How to arouse a girlfriend's desire

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
99.9% Of All Women Are Turned On If You Say "THIS" | Tested on 1000’s of Women
Video: 99.9% Of All Women Are Turned On If You Say "THIS" | Tested on 1000’s of Women


Feminine arousing is an art, and to do that you have to strike the perfect balance between strength and gentle cuddling. You have to know how to interact with their bodies to understand what she wants and when she wants it. If you want to know how to arouse that feeling in women, then follow these steps.


Method 1 of 3: Mood Preparation

  1. Create a romantic atmosphere. Your girlfriend can feel excited even before kissing if she creates the right atmosphere. You must prepare carefully from light, scent to sound in the room. You can follow the instructions below:
    • Light up. After entering the room you need to reduce the brightness of the lights, just enough to see each other and prevent her from feeling embarrassed by seeing too well. You should also light a few more candles.
    • Create a seductive scent for the room. If you are planning on inviting her home at night, open your windows for fresh air during the day. Some dry herbs can be used to keep the air in the room fresh. When she comes you go ahead and light some incense or light scented candles.
    • Open music. Your girlfriend will feel more excited when you play the right music. Jazz music creates a mixed feeling, R&B music brings a lustful mood. Regardless of what kind of music you choose, you have to be natural when playing music, adjusting the sound just right.

  2. Prepare supporting items. First the room must be prepared to create a hot atmosphere and avoid being interrupted by other things. Here are some things that need to be prepared:
    • Drinks. Prepare foreign wine or other drinks she likes. There is a possibility that you will go home after dinner and have a drink, so to continue you should prepare a sip at home.
    • Food. If you need some time to warm up before going to bed, try eating a few snacks together. Prepare foods that are right for your mood like grapes, strawberries, cheese, biscuits or chocolate, don't eat greasy fried foods that will cause bloating, which will definitely lose interest. .
    • Prepare a towel. If you're going to have sex with her, prepare a clean towel and soap, and don't make a bad impression on damp towels.

  3. Prepare the room. Clean and decorate the room thoroughly so that it becomes attractive in the eyes of a woman, creating a feeling of inviting to get her ready to step into the bedroom. Here's how you can prepare the house:
    • Clean. This is the most important part of setting the mood for you two. Hide dirty wipes, clean all surfaces, and never let the toilet become dirty. You must make her feel good before you take action.
    • Stylish. The house doesn't have to be worth billions of dong to make a woman excited. All you have to do is buy some shiny wooden or leather items, some pretty pictures and a sound system to show her that you care about your surroundings as well. Avoid hanging pictures of yourself or your ex.
    • Get your bed ready. Clean the sheets and put two soft pillows on the bed, next to the small table. This is when you should take pictures of yourself and your loved ones away so that she can be comfortable in your arms.

Method 2 of 3: Perfect Forehead

  1. Make her feel natural. Once her mood is ready, start arousing by helping her feel as natural as home. Only when relaxed will she easily indulge you. You should follow the following instructions:
    • Hang up her coat and let her take off her shoes. After removing her shoes and coat she should feel more comfortable.
    • Lush. Do not force, but pour a glass of wine ready to drink up to her. If she does drink, drink it along to avoid embarrassing her.
    • Give praise. Make your woman happy by showing how much you like her. Let's say she looks great and you've had a great time together, how beautiful she smiles.
  2. Gestures of affection. When she's in the right mood, she probably wants you to sit closer too. Don't be shy, but get closer to her, gently begin to rub your body for her foreplay. Here's how to do it:
    • Sit next to her and let her legs touch. Put her arm around her and start messing with her hair if she shows an agreement.
    • If she wears a swinging earring, grab it and praise it for its beauty, while gently rubbing her earlobes with your remaining fingers.
    • Hold your hands tightly and caress your fingers if she likes it.
    • Massage in a sensual way. Massage her shoulders, lower back, and both arms to stimulate and relax her.
  3. Warm kiss. Kissing is the first important move, you need to do this well if you want to go further on that kiss.For the perfect kiss, you need to find a kiss that makes her irresistible. Here's how to do it:
    • Be gentle. First kiss lightly, don't use your tongue too much, then bite her lips lightly and gently touch the tip of her tongue with the tip of her tongue. If you see the sign of agreement, move your tongue deeper, but slowly.
    • Makes her want more. Stop kissing from time to time to look her in the eye, or kiss her on the back of her neck or shoulder. Don't keep kissing because it will make her bored or tired.
    • The movement is more and more intense. While kissing, move your hands under your body and gently feel the waist, chest, or inner cheeks of your thighs. Make sure she wants to.
  4. Start to undress. Once the kiss is too hot, it's time to undress and move on to the next step. To keep the rhythm you need to know how to undress properly. Please learn the following way:
    • Take off her shirt first. Gently grabbed the hem of her shirt and slipped it over her head. If she's wearing a button-up shirt then slowly take off each one and toss it aside.
    • Then take off your shirt. "Never" take off all your clothes first, because it can scare your girlfriend because you think you are too bold. Always be gentle.
    • After taking off your shirt you should continue to kiss, but wait to take off your bra. Pay attention to whether the bras hook is on the front or back, avoiding being clumsy when opening it. Don't jokingly say that you haven't done the pose for a while, or say it's too difficult to open, as it will only distract her and show you lack of experience.
    • Feel it lightly on pants or skirts. Gently touching your pants increases libido and makes her want you to take it off. If she's wearing pants, slowly pull it down, and if it's a skirt, it can easily slip over her legs.
    • You can either take off your pants on your own or wait for her to take it off if she feels okay. Now both of you are only wearing underwear, if you are ready then prepare sex.

