "I want us to do a trip to Europe together". That said, he is part of your dream.
    • If his answer was "I really like that!", He might be thinking about their futures too. If he just gives a shame answer like "Oh yeah, maybe" it means he still doesn't want to stick with you as much as you do.
  2. Spend time with happy couples. Meeting people in a good relationship may make him think about proposing to you. If either of you makes friends with strong, strong marriages, plan to meet them when possible.
    • For example, you could cook together, go to the movies or eat together or even travel together.
    • Going to a wedding party is another way he thinks about getting married.
  3. Point to your favorite engagement rings as an allusion to marriage. If you really want him to know you're looking forward to your engagement, look for a magazine or website that introduces engagement ring patterns. When you are with him, you just scroll through the pages and point out a few of your favorites.
    • Not only will this let him know that you are thinking about marriage, it will also show him your taste. For example, maybe he thinks you like a vintage ring with a big diamond, and you like modern or unique designs.
    • Tried not only on the rings that were out of his reach. If he thinks you can't give your choice, he might be hesitant to buy the ring.
    • If you don't want a ring, let him know instead of showing him the rings. This still tells him that you are thinking about getting married.

    Advice: You absolutely can talk about engagement rings to your lover. However, don't talk about the wedding all day long when the guy hasn't proposed, lest he feel overwhelmed and pressured.

  4. Propose guy if you think he's ready but hasn't acted yet. Don't be afraid to take the initiative! If you really want to get engaged but the guy is still "silent", why can't you speak up. You can propose or exchange rings, but make it clear that you want to marry him.
    • Try to think of ways to create a special and unforgettable proposal, such as inviting him to your first date or a romantic setting. When you arrive, you will tell him how important he is to you and offer to live with him for the rest of your life!


  • Don't pressure or trap him to marry you. If you do, you'll end up in an unhappy marriage that ends quickly.