How to get someone to reply to your message

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Perfectly Respond To People Who Don’t Text Back
Video: How To Perfectly Respond To People Who Don’t Text Back


You keep glancing at your phone because 20 minutes have passed, the person you texted has not answered. You text a flirtatious emoji to a cute girl / guy that you just met but it's been an hour and they haven't responded. Over the past week, your mother hasn't contacted her since you texted her about your cousin's wedding. In such situations, there are ways to stop waiting and get the response you want. Let's start with step 1 below to get people to reply to your messages in any case.


Method 1 of 4: Compose the most appropriate message

  1. Consider who you are texting. Depending on the relationship between two people, there will be different boundaries based on social status, family relationships, gender and cultural norms, and so on. Are you close to the person, or just recently met? By determining the nature of the relationship, you will find the foundation for good communication.
    • There is often more space between close friends and family to become unresponsive and less likely to face a dilemma. However, if we are texting a potential lover, colleague, partner or someone with a formal relationship then different rules will apply. Keep this in mind when expressing your message.

  2. Determine what you want to say. A strong start and a meaningful message will help you avoid the problem in the first place. Many people are busy choosing not to respond to vague messages, unknown purposes or requests. Answer the following questions yourself:
    • What do you want to say?
    • Does your message have a purpose?
    • How do you think they will react when they receive the message?

  3. Write clear, intentional messages. You have done your best to understand the target audience, the purpose of the message, and how you should / should present it. Now you'll know at least the other person has responded based on the actual text rather than their situation or the nature of the relationship. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Attract attention

  1. Ask meaningful questions directly. It seems that when someone texts: "Hello" or even "Brother?", We will find it not important enough to disrupt the focus and want to reply. But by clearly expressing your intentions to your recipients, you have a better chance of getting a reply.
  2. Mark the message as HAVING. If you are sending out urgent information in a timely manner, the tip WRITE ALL UP and use the word EMERGENCY (or even mark the message as urgent using the software on your phone) is quite helpful. People will respond once they understand this is an important issue.
  3. Texting related to the person's interests. Maybe a message: "Hey, what's wrong?" and "alo, what are you doing?" Not enough attraction. Try engaging them with hobbies, work, school, genre / performance / artist you know the other person likes. People will prefer to communicate if the story focuses on the areas they are interested in.
  4. Use images or GIFs. Today's messaging is often integrated with apps like Zalo, Viber and Instagram. Combining funny cat meme or Minion GIFs can make the recipient smile and start getting interested in the conversation.
    • If you find yourself not good at verbal communication, use pictures, GIFs, and other media to convey your message in other ways.

Method 3 of 4: Talking face to face

  1. Tell the recipient what you texted the next time you meet. They may not answer there is a good reason. Bring the story in the norm and give them a chance to explain.
  2. Use your sense of humor to find out what's going on. First, put your trust in them and ask gently:
    • So you have been so busy grooming cats lately that you forgot to reply to your text messages?
    • Are you slow to reply to messages? I thought you were using the phone "smashing rocks".
  3. Ask them directly why they didn't reply to your message. If the other person keeps dodging or failing to give a satisfactory answer, you may need to fight head-on. However, this can cause the other person to feel uncomfortable and stress the relationship. So you need to assess the permanent severity of communication, the distance between two people and whether it is appropriate to ask straight questions or not. If you are overwhelmed by disappointment, ask directly to give yourself a chance to understand the problem. You can ask more directly as follows:
    • Why don't you reply to my messages?
    • Why are you replying to your messages so slowly?
  4. Pay attention to your body language and tone of your voice. When dealing with conflict, it is important to approach it in a positive manner. Therefore, it is very important to express your empathy through posture, tone of voice, and speech.
    • Equally important is understanding the other person's communication style. For example, a teacher might say, "I don't know what you're talking about", and a surfer would say, "I don't know". The ability to correctly judge statements, not just words, will help you understand others better.
    • Sometimes we will encounter criticism, defense, contempt, and other emotions that interfere with real communication. When you find yourself doing this, take a deep breath, and try to relax and open up to understand.
  5. Solve the problem at hand. When we are limited by technological equipment, we tend to view texting outside of other forms of communication.After all, texting is also an activity where two or more people share thoughts, feelings, actions, and attention. And so when problems arise in communication between you and others, the texting mode will face specific difficulties.
    • Listen to the other person's point of view and try to put yourself in them to feel and act. They may have some legitimate disappointment and you will find the cause if you change your behavior. On the other hand, easing the situation will direct you both back to healthy communication.
    • If either side needs to apologize, speak kindly or listen sincerely.
  6. Laugh. After all, it's just texting so we don't have to take the problem seriously. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Understand why others are not responding

  1. Think about your relationship with the person. Do they secretly like you (or vice versa)? Depending on the feelings one of the two has for each other, they may not respond immediately to hide their eagerness.
  2. Think for the recipient's life. Maybe they're busy at work, in conversation, still asleep, or even watching a movie. Many people choose to leave their phones at home or put them away so they don't depend on electronics. With your imagination, you will imagine many reasons why someone did not respond. We still often let other people do not respond to messages when it is due to circumstances.
  3. Be aware that texting reduces privacy and social boundaries. When you text someone at midnight or when they're on vacation, they rarely answer. It is important that everyone has the right to choose the level of access allowed. While we sometimes get impatient and frustrated (especially when texting), it's important to understand that others are under no obligation to reply to you immediately.
  4. Consider technical issues. Since most of us use phones and laptops with rechargeable batteries, the possibility of battery drain / failure is always present. The person may also drop the device in water or become unusable because the screen is broken. Or if you want someone you don't know (such as a shopkeeper) text you, remember that not everyone has a cell phone, and that some people only use it in emergencies.
  5. Consider the recipient audience. Depending on the nature of the relationship with the recipient, there are many social reasons why they might not respond. If this is the person you are investigating, they may feel anxious or disinterested. If the audience is a friend, chances are they are focusing on their creative efforts and thinking you will understand. With your family, they may be angry with you about something that cannot find a common voice and do not want to talk to you.
  6. Consider the subject's skill level in using technology. If you are texting with an older person, it is only natural that they are not fluent in smartphones and texting. They may need to get used to this medium first to meet your expectations of replying to messages.
    • One way to communicate with an unfamiliar person is to add them to a chat group of people who know how to text and reply on a regular basis. For example, you can create a chat group of parents and siblings so they can learn how most people text.
  7. Please be patient. When we don't put a lot of emphasis on whether someone will respond or not, we can often do something more purposeful. Sooner or later, the message you are looking forward to will arrive. advertisement


  • You need to make sure your message is clear and on purpose.
  • The recipient must have your phone number. Sometimes people will not respond to messages from unknown numbers.
  • As on social media platforms, it's better to text concisely.
  • Compose a message with a confident voice.
  • Make sure you are texting the correct phone number. After checking again, let them know who you are as many people will not answer strange numbers.


  • Do not send a message to hastily. If someone doesn't reply after 1 or 2 messages, even if you send 5 to 10 messages will just annoy them.
  • Don't use profanity.
  • Do not send anything that is too violent or intimidating for the recipient to respond. They may be angry or scared and the situation will get worse.