How to get him to kiss you

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get A Guy To Kiss You
Video: How To Get A Guy To Kiss You


You started a romance with that particular guy, but you still don't know how to get your first kiss with him? Follow these steps to give suggestions to him.


Part 1 of 3: Arousing the mood

  1. Oral hygiene before meeting him. Anyway, the oral hygiene doesn't hurt. There is nothing worse than having to kiss someone who smells bad, or someone who is still being held between their teeth with food.

  2. Stay private with your boyfriend. Maybe this guy wants to kiss you but is afraid to do so in front of many people. Circumstances may motivate him to kiss you and be alone with you. If you are in the same group or in the middle of a party, make an excuse to go separately. Come up, touch his arm and say you want to talk privately. If not, you can pull your hand and tell him to come with you - he is yours after all!
    • Stay with him in private moments. If you don't approach or keep something between you, he may think you don't want to be kissed.

  3. Do something romantic. You don't have to schedule a candlelit dinner to create a moment of romance. Anything to do with physical touch is enough. If you can be a little sexy, the better.
    • Ask him to come home to watch a movie or show. Let him sit in the front seat - you can make an excuse to make popcorn so he has to sit first. When you come back, sit next to him, don't give him any way out. Maybe he'll put his arm on you — a big step closer to the kiss.
    • Have a picnic in a secluded place. While on a picnic, sit next to him, pick up a strawberry or a grape, and offer to feed him. Move your gaze from his eyes to his lips and back away. When you feed him, let the tips of your fingers gently touch his lips.

  4. Get him close. If this guy is shy, maybe he's looking for a more subtle way to reach your face, so give him a reason to make it happen. Think of a clever reason you can get closer. When the distance has shortened, show a "want to kiss" expression. Your move can create the moment he's been waiting for.
    • Tell him you want to see his eye color better, or that there seems to be something in your eye that you want him to see. You can also pretend that there's something on his face - keep close 'while wiping' and looking up at his eyes.

Part 2 of 3: Gesture suggestions

  1. Break the line on physical contact if you've been between before. Touch his elbow, hold his hand, brush his hair away from his face, or gently place your hand on his knee. Breaking these boundaries will make the two of you overcome your shyness with touch gestures.
    • Once you've crossed the line of shyness, move on. When you smile, place your hand on his arm. As you walk, hold his hand. Maybe he will understand what you mean and also begin to take the initiative to hold your hand.
  2. Lean on him. This will let him know that you enjoy physical contact, and that you are comfortable with him. This is your most obvious signal — and leaning will often lead to a kiss.
    • When leaning against him, rest your head on his shoulder. Fold their fingers tightly together and lean back comfortably. All those clues would say "I like being with you like this, kiss me!"
  3. Lip suggestion. Getting your boyfriend's attention to his lips will definitely give him the urge to kiss you. Do whatever you can to bring him attention to your lips. A classic approach is to gently bite the lip while looking at him.
    • Apply lip balm to his lips (And let him watch it). Remember that the lip gloss can be very sticky and make the kiss feel uncomfortable. Use an anti-chipping lip balm or lip balm if you want to avoid that sticky feeling.
    • Apply ice cubes to your lips if it is hot. Not only does this look very inviting, but it also makes your lips look as fresh as when applying lip balm.
    • Lick your lips as if eating something succulent. If you are eating watermelon, ice cream or other watery foods, leave a little liquid on your lips and slowly lick it. Be careful, don't let yourself look awkward doing this - you want to create an image of a sexy girl, not a girl who needs a tissue '.
  4. Flirting with your eyes. Eye contact is an important part of suggesting a kiss to your boyfriend. Make eye contact with him and smile gently. Smile with your eyes. Glancing from his eyes to his lips a few times, maybe a little erotic blink.
    • Also, when the two of you are looking at each other, especially when facing each other at close range, look him in the eye for a bit and look down shyly. Looking down a bit, then looking up again.
  5. Give him a few more serious suggestions at the moment of goodbye. If you're looking forward to a good-bye kiss at night, this is a big deal. When you greet each other, give him a tight hug and give him a kiss. Then look him in the eye. Even if he doesn't kiss you right after, you've shown that you don't mind kissing and physical contact.
    • When hugging, you can put your head on his chest to get him to hold him tighter. If you do, use some seductive perfume - he won't be able to help but recognize a pleasant fragrance from you.

Part 3 of 3: Verbal prompts

  1. Flirting with words. Just because your boyfriend isn't ready doesn't mean you should stop flirting.Flirting is something that makes your relationship light and healthy - moreover, it also shows your passionate feelings for him. Be playful and make fun of him (but not too much). You can even tease him about not kissing you (and it's a fairly straightforward way of saying I want to be kissed by you! ')
    • Send him flirting messages when you're not together. Humorous and emotional texts are a great way to be cute, even when you're not around. Just remember not to overwhelm him with texting - it's an outrageous act.
  2. Makes him feel confident. Guys love to feel like a strong supporter for their lover — bring that feeling to him. Even if you don't need him to open the lid of the jar tightly, you can still make him blow his nose when saying 'Oh my god! Look at your muscles! 'Of course this is just another flirting, but it also makes his confidence increase - hopefully, he will also come close to kissing you with confidence!
  3. Frankly you want him to kiss. Straightforwardness has both advantages and disadvantages. The upside is that you'll get the results instantly, and it will show him how confident you are - which is a very attractive point. The downside is that you will probably get unsatisfactory results. Maybe he still needs more time to get over his shyness, or he doesn't like kissing as much as you think. Either way, you'll get results — and you'll put less pressure on him to say what he wants.
    • You can make your offer both straightforward and sexy. When you are both hugging goodbye, move closer so your lips brush his ear, then whisper "Kiss me" or "I want to kiss you". Maybe the things you say and the feeling when your lips brush your ears will make him brave enough to kiss him.


  • Don't force him. No one likes being forced to kiss.
  • When you smile brightly and give him a hug, he will know he did the right thing and that you are happy about it, which will make him happier too.
  • In order not to embarrass him after the kiss, look deeply into his eyes and smile wistfully.
  • Don't worry. You will make him worry too.
  • If the kiss doesn't work as expected, don't despair. Maybe it's because he's too nervous - don't show that something is wrong. If you want, you can take the initiative to kiss him.
  • If he comes to your house, and you have siblings there, make sure they don't disturb you, as their presence may prevent him from kissing you anymore.
  • If everything goes well at first, stroke his hair. This action is adorable and charming, and it shows that you like what he just did.
  • If you haven't kissed after the first try, don't be discouraged. There are guys who are very shy when it comes to physical contact.
  • If he has a reputation for being good at kissing, don't be shy either, as you will learn a lot by kissing this guy, and as long as you are there, he will be happy.
  • If none of the above methods work, take the initiative! Kiss him and see where things go. He will probably be very grateful for taking the initiative.
  • If he doesn't kiss you, he may be shy or feel things are progressing too quickly. Please keep calm.
  • There are guys who don't like to rush, so don't "act" if either of you doesn't feel comfortable.