How to get nude outdoors

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
Building and trying out Russian outdoor Shower
Video: Building and trying out Russian outdoor Shower


The idea of ​​being nude outdoors can be embarrassing for many people, but for others it's a great free-time experience. Being nude is not a shame or a mess, as long as you get it right. If you are thinking of getting rid of your clothes (and your constraints), learn how to not get in the way of the law or get into a nasty and funny situation. For starters, you should practice to please your body, gradually bring your "nature court" outdoors, and remember that only nude in places no one can see.


Part 1 of 3: Getting used to the nudity

  1. Comfortable with your body. Most of us are not used to seeing ourselves wearing nothing. To have the courage to step out naked, you must first be confident in your appearance and feeling. Take time to get used to your body in its most natural state without judgment or guilt.
    • Love and accept your body. Our bodies are different, and there's no reason for you to be ashamed of how you look.
    • Don't push yourself. It may take weeks, months, even years to get used to being nude.

  2. Prolongs the times of undressing. Surely at first you will feel strange if you are not used to feeling empty when not wearing anything. Take it easy and gradually increase the level of nude you feel comfortable with. You can remove your clothes before entering the bathroom in the morning, or don't hurry to get dressed right after bathing.
    • Get more comfortable with exposing your body by wearing a little "less fabric" every day. If you still wear sports pants and a T-shirt every day, try switching to shorts and a two-string shirt.
    • Once you've gotten past your initial shyness, you'll find a sense of freedom not wearing clothes.

  3. Began to sleep naked. Removing before bed is a natural way to practice being naked for longer periods of time. This way, you can still feel safe and still allow your body to breathe. Many people actually like to sleep naked because they don't get wrapped in clothes.
    • If you share a room with other people, make sure they don't mind being “empty” before they discover your new habit.
    • Sleeping naked is not only a personal preference, but it's also really healthy.

  4. Nude at home. You can get naked during everyday tasks like preparing breakfast, reading newspapers or answering emails. Soon you will begin to associate the nude with your daily activities, and this won't be too scary anymore. Since you are in a private place in your home, you can relax and enjoy a sense of freedom.
    • Only people living alone should use this approach, as it's weird forcing others to look at you naked.
    • Be sure to pull the curtains down so that nearby people won't accidentally look you in.

Part 2 of 3: Nudity outdoors

  1. Be mindful of legal and social risks. Before exposing your body to the rest of the world, it's a good idea to learn a little bit about the local regulations regarding public nudity. Even when not prohibited by law, outdoor nudity can be viewed by people living around it as pornography. By knowing about possible risks, you will avoid getting into trouble or unintentionally creating offensive feelings.
    • It is unwise to go to a public place with no cover on your body, especially where families and children go.
    • Once you've decided to go outdoors, you need to be ready to accept the possible consequences.
  2. Limited in private areas. At first, do not rush too far from your home. Choose places out of sight of your neighbors, such as on a screened patio or behind a tall fence. So you remain in a private place when taking the first steps beyond your living space.
    • It is often difficult to enjoy nude pleasure if you live in an apartment or in a crowded neighborhood with little private space.
  3. Wait until dark. When night falls, you have a chance to go further without fear of being seen by anyone. And even when they do find out what you are doing, it is not clear what you are doing. For most people, this is a great way to venture full nude for the first time.
    • To avoid the dilemma, it's best to go out early in the morning, while everyone is still asleep.
    • Stay away from street lights, headlights, traffic, or anything that might expose you.
  4. Nude outdoors during free time. When you are completely at ease, you can enjoy the wonderful outdoors in nature that nature has bestowed upon you. Embracing nudism is completely innocent and nothing to be shy about. You will feel more connected to the world around you as you break away from social norms and return to being human.
    • Take care of your garden or practice yoga when you get out of hot and entangled clothes.
    • Don't forget to keep out of sight of neighbors and passers-by. You will be in trouble if you report it to the authorities.

Part 3 of 3: Find suitable places to get naked

  1. Stay on your property. In general, you are free to do what you love in what you call home, as long as you don't harm anyone. That means there is no better place for you to shed your underwear than in your backyard. If there is a discreet barrier around the house, you can even sunbathe or take a leisurely walk.
    • A small dense forest or field away from the main road can be the perfect place to show yourself off.
    • Most countries have laws that prohibit nudity in public, such as parks or shopping malls.
  2. Go to the area for the naked people. In those places, you will be free to move around without fear of judgment or breaking the law. You will also have a chance to chat with people who are also naked and to better understand their lifestyle. They may even tip you to get naked in other situations and places.
    • Many regions have specialized resorts for those who want to practice the nude. You can surf the internet to find out if there is such a place near you.
    • Always respect those who choose to live naked. One must be very brave to expose one's body to others, and there is absolutely no room for harassment or ridicule.
  3. Take a trip to the nude beach. Plan your next vacation to a place like Southern France beach or Australia's Samurai beach. Your suitcase will be lighter because you don't have to bring a swimsuit, and when you leave the place you'll have a tanned skin that has never been so even. Only do not forget to bring sunscreen!
    • All major continents have nude beaches, and a trip there is worth it if you want to find a more interesting place than your backyard.
    • Do a thorough investigation to make sure that the place you are planning to visit allows nude in public before you depart.


  • If you are serious about exploring the nude, keep clean and keep your body clean.
  • Be careful when choosing when and where to go for outdoor walks when undressing.
  • Prepare to cover up quickly, in case someone suddenly appears.
  • You will be less likely to wash your clothes if you rarely wear them.
  • Don't let your parents know that you are practicing nude, you will probably have big trouble and will have to explain everything.


  • Don't try to impose your nude lifestyle on others. It's your choice, not theirs.
  • You could go to prison for undressing at the wrong place and time. Use careful consideration when deciding when and where to be naked is acceptable.
  • The risk of illness or injury is higher when the body is not shielded from environmental or weather factors.