How to deodorize shoes

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Deodorize Shoes - Solutions for Smelly Footwear
Video: How To Deodorize Shoes - Solutions for Smelly Footwear


Have your shoes recently become a topic in a bad sense? A stinking shoe can make us feel embarrassed.Luckily, we have a way to help you out. There are dozens of ways to eliminate shoe odors. Depending on the condition of the shoe, your best solution might also be simply a few ingredients for home use.


Method 1 of 2: A quick and easy fix

  1. Sprinkle baking soda on your shoes. This traditional method is known for a reason: it works. A tablespoon of baking soda sprinkled on smelly shoes will help absorb odors and moisture, which is a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply. For best results, sprinkle baking soda with your shoes off at night and shake off the baking soda the next morning before wearing them.
    • Avoid using this method on leather shoes - baking soda can dry out the leather.

  2. Put newspaper into your shoes. Instead of throwing the newspaper from yesterday in the trash, you can reuse newspaper with the tip deodorizing shoes. Wash the newspaper stuffed inside the shoes and put the shoes in a dry place for a few days. Newspaper will gradually absorb the odors and moisture in your shoes, giving you back the shoes that smell like new.
    • You could also try spraying your favorite sweet scent into newspaper. A few drops of vanilla extract also work very well.

  3. Try using cat litter. In spite of sound Not the first thing you want to put in your shoe, but your cat's litter sand is designed to neutralize odors, so this is a really great choice. A tablespoon or two of your cat's (clean) sanitary sand sprinkled in your shoes before you go to bed will help reduce odors significantly. Don't forget to shake your shoes on the trash can the next morning!

  4. Try coffee grounds. If you are a fan of coffee, save the grounds every day to eliminate the odor in your shoes. Sprinkle a handful of coffee grounds dried Get in shoes and leave for a few hours to remove the odor. It is important to use dry coffee grounds; Wet grounds will dampen your shoes (this will add a lingering odor worse before drying) and may stain shoes that are light in color.
    • Coffee grounds are also effective in deodorizing many other things. Try placing an open bowl of coffee grounds in the refrigerator. The results are the same as if you were using baking soda.
  5. Clean shoes with white vinegar. Using a rag or paper towel dipped in white vinegar to wipe the inside of your shoes is also a great way to deodorize. Remember to let the shoes dry completely before using them; otherwise, the smell should go away, but it's vinegar instead. Stuff your shoes with crumpled newspaper to absorb moisture if you use too much vinegar.
    • You can also try using vinegar in combination with the baking soda method in the previous step to create sparkling bubbles in your shoes and get rid of the smell.
    • Remember to use white vinegar. Other types of vinegar like apple cider vinegar and balsamic vinegar can stain shoes.
  6. Rub rubbing alcohol in the shoes. Alcohol is a powerful disinfectant and is very effective at killing many species of bacteria and microorganisms. Thanks to this property, alcohol is very effective in eliminating odor-causing bacteria in shoes. Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol (also known as isopropyl alcohol) and rub the inside of the shoe. Be sure to rub every corner and use more alcohol if necessary.
  7. Use scented paper to dry clothes. Clothes drying scented paper is a cheap and convenient material to deodorize shoes. Pack a piece of scented paper in each shoe at the end of the day to deodorize overnight. For best results, use fragrant paper; Non-fragrant paper can absorb unpleasant odors but leaves no fragrance in your shoes.
  8. Freeze shoes. According to some sources of guidance, this weird shoe cleaning tip will help the shoes smell better when they return to room temperature. The method of putting shoes in the freezer overnight is thought to help kill the bacteria that cause bad odors in the shoes.
    • However, you should note that some other sources object to this approach. Maybe you should use this tip along with one of the other tips above for safety if need have a pair of fragrant shoes.

Method 2 of 2: Handling severe odors

  1. Wash shoes in the washing machine. When clothes stink, you'll have to wash (hopefully), so why can't you use this method to treat shoes? For best results, remove the sole and laces of your shoes and place them in a pillow case or laundry bag to avoid getting lost. Wash shoes in warm or hot water with regular laundry soap. Repeat the washing process on shoes that are too smelly.
    • If possible, dry your shoes in the sun. Thus, not only will your shoes be exposed to fresh air to "ventilate", but the sun also acts as a natural disinfectant that kills odor-causing bacteria.
    • Note that here Not is a good choice for shoes that can be damaged by water (such as leather shoes).
  2. Use an antiseptic. Shoes that are constantly exposed to sweat, moisture and foot odor for many years can contain bacteria and fungi that dwell deeply in the fabric. To destroy these microorganisms, you may need to soak shoes in an antiseptic. This method uses bleach, so it is not a good choice for shoes with dark colors. You also should not use this method on materials that are hygroscopic such as skin. Follow these steps:
    • Soak shoes in rubbing alcohol. Let the alcohol completely soak in both the inside and outside of the shoe for about 5 minutes.
    • Dry your shoes in the sun. If the weather is not favorable, you can use the dryer on the low heat setting.
    • Make equal amounts of bleach and water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and carefully spray it on your shoes, both inside and out. Remove the tongue (the cushion between the top of the shoe and the sole of the foot) and the laces to ensure no area is left over.
    • If you have antifungal sprays, you can use them as a bleach. If not, let the shoes dry on their own before using them.
  3. Buy a new insole. If your shoes smell especially You can try to change some parts of the shoe to get rid of the bad smell. A new set of insoles is probably the most effective one you need to buy. Insoles are available as an accessory in most shoe stores and are usually fairly inexpensive. Insoles are also comfortable - many provide support and comfort for people who have to stand or walk a lot.
  4. Be careful using the microwave to kill bacteria. High temperatures can kill bacteria very effectively - that's why meat is often cooked before eating. You can heat your shoes in the microwave to kill bacteria, but be careful. Overheating too long can damage the shoes or the microwave. As with the above methods, this is not a good choice for shoes with leather or waterproof materials. Shoes with metal parts are also not suitable for this. Please follow these steps:
    • Soak a rag in water and wipe shoes both inside and out to completely damp but not soaked.
    • Microwave the shoes. Remove the disc if you have one in your oven.
    • Heat shoes at high power for 30 seconds. Stop and check the temperature carefully with the back of your hand. If it isn't hot, heat for another 30 seconds.
    • Continue heating for 30 seconds each time until the shoes are quite hot. Use tongs to remove shoes and air dry.
  5. Foot care. An effective way to eliminate shoe odors is to treat the original odor - your feet. Keeping the feet as clean, dry and fragrant as possible can make it much more difficult for the shoe to stink in the first place.
    • One way to keep feet clean is to use talcum powder. A little bit of talcum powder sprinkled on your feet and socks when your feet start to sweat will help absorb moisture and prevent bad bacteria from forming.
    • See our article on how to eliminate foot odor for more ideas.


  • A great reuse solution is to store baking soda in two old leather socks and tie them up. Put baking soda socks in your shoes when you're not wearing your shoes to absorb the odors before the smell develops.
  • If possible, you should buy a pair of shoes to reduce shoe odor. Changing shoes every day will give shoes time to ventilate after each use and greatly reduce odors that can build up.
  • For a slight odor, you can buy a spray bottle of Stink Stoppers. This product is not recommended for handling heavier odors. It just stinks and doesn't improve the situation. However, if you are buying new shoes but your feet are smelly then this product can be useful when you use it every night after removing the shoes.