Method 3 of 3: Correct Behavior in Bed

  1. Must be clear about the problem of sex. Even though you are sure of her will when she is only underwear, you still have to make it clear to her that you are about to have sex, so that no misunderstanding or embarrassment can happen out. Here's how to get her to respond to your intentions:
    • Ask the following: "Are you ready?" or "Do you want it?" Make sure she understands that you want to go further.
    • If she agrees, prepare a condom. Be proficient in wearing a condom, as neatly as possible to avoid losing the mood.
  2. Maximize her stimulation before having sex. Men are usually ready for women, so even if you really want to, you still have to spend some more warm-up on them. Here's how to do it:
    • Caress and kiss her all over. Kiss on the neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen and inner cheeks of the thighs.
    • Say you really like her body. Whisper a few words about her sexy body, or any other part of your body that you really like.
    • Gently touch your genitals. Arouse her desire by touching the area and then moving away, making her want even more. When she is ready for sex, move on.
  3. Find the right relationship for both of you. There are many ways to have perfect fun. Once you get started, you must figure out how your woman wants and what interests her. Here's a guide to finding out how to make a relationship with a new partner:
    • Try different poses. Start with the pose you are above, then notice if she likes it above you, or try a more unusual pose as well. Don't get too wild at first, but keep the rhythm steady before you start creating.
    • She likes to be gentle or intense. Try a lighter bite or feel more forceful to see how she reacts. Some women like to be cheerful and bold but want to wait for you to take the initiative. But if she likes being gentle, then be gentle and gently hug her.
    • Try swearing. Not everyone likes to swear, but if a girlfriend likes it then it is an effective way to stimulate her. Tell her what you are doing with her body, what you like to do with it, and compliment her on her beauty. If she doesn't react, decrease the intensity.
  4. Strong end. You both need to feel satisfied after spending time together, so before you're over you need to know she's satisfied too. Here's how to have a good ending in the bedroom:
    • Remember that many women cannot have an orgasm through intercourse, so if she is not satisfied then use your hand to help her.
    • When you're done, don't run out of the room or into the shower. Lie a little longer in bed and continue to stroke, letting her know she is very happy.
    • Do not be disappointed. If she can't reach her climax or if you have premature ejaculation, don't be disappointed. This is quite common, so deal with it calmly, to show that you are very confident about yourself.
  5. Make her want more. Once you've rearranged your bedroom, there are some things you can do to make her want to continue sleeping with you next time. Here's how to finish off to impress her:
    • Invite her to shower together. If she agrees, try to gently kiss her while she is taking a shower.
    • Don't be reserved after sex. You should give her private space but still appear to be a funny guy, as wonderful as the person she has known before.
    • Tell her you're happy and look forward to next time. Please politely see her home. Wear her jacket, drive her home or call for a taxi, and remember to kiss her goodbye.
    • Talk polite. Don't say, "When can I play again?", But say you guys had a great time together and you'll be calling her soon.
    • Make her think about seeing you again. Once she is gone, text your friends from time to time, so she'll look forward to getting back to you soon, even before you can buy a new candle.


  • Sharing is caring. Love her as much as she loves you, and focus on making her happy.
  • If you have premature ejaculation, don't act like a confused fool, just gently apologize and don't make a big deal of it.
  • Show off naturally when with her.


  • Don't force a woman to have sex, let her decide on her own so she won't regret going to bed with you.
  • Use condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. You should always wear a condom when you sleep with someone for the first time. Don't convince your partner that having sex without a condom will make you feel better, as you can clearly catch a dangerous infection